Mercado Libre, the Latin-origin Giant from Argentina, Ventures into the Streaming World with "Mercado Play"

(By Maqueda & Maurizio) The e-commerce behemoth, Mercado Libre, has taken a bold step into the entertainment industry with the launch of its own streaming platform, "Mercado Play." According to specialized sources in audiovisual trends like TAVI Latam, the Argentine company is in the final stages of preparation to take on the streaming leader, Netflix. We bring you the scoop on their "stealthy" launch.

The announcement of "Mercado Play" by Mercado Libre showcases its ambition to diversify services and offer an enticing entertainment proposition for its users. We eagerly await the full development and rollout of this platform, and how it will compete and stand out in the fiercely competitive and ever-evolving streaming market.

How's the project progressing?

"Mercado Play," currently in its pilot version, seamlessly integrates into the Mercado Libre platform, granting users access to a vast catalog of movies, series, and children's content, available on both the mobile app and web version. The company's strategy is to offer the service for free with advertisements, making it appealing to a broad audience in Latin America. The platform is expected to be available in multiple countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Peru, and Ecuador.

Upon the news of this new endeavor, Mercado Libre spokespersons wasted no time confirming the company's foray into the entertainment world. They expressed that the company is more than just an e-commerce platform; it aims to transform the lives of millions of people in the region. In that spirit, the launch of "Mercado Play" represents an opportunity to accompany and drive growth in the entertainment sector.

"We are exploring the first steps in the entertainment world with audiovisual content and advertising solutions," stated the company representatives. Undoubtedly, this new venture poses a significant challenge for Mercado Libre, which has demonstrated its capacity for innovation and adaptability in the e-commerce realm.

Mercado Libre is, perhaps, the sole multinational brand and company of Argentine origin with substantial weight today. Although Argentina boasts significant developments, when compared to Brazil, Mexico, and Chile, it has lost ground in recent decades due to the country's enormous tax burden and populist economic policies.

We look forward to the coming weeks when the company will reveal more details and advancements in the project, creating great anticipation among users interested in the company's entertainment offering.

First insights from the trial use:

To access "Mercado Play," users only need to have a Mercado Libre account and be connected to the internet. The platform seamlessly integrates into the Mercado Libre app, enabling users to enjoy its content on any mobile device or smart TV. This ease of access ensures users can enjoy the entertainment offered by the platform anytime, anywhere.

The distinctive feature of "Mercado Play" is that it is entirely free and does not require a subscription or monthly payment. Users can access the content without limits or restrictions, making it an attractive value addition for those interested in an entertainment experience without additional costs.

Can "Mercado Play" successfully compete with Netflix?

The platform boasts a diverse and up-to-date catalog of audiovisual content, categorized into four main sections: movies, series, documentaries, and education. This variety of options allows users to choose content that aligns with their preferences and interests, similar to what other leading streaming platforms offer.

What supports this innovation?

Mercado Libre's move into the streaming world with "Mercado Play" reflects a growing trend among e-commerce companies aiming to engage and offer added value beyond their core services. A standout example is Amazon, which has successfully ventured into the streaming market with Prime Video, providing an extensive selection of movies, series, and original content. Similarly, other companies like Alibaba have explored the streaming market to expand their reach and meet their audience's demands.

Additionally, "Mercado Play" offers age filters and allows users to choose from multiple language dubs, including English, Portuguese, and Spanish, as well as add subtitles, ensuring a more personalized experience for each user.

The added value of Mercado Libre:

Mercado Libre's entry into the streaming market with "Mercado Play" is a bold and innovative move to establish itself as a trailblazer in the entertainment world in Latin America. To access the content catalog and enjoy exclusive benefits offered by the platform, users simply need to access the Mercado Libre app and tap on the "Mercado Play" icon.

Once again, Mercado Libre demonstrates its capacity for innovation and strategic vision by expanding into a new industry. The launch of Mercado Play promises to revolutionize the entertainment market in the region, offering users a unique and accessible streaming experience.

Among the exclusive benefits, "Mercado Play" allows Mercado Libre users to access discounts, free shipping, and accumulate points for the "Mercado Puntos" program. These points can be redeemed for products, services, or experiences within the platform, providing an additional incentive to use and enjoy the new streaming service.

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