The Conversation

Vie 10/03/2023

Should you pay for Meta’s and Twitter’s verified identity subscriptions? A social media researcher explains how the choice you face affects everyone else

(Anjana Susarla, Michigan State University) Social media services have generally been free of charge for users, but now, with ad revenues slowing down, social media companies are looking for new revenue streams beyond targeted ads. Now, Twitter is charging for its blue check verification, and Meta and Twitter both charge for identity protection.

Mar 07/03/2023

The retention problem: Women are going into tech but are also being driven out

(Vandana Singh, University of Tennessee) By 2029, there will be 3.6 million computing jobs in the U.S., but there will only be enough college graduates with computing degrees to fill 24% of these jobs. For decades, the U.S. has poured resources into improving gender representation in the tech industry. However, the numbers are not improving proportionately. Instead, they have remained stagnant, and initiatives are failing.

Mié 01/03/2023

La exclusión social, una bola que crece en España con cada crisis

(Miguel Laparra Navarro, Universidad Pública de Navarra) ¿Es hoy más difícil salir de la exclusión social? Es la pregunta que nos hacemos y que respondemos con un rotundo sí. Después de dos crisis intensas, la financiera de 2008-2014 y la de la Covid-19, y la irrupción de la última crisis, la de la inflación, se constata que el impacto sobre la exclusión social en España crece. De hecho, si la exclusión severa afectaba al 6,3 % de la población en España en 2007, ese porcentaje se duplica hasta un 12,7 % en 2021, afectando a 6 millones de personas.


  • (Miguel Laparra Navarro, Universidad Pública de Navarra) ¿Es hoy más difícil salir de la exclusión social? Es la pregunta que nos hacemos y que respondemos con un rotundo sí. Después de dos crisis intensas, la financiera de 2008-2014 y la de la Covid-19, y la irrupción de la última crisis, la de la inflación, se constata que el impacto sobre la exclusión social en España crece. De hecho, si la exclusión severa afectaba al 6,3 % de la población en España en 2007, ese porcentaje se duplica hasta un 12,7 % en 2021, afectando a 6 millones de personas.


Mié 01/03/2023

Marketing religioso: creer para trascender

(Ricardo Gutiérrez Barba, Universidad de Guadalajara) Comúnmente asociamos la mercadotecnia (o marketing) con anuncios de zapatos, ropa, comida, smartphones. En fin, con productos y servicios que consumimos regularmente. Como el hospedaje en un hotel, un dentista, los servicios de fontanería o un buen abogado para que nos saque de apuros.

Mié 01/03/2023

¿Influyen los rasgos personales de los directivos en el riesgo de las empresas que gestionan?

(Félix J. López Iturriaga, Universidad de Valladolid; Conrado Diego García-Gómez, Universidad de Valladolid, and Marina A. Zavertiaeva, Russian National Research University The Higher School of Economics)

El homo œconomicus (una persona racional, que maximiza su utilidad, tratando de obtener los mayores beneficios con un esfuerzo mínimo) como modelo de comportamiento del ser humano hace ya tiempo que ha quedado superado por la realidad. La explicación de determinadas decisiones financieras, como por ejemplo la asunción de riesgos por parte de los directivos, se está sirviendo cada vez más de la perspectiva que ofrece el campo de la economía del comportamiento (behavioural economics).

Lun 27/02/2023

How Putin has shrugged off unprecedented economic sanctions over Russia’s war in Ukraine – for now

(Peter Rutland, Wesleyan University) The U.S. and four dozen other countries have imposed punishing sanctions on Russia in reaction to its invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022. The sanctions were unprecedented in their scope and severity for an economy of Russia’s size.

Jue 23/02/2023

In rural America, right-to-repair laws are the leading edge of a pushback against growing corporate power

(Leland Glenna, Penn State) As tractors became more sophisticated over the past two decades, the big manufacturers allowed farmers fewer options for repairs. Rather than hiring independent repair shops, farmers have increasingly had to wait for company-authorized dealers to arrive. Getting repairs could take days, often leading to lost time and high costs.


  • (Leland Glenna, Penn State) As tractors became more sophisticated over the past two decades, the big manufacturers allowed farmers fewer options for repairs. Rather than hiring independent repair shops, farmers have increasingly had to wait for company-authorized dealers to arrive. Getting repairs could take days, often leading to lost time and high costs.


Jue 16/02/2023

Gambling Act review: how EU countries are tightening restrictions on ads and why the UK should too

(Raffaello Rossi, University of Bristol; Agnes Nairn, University of Bristol; Ben Ford, University of Bristol, and Jamie Wheaton, University of Bristol)

When the 2005 Gambling Act was drafted the world was very different. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube didn’t exist. Gambling was often seen as a shady activity typically conducted in smoky high-street betting shops. You certainly couldn’t use a smartphone to gamble 24/7 with a couple of clicks.

Mié 15/02/2023

Donations by top 50 US donors dropped sharply to $14 billion in 2022 – Bill Gates, Mike Bloomberg and Warren Buffett lead the list of biggest givers

(David Campbell, Binghamton University, State University of New York; Elizabeth J. Dale, Seattle University, and Michael Moody, Grand Valley State University) The 50 Americans who gave or pledged the most to charity in 2022 committed to giving US$14.1 billion to foundations, universities, hospitals and more – a total that was 60% below an inflation-adjusted $35.6 billion in 2021, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s latest annual tally of these donations.

Mié 08/02/2023

The future of flight in a net-zero-carbon world: 9 scenarios, lots of sustainable biofuel

(Candelaria Bergero, University of California, Irvine and Steve Davis, University of California, Irvine) Several major airlines have pledged to reach net-zero carbon emissions by midcentury to fight climate change. It’s an ambitious goal that will require an enormous ramp-up in sustainable aviation fuels, but that alone won’t be enough, our latest research shows.


Mar 31/01/2023

Rural Americans aren’t included in inflation figures – and for them, the cost of living may be rising faster

(Stephan Weiler, Colorado State University and Tessa Conroy, University of Wisconsin-Madison) When the Federal Reserve convenes at the end of January 2023 to set interest rates, it will be guided by one key bit of data: the U.S. inflation rate. The problem is, that stat ignores a sizable chunk of the country – rural America.

Vie 27/01/2023

How California’s ambitious new climate plan could help speed energy transformation around the world

(Daniel Sperling, University of California, Davis) California is embarking on an audacious new climate plan that aims to eliminate the state’s greenhouse gas footprint by 2045, and in the process, slash emissions far beyond its borders. The blueprint calls for massive transformations in industry, energy and transportation, as well as changes in institutions and human behaviors.


  • (Daniel Sperling, University of California, Davis) California is embarking on an audacious new climate plan that aims to eliminate the state’s greenhouse gas footprint by 2045, and in the process, slash emissions far beyond its borders. The blueprint calls for massive transformations in industry, energy and transportation, as well as changes in institutions and human behaviors.