Miami and Latam are more than happy! Messi is back and led Inter Miami CF to a 3-1 victory against Philadelphia Union (Goals, analysis, and photos)

(By Ortega and Cánepa.) On the night of September 15, 2024, the stadium of Inter Miami CF lit up with the magic of Lionel Messi and Luis Suárez, who, with their overflowing talent, guided their team to a commanding 3-1 win over Philadelphia Union. This triumph not only adds points to the standings but also rewrites the history of Major League Soccer (MLS), placing the club in a privileged position in its quest for the Supporters' Shield trophy.

On that night, Inter Miami CF didn’t just win a game; they won a chapter in the history of American soccer, driven by the talent and dedication of their stars. Lionel Messi and Luis Suárez are not just players; they are symbols of a shift in the dynamic of the sport in this region, attracting a diverse and passionate fanbase that identifies with their struggles and successes.

Miami is a fusion of Latin passion and Anglo focus, and Inter Miami is changing soccer from Miami based on this blend.

How was the Match?

From the very first minute, the match promised intense emotions. Philadelphia Union, with the boldness of a gladiator, quickly took the lead thanks to striker Mikael Uhre's goal. However, Inter Miami's reaction was almost immediate and exemplary. The lineup, spearheaded by the legendary Messi, showcased admirable cohesion, overcoming the initial setback with a strategy that combined individual skill and teamwork.


IN Miami:

Victory for Inter Miami CF: 3-1 against Philadelphia Union.

Scorers: Lionel Messi (2) and Luis Suárez (1).

Records: Messi reaches 15 goals and 15 assists in 19 matches.

First from behind the goal:
Instagram Link


Leo opens the scoring:
Instagram Link


Messi's second goal:
Instagram Link


The third:
Instagram Link


The Response of an Icon

Lionel Messi, in his first MLS match since June 1, wasted no time showcasing why he’s considered one of the greatest in history. In the 26th minute, after a masterful play involving Jordi Alba and Luis Suárez, Messi equalized the match with a cross-shot that left the opposing goalkeeper with no chance. This goal was not only a boost of confidence for his team but also a testament to Messi's leadership and ability to influence critical moments.

Game Analysis

The first half culminated with Messi scoring his second goal in the 30th minute, a testament to his innate ability to position himself in the right place. This second goal, resulting from a precise pass from Alba, sealed a first half already marked by the magic of the “10.”

  • Messi not only scored two goals but also provided an assist, becoming the fastest player to reach 15 goals and 15 assists in MLS.

Suárez, in addition to scoring the third goal, set a new club record with his seventeenth goal of the season, surpassing Gonzalo Higuaín.

A Second Half of Resilience

The second half reflected the competition that characterizes the MLS. Both teams created opportunities, although Inter Miami showcased a solid defense led by Drake Callender, who made key saves to maintain the lead. The match concluded with a goal from Suárez in the eighth minute of stoppage time, a strike that not only sealed the victory but also reaffirmed the connection between the forwards.

Looking Ahead

With this victory, Inter Miami CF prepares for its next challenge in Atlanta, aiming to continue its winning streak. The fans, excited and expectant, breathe in the energy of a season that promises to be historic. The 'City of Icons' Night, presented by Royal Caribbean, not only celebrated the fans but also reinforced the ties between the team and the community, highlighting the pride of being part of the “Magic City.”

Impact on the Anglo-Latin Community

Inter Miami CF's victory resonates not only in the sports realm but also has a significant impact on the Anglo-Latin community in Miami and Latin America. This triumph is a point of pride that unites families and promotes cultural interaction. The growing popularity of MLS among Anglo-Latins is a clear indication that soccer is becoming a social phenomenon that transcends borders.



A Call to Action for Fans

As part of this vibrant community, fans play a fundamental role in the ongoing success of Inter Miami. The passion and support of the followers not only fuel the team’s spirit but also create an environment that attracts more talent and international-caliber events.

Strategies to Get Involved:


  • Attend Matches: Every ticket counts, and the atmosphere in the stadium can be the boost the team needs.


  • Social Media Promotion: Sharing highlights and team news helps create a sense of online community.


  • Participation in Local Events: Getting involved in club-related activities strengthens the bond between the team and the city.


Acknowledgments and Recognition

The night of victory was also a celebration of the city of Miami and its icons, with Royal Caribbean as the sponsor. The distribution of limited-edition caps to the first 10,000 fans was just one of many initiatives aimed at connecting the club with its fan base. Such events are essential for fostering loyalty and a sense of belonging in a diverse community.

The victory of Inter Miami CF over Philadelphia Union is more than just a result; it’s a testament to the power of teamwork, strategy, and passion. The combination of talent and determination is transforming the MLS, and Messi and Suárez are at the heart of this renaissance. As a community, we must continue to support our icons, celebrating every triumph and learning from each challenge.

Soccer in Miami has reached new heights, and with every match, a new chapter in this exciting story is being written. So, fans, get ready for an exhilarating journey in the quest for the Supporters’ Shield trophy! The magic is just beginning, and together, as a community, we have the power to lead our team to glory.

Let’s go, Inter Miami!

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