LEGO has just joined as the official sponsor of Formula 1: A Journey to the Heart of Crossing Marketing

(In the words of Cánepa, Maurizio, and Maqueda) In a world where consumer experience is the new gold, the recent partnership between LEGO and Formula 1 (F1) stands as a beacon of innovation and creativity. This agreement, which will commence as an official sponsor (expanded), is slated for full implementation in 2025, yet there are already numerous activities in collaboration with brands like Ferrari, Aston Martin, Mercedes, and Williams. This cross-action not only signifies a merger of two entertainment giants but also marks a milestone in the application of crossing marketing, amplifying experiences, creating value through experiential products, and expanding categories. In this article, we will explore how this collaboration aligns with current trends and why value-driven brands like LEGO are increasingly interested in this approach.

Mercedes F1 + LEGO (check out this example)

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A Glimpse at the Partnership

The partnership between LEGO and F1 promises to be a symphony of creativity and speed. According to the official announcement, the collaboration includes the development of F1-inspired products, interactive experiences in fan zones, and digital content designed to capture the attention of families and fans of all ages. Toys, art pieces, brand boutiques, experiences, bars, museums, exhibitions, etc...

  1. This move is a clear example of how brands are leveraging the power of neuromarketing to emotionally connect with their audiences.

  2. The LEGO and Formula 1 partnership exemplifies how brands can innovate and evolve.

  3. The 80s and 90s are back, but recharged with AI + in digital content and super amplification, not just of product lines but across categories.


Summary Tips to Understand Crossing Marketing

  • Brand Integration: Brands unite to offer unique experiences that transcend the product.

  • Consumer Focus: Emotional connection and user experience are prioritized.

  • Digital Content: Utilizing digital platforms to amplify reach and engagement.

  • Immersive Experiences: Creating environments where consumers can interact directly with the brand.

  • Continuous Innovation: Constant adaptation and evolution are key to maintaining relevance.

  • Key Insight: Kids, young people, and adults are united by F1 cars, but the race is just one part; the crucial element is how the phydigital experience is lived.

  • Companies, agencies, marketing and branding teams, and strategic plans must be completely resized to this new paradigm of amplified value.

  • Strategic teams today must be able to work on medium, short, instant, and long-term planning—all coordinated.

  • The sole protagonist is the cross-integrality; everything is interconnected. Having the best AI team is futile if it isn't transformed into design, brand boutiques, or real events. We can have the best video marketing team, but without toys, museums, bars, and events that create real experiences, it won’t work.

  • What matters is the crossing experience, the head of culture, and a relentless pursuit of greater perceived, amplified, and real value.

  • It is vital to have a clear essence in branding to form strategic collaborations and create a league of “super friends” - “Avengers,” where each brand should be a true superhero, joining a super amplification of the experience in a system akin to the Avengers. Today’s companies require many teams (internal and external) for inter-departmental and inter-company coordination.

Why Crossing Marketing?

Crossing marketing is more than just a strategy; it’s a paradigm that redefines how brands interact with consumers. In the case of LEGO and F1, this collaboration seeks not only to boost sales but also to forge lasting emotional bonds. Tech brands are increasingly interested in partnering with F1 due to its ability to attract a diverse and passionate audience. This union allows tech companies to be valued in an ecosystem where user experience is paramount.

Check out the 11 i's of the new way to plan brands and companies 👍:

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The Importance of the "Head of Culture"

The role of the Head of Culture has become crucial in brand management in the modern era. This approach allows companies to understand and adapt to contemporary cultural dynamics. Instead of focusing solely on hard metrics, brands must adopt a more holistic mindset that integrates creativity and consumer experience. This paradigm shift is essential for brands to remain relevant in an increasingly competitive market.


The Fusion of Technology and Experience

Valuable brands like LEGO are adopting this model to enhance their value proposition. The collaboration with F1 will not only allow them to expand their product catalog but also offer experiences that emotionally connect with their consumers. Creating a LEGO set based on F1 race cars is just one of the many ways LEGO plans to bring the thrill of the track into the homes of its fans.

The Power of Immersive Experiences

The blending of the physical and digital (phydigital) is a rising trend reflected in LEGO and F1's strategy. Immersive experiences enable consumers not just to observe but to actively participate in the world that brands create. This approach not only boosts customer loyalty but also fosters a community around the brand. F1, with its vibrant and exhilarating atmosphere, is the perfect stage for LEGO to execute these initiatives.

A Historical Glance at F1 and LEGO

Since its inception in 1950, Formula 1 has been a benchmark in the motorsport world, merging speed with cutting-edge technology. Meanwhile, LEGO, founded in 1932 in Denmark, has been a cornerstone in developing children's creativity and constructive play. The combination of these two giants represents a fusion of passions that transcends generations.

  • The partnership between LEGO and Formula 1 goes beyond mere logo placement. It is a carefully orchestrated strategy aimed at creating an emotional bond between the brands and their fans.

The Psychology of Play: Why It Works

From the perspective of neuroscience and neuromarketing, play is fundamental to learning and emotional connection. Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt and change, is activated through playful experiences, making memories more enduring and significant.

How is this applied in the partnership?

  • Cognitive Stimulation: LEGO sets inspired by F1 not only foster creativity but also stimulate cognitive skills such as problem-solving.

  • Family Bonds: By creating together, parents and children can strengthen their emotional ties, resulting in a more enriching experience.

  • Emotional Memory: Experiences lived at sports events, combined with play, generate memories that last over time.

F1 as a Marketing Stage: A Global Success

In recent years, Formula 1 has transformed its business model, evolving from an exclusive sport to a global phenomenon. Brands like Ferrari, Red Bull, and Mercedes have understood the importance of connecting with consumers on a deeper level. With LEGO joining this ecosystem, a range of opportunities opens up to explore new forms of interaction and engagement.

Focus on Experiences That Continue to Be Enjoyed

The key to success lies in offering a memorable experience. With each race, fans seek not only the thrill of speed but also a connection with the brands they represent. This is where LEGO has the opportunity to shine, incorporating playful elements that resonate with the audience and giving value to their pieces that will be treasured as unique.

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LEGO se suma como sponsor oficial de la Fórmula 1 (un viaje al corazón del Crossing Marketing)

(Por Cánepa, Maurizio y Maqueda) En un mundo donde la experiencia del consumidor es el nuevo oro, la reciente asociación entre LEGO y la Fórmula 1 (F1) se erige como un faro de innovación y creatividad. Este acuerdo, que comenzará como sponsor oficial (ampliado), va a tener el 100% de su implementación en el 2025, pero ya hay muchas acciones con las marcas, como Ferrari, Aston Martin, Mercedes, Williams. 

LEGO has just joined as the official sponsor of Formula 1: A Journey to the Heart of Crossing Marketing

(In the words of Cánepa, Maurizio, and Maqueda) In a world where consumer experience is the new gold, the recent partnership between LEGO and Formula 1 (F1) stands as a beacon of innovation and creativity. This agreement, which will commence as an official sponsor (expanded), is slated for full implementation in 2025, yet there are already numerous activities in collaboration with brands like Ferrari, Aston Martin, Mercedes, and Williams. This cross-action not only signifies a merger of two entertainment giants but also marks a milestone in the application of crossing marketing, amplifying experiences, creating value through experiential products, and expanding categories. In this article, we will explore how this collaboration aligns with current trends and why value-driven brands like LEGO are increasingly interested in this approach.