The Conversation

Jue 12/01/2023

Tesla: what 2023 holds for the electric vehicle company and why it might be time for Musk to go

(Peter Wells, Cardiff University) If share price is anything to go by, Tesla is in trouble. The market capitalisation of the electric vehicle (EV) company has fallen by 73% from its record high in November 2021, causing concern for investors.

Mié 11/01/2023

Remote work has made developing relationships with colleagues harder – here’s what workers and bosses need now

(Mark Clark, American University Kogod School of Business and Meredith Persily, American University) Having good relationships with colleagues is key to building a rewarding and effective work experience. Employees who are engaged with their co-workers, such as reporting “a best friend at work” in Gallup’s well-regarded survey, are more likely to be productive, to stay with their organization and to contribute to the organization’s performance.

Lun 12/12/2022

Banking reforms expert Q&A: will relaxing the rules help the UK economy and what are the risks?

(Robert Webb, University of Stirling) Jeremy Hunt, the UK chancellor of the exchequer, has unveiled a package of measures aiming to protect the City of London’s position as one of the world’s leading financial capitals. With the UK having lost nearly a tenth of the financial assets it manages since Brexit, plus at least 7,000 jobs, mostly to mainland Europe, much of the focus of these “Edinburgh reforms” is on making London more competitive.

  • (Robert Webb, University of Stirling) Jeremy Hunt, the UK chancellor of the exchequer, has unveiled a package of measures aiming to protect the City of London’s position as one of the world’s leading financial capitals. With the UK having lost nearly a tenth of the financial assets it manages since Brexit, plus at least 7,000 jobs, mostly to mainland Europe, much of the focus of these “Edinburgh reforms” is on making London more competitive.

Lun 05/12/2022

As transgender employees become more common, here’s how workplaces can welcome diversity

(Jonathan Lord, University of Salford) The process for applying for a gender recognition certificate in the UK has become easier and cheaper due to government changes in recent years. There has been a slow increase in the the number of people applying as a result.

Vie 02/12/2022

Jiang Zemin propelled China’s economic rise in the world, leaving his successors to deal with the massive inequality that followed

(Edward Cunningham, Harvard Kennedy School) By the summer of 1989, a series of problems were threatening China’s stability. Soaring inflation was undermining the economy at home while the violent suppression of Tiananmen Square demonstrations had left it largely a pariah state abroad. Yet within a few years the nation rebounded – beginning two decades of high economic growth, membership in the largest trading club in the world and international acceptance on the global stage.

Mar 22/11/2022

Dramatic collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX contains lessons for investors but won’t affect most people

(D. Brian Blank, Mississippi State University and Brandy Hadley, Appalachian State University) In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, vast sums of money can be made or lost in the blink of an eye. In early November 2022, the second-largest cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, was valued at more than US$30 billion. By Nov. 14, FTX was in bankruptcy proceedings along with more than 100 companies connected to it. D. Brian Blank and Brandy Hadley are professors who study finance, investing and fintech. They explain how and why this incredible collapse happened, what effect it might have on the traditional financial sector and whether you need to care if you don’t own any cryptocurrency.


Mar 15/11/2022

Why it may not matter whether Elon Musk broke US labor laws with his mass firings at Twitter

(Raymond Hogler, Colorado State University) About a week after Elon Musk assumed control of Twitter on Oct. 28, 2022, the social media platform stirred up a storm of controversy by abruptly firing about half of its 7,500 employees.

Lun 31/10/2022

BBC at 100: scrapping the licence fee would disrupt the whole broadcasting market

(Robert Picard, University of Oxford) The BBC has been celebrating its 100th birthday this year, proudly looking back on a century of striving to inform, educate and entertain. The next few years could be tricky though – as questions over its funding threaten to crash the party.