McLaren, the Fresh Formula 1 Leader, Amazes the World with Special Decoration for the Singapore GP: A Journey to the Past with a Futuristic Twist (Why?)

(Por Maqueda y Maurizio) Ever wonder why so many On and Tech companies are diving deeper into the real-world F1 experience, at every team and every GP? The Singapore Grand Prix is just around the corner, and McLaren Racing is set to unveil an exciting revelation. In an event where speed meets innovation and tradition, McLaren is honoring its rich history with a special decoration that evokes the golden era of the MP4. This initiative promises to excite fans while highlighting the significance of visual storytelling in motorsport.

McLaren is one of the many teams whose sponsors are predominantly tech companies, strategically aiming to add depth, proximity, and humanity to their online product developments. This reflects a new coherence aptly described by the term "Phydigital."

This retro-futuristic makeover, featuring more white while staying relevant to the present, harkens back to when a cigarette brand was the primary sponsor, while today, tech giants, including none other than Google, are vying for a real presence, executing cross-marketing strategies to expand value in real experiences for all their clients, whether B2B or millions of users.


Quick Summary:


  • Decoration "Legend Reborn": Pays tribute to the iconic MP4 era (1981-1996).


  • Colors: Blends classic papaya orange with a distinctive white stripe.


  • Legendary Names: Features Ayrton Senna, Alain Prost, and Niki Lauda.


  • Collaboration: Designed in partnership with OKX, the team’s sponsor.


Check out how OKX, the fastest and most reliable cryptocurrency trading app for professionals worldwide, expands its trust, relationships, and experience through real cross-marketing actions with F1 and McLaren Racing.

Objective: Celebrate McLaren's history while connecting with new generations of fans.

A Symphony of History and Innovation

McLaren, a name that resonates powerfully in the F1 realm, has successfully fused its legacy with modernity through its latest decoration. The "Legend Reborn" campaign is not just a nod to the past; it's a bold statement for the future. As Louise McEwen, Marketing Director of McLaren Racing, puts it, this decoration celebrates and connects fans across generations, bridging the gap between nostalgia and new F1 enthusiasts.


Tip 1: The Importance of Visual Narrative

Neuroscience shows that visual stories are more effective at capturing attention and fostering emotional connections. In this regard, McLaren has encapsulated decades of history into a rolling work of art.

Details that Make a Difference

The MCL38, McLaren's race car piloted by Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri, will showcase a prominent white stripe on the sidepods and hood, accentuating the team's traditional papaya orange. This combination is not only visually appealing but also symbolically significant: a journey from glorious days toward a promising future. The names of 13 iconic drivers, including legends like Ayrton Senna and Niki Lauda, are woven into the design. This approach honors their legacy and serves as a reminder that greatness is built on the shoulders of those who came before us.

Tip 2: Emotional Connection

Using references to iconic figures in the car's design creates a visual impact while triggering emotional memories in fans—a key aspect of neuromarketing that can boost engagement and loyalty.

Tip 3: The Convergence of Tradition and Innovation

The fusion of tradition and innovation is vital across industries. By presenting a decoration that honors its legacy while looking to the future, McLaren sets a standard for other teams and brands.



  • The launch of McLaren's special decoration "Legend Reborn" for the Singapore Grand Prix transcends mere aesthetics; it’s a carefully crafted strategy that intertwines the team's rich history with a contemporary approach that resonates with new generations. This initiative aims not just to capture fans' attention but to establish an emotional dialogue with them—a crucial aspect in the world of neuromarketing.

McLaren has demonstrated that by integrating history with innovation and modernity, it can create memorable experiences that go beyond mere competition on the track. This approach not only honors the great drivers of the past but also invites new fans to be part of an ever-evolving narrative. The collaboration with OKX adds another layer of modernity, connecting the cryptocurrency world with the thrilling universe of Formula 1.

  • Formula 1 is, in many ways, a microcosm of life itself: a journey filled with challenges, victories, and, above all, the desire to surpass oneself. Through its "Legend Reborn" decoration, McLaren not only aligns with this philosophy but elevates it to new heights. As the cars race through the challenging streets of Singapore, they carry not just speed and competition but also the history and future of one of motorsport's most iconic teams.


"So, as we prepare to enjoy the spectacle that promises to be the Singapore Grand Prix, let's remember that every lap on the track is a tribute to those who have made it possible to get here. With McLaren at the wheel, the legacy continues, and the future shines brighter than ever."


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McLaren, the Fresh Formula 1 Leader, Amazes the World with Special Decoration for the Singapore GP: A Journey to the Past with a Futuristic Twist (Why?)

(Por Maqueda y Maurizio) Ever wonder why so many On and Tech companies are diving deeper into the real-world F1 experience, at every team and every GP? The Singapore Grand Prix is just around the corner, and McLaren Racing is set to unveil an exciting revelation. In an event where speed meets innovation and tradition, McLaren is honoring its rich history with a special decoration that evokes the golden era of the MP4. This initiative promises to excite fans while highlighting the significance of visual storytelling in motorsport.