SpaceX: The First Spacewalk for Tourists (Elon is Truly Changing the World) (The Other Space Race They Never Tell You About)

(By Taylor with contributions from Maurizio) In an event that will resonate through the annals of history, billionaire Jared Isaacman became the first civilian to conduct a spacewalk, 700 kilometers above Earth. This milestone, made possible by the audacious vision of Elon Musk and his company SpaceX, not only marks a new chapter in space exploration but also challenges our perceptions of accessibility to space for the average citizen.

Why is this narrative so profound and broadened in scope regarding this unique historical event? 

The content produced by Michelle Obama may subliminally or directly challenge figures like Elon Musk, mocking him in a context reminiscent of the film "Don't Look Up." In this scenario, we witness a world where powerful, greedy entrepreneurs overshadow politics, endangering humanity. According to the film "Leave the World Behind," the central concern is the absence of an omnipotent state capable of controlling those who seek power. In a scene laden with both implicit and explicit messages, akin to the architect's dialogue in "Matrix 3," one character reveals that no one possesses enough power to prevent a group from seizing control of the nation or the world.

  • The space race of the 1960s represented a struggle between democracy, progress, and communism, control, and totalitarianism. This cosmic competition symbolized who would prove to be more evolved; the lunar landing stood as a testament to global leadership and a promising future. At that time, the USSR and the U.S.—united by most free nations—competed for supremacy in this celestial contest.

Today, everything and nothing has changed. The concepts of control and totalitarianism have morphed, camouflaging themselves in new forms. The struggle for power seems to unfold within the politics of nations, regardless of their freedom status.

  • Elon Musk embodies the notion that a powerful state is not necessary to propel humanity forward. Rather, it requires teams, capital, ideas, freedom, ethical purposes, and a spirit of transcendence. This is the legacy of the U.S. and the free world, now embroiled in a struggle between statists—controllers—and liberals, civilists, entrepreneurs, libertarians, and innovators.

Thus, the battle between collectivism—control, concentration of power, and centralized distribution—and libertarianism—self-regulation, power division, and independent generation—manifests in a contemporary space race.

A Race Against Ideological Walls:

  • Progress vs. Control: In the 1960s, the space race symbolized the competition between freedom and totalitarianism; today, it remains a reflection of the struggle between innovation and control.

  • Global Union vs. Global Government: International collaboration was crucial in space exploration; today, cooperation remains vital to address global challenges like climate change and technology.

  • Dreams and Aspirations: The lunar landing embodied the realization of human dreams; today, space exploration signifies the quest for new frontiers and the expansion of human consciousness.

  • Evolution of Leadership: In the 1960s, leadership was measured by technological achievements; today, it is gauged by the ability to inspire and mobilize people toward a sustainable and ethical future.

The Vision of Musk and Branson (To Infinity and Beyond Fears and Control).

Elon Musk, alongside Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic, has transcended the traditional boundaries of space exploration. Both have demonstrated that dreams of traveling to space are no longer exclusive to trained astronauts but are within reach for those who can afford to dream and fund their ambitions.

“In 2017, I attended a conference by Richard Branson in New York. There, he shared his dream: for more people to witness Earth from space. According to him, seeing our planet from that perspective transformed his soul and vision. He realized we all inhabit the same round 'house,' prompting deep reflections on the need to promote good, beauty, progress, peace, and freedom. This aspiration is almost as altruistic as that of the ancient Greeks or the Renaissance in Italy—two brilliant periods in human history.” — Marcelo Maurizio.

  • “Both Elon Musk and Branson, despite their competition, embody the most valuable aspects of the human spirit: transcendence, freedom, independence, and evolution. Their creative essence, driven by imagination and communication, brings forth unique and transcendent desires and dreams. In their quest, they invite us all to rise and redefine our own existence.”

Without the entrepreneurial spirit that seeks coordination and consensus, no enterprise, regardless of its nature, could thrive. This innate drive to challenge the status quo, break boundaries, and surpass the present is one of humanity's greatest treasures. Any system that fosters this divine, transformative energy aligns with the purest essence of being. Conversely, what limits this vital force is neither intrinsic to humanity nor creation.

  • Without the entrepreneurial spirit seeking coordination and consensus, no company, regardless of its nature, could thrive. This innate drive to challenge the status quo, break boundaries, and transcend the present is one of humanity's greatest treasures. Any system that nurtures this divine and transformative energy aligns with the purest essence of being. Conversely, what constrains this vital force is neither inherent to humanity nor to creation.

These historical moments serve as beacons for mankind. They represent a new dawn, a day that underscores the essence and coherence of human unity in freedom. The lunar landing and the first civilian spacewalk symbolize profound expressions of the principles that imbue individual life and social organization with meaning, promoting the evolution of each individual in an environment of coordination and brotherhood.

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  • What this mission represents, which China does not pursue, despite its advances in certain technological aspects.

Historical Event: The first civilian spacewalk, executed by Jared Isaacman and engineer Sarah Gillis.
Polaris Down Mission: Achieved a record altitude of 1,400 km, an unprecedented accomplishment.
Duration of the Spacewalk: 20 minutes of exploration, a testament to technological advancement.

Insights on the Impact


  • Innovation: SpaceX's technology redefines the frontiers of space exploration.

  • Accessibility: The opportunity for civilians to engage in space missions opens a new tourism market.

  • Education and Awareness: Understanding advancements in space exploration and their implications for humanity is crucial.


An Unprecedented Space Journey


The Polaris Down mission was not merely a technical achievement but also a visual spectacle. The imagery of Isaacman emerging from the hatch, with Earth in the backdrop, serves as a reminder of the awe that the cosmos can inspire. As the hatch opened, applause erupted in the control center, echoing humanity's collective exhilaration at each new milestone.

The Experience of the Spacewalk


During the spacewalk, Isaacman and Gillis experienced weightlessness and the vastness of space. The depressurization of the capsule was a critical process before they could venture into the void. The wait, though nerve-wracking, was the prelude to an experience that would forever alter their lives. Witnessing Earth from that altitude, with its curvature and beauty, is a privilege few have had.

The Science Behind Space


Neuroscience and neuromarketing play a vital role in how we perceive these historical events. Our fascination with space and exploration feeds off an innate desire to uncover the unknown. The imagery and narratives surrounding these missions possess a profound emotional impact, influencing how media and social networks disseminate these stories.

The spacewalk by Isaacman and Gillis is not just a technical achievement; it is a symbol of what humanity can accomplish when innovation, ambition, and vision converge. History teaches us that limits exist only if we allow them. This event invites us to reflect on our own boundaries and our willingness to expand our understanding of the universe.

This moment marks a paradigmatic shift in how we consider space exploration, opening doors to new opportunities for space tourists. SpaceX has demonstrated that technology can be both accessible and efficient, potentially inspiring other companies to follow suit. Events like this help democratize access to space, fostering broader interest in science and exploration.

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