Miami: An Argentine TV spot by the Noblex brand is revolutionizing "Soccer" in Miami and Latin America

(By Marcelo Maurizio and Juan Maqueda) This campaign is igniting a social media frenzy not just in Argentina, but all across Latin America, including the vibrant city of Miami. Named "simply soccer."", this campaign is all about showcasing Noblex's unwavering support for the world champions, especially the legendary Messi. But here's the clever twist that's grabbing attention: it's how Messi is making "Soccer" in Miami transform into "Fútbol".

Miami is buzzing with excitement as an Argentine TV brand, Noblex, has launched a game-changing marketing campaign that's turning heads in the world of "Soccer" – or as we like to call it, "Fútbol".

In a nutshell:

  • Social Media Sensation: This jaw-dropping campaign from Noblex, hailing from Argentina, is setting social media on fire and going viral across Latam and Miami.

  • "Soccer" Campaign: Noblex's campaign shines a spotlight on Argentina's support and the brand's backing for Messi and the world champions, with an ironic twist that turns "Soccer" into "Fútbol".

  • Creative Brilliance: The campaign stands out thanks to its ingenious planning and creative execution, capturing attention with a unique and witty approach.

  • Psychological Value: Noblex masterfully harnesses invaluable psychological value by transforming "Soccer" into an unbreakable message of support.

  • On-Off Fusion: The strategy beautifully demonstrates the power of blending cross-platform creativity with intelligent planning, creating a one-of-a-kind experience.

  • Emotional Connection: The campaign deeply resonates with fans by highlighting Noblex's passionate support for Argentina's national football.

  • Universal Message: The commercial hits digital media and social platforms, spreading an exhilarating message of encouragement and support globally.

  • Pioneering Boldness: Noblex and their creative agency Gut deserve a standing ovation for creating a bold and disruptive campaign in an industry where innovation reigns supreme.

  • Language Transformation: The campaign plays with linguistic transitions, emphasizing that support for champions remains steadfast whether it's called "fútbol" or "soccer".

  • Long-lasting Commitment: Noblex's CEO underlines the brand's unwavering commitment to sports and the national team, transcending geographical boundaries.

  • Branding Focus: Noblex's strategy showcases the significance of branding and customer passion as key differentiators in a competitive market.

Noblex's campaign, driven by unparalleled creativity and intelligent planning, is changing the marketing game. By transforming "Soccer" into "Fútbol", the brand communicates its passionate support and strikes a chord with global fans. This disruptive approach highlights the importance of creativity, branding, and emotional connection in an industry that thrives on constant innovation.

This spot plays with the change of the name of the famous program in Argentina, previously known as simply "fútbol," now rebranded by Noblex as simply "Soccer" (a stroke of genius

Decoding the Masterstroke of Planning:

The brilliance of this success lies not just in the script – it's the strategic planning behind it. Here's why:

This brilliant spot executes a flawless planning game. This often overlooked key point is what sets the campaign and spot apart. Through meticulous research and decoding, an extraordinary observation is revealed and a unique analogy is presented. The message is crystal clear: Argentina supports Messi in every aspect. It goes so far as to propose that if Argentina, a world champion country, has to change the name of its beloved sport, "fútbol", it would do so for Messi, adopting the term "Soccer".

Noblex seizes a psychological value worth millions, especially in Argentina and possibly across much of Latin America: the strategic vision to invest in something different and crucial, something that matters most to any brand or product.

Noblex's story highlights value generation through creativity, cross-platform engagement, and a foundation of exceptionally smart planning. An inspiring example of how a brand can stand out in a competitive market.

Speaking of advertising genius, the movie "El Gerente", directed by Ariel Winograd, recounts the boldest marketing strategy of the Argentine brand Noblex during the 2018 World Cup. Facing a daring gamble, the brand introduced the offer "If Argentina doesn't qualify, we'll refund your TV money". This promotion took suspense to another level as Argentina's qualification for the 2018 Russia World Cup was clinched in the last game of the qualifiers. It's a high-impact approach that captured everyone's attention.

But why is what Noblex does so relevant?

While it's true that Gut, the top advertising agency in the world in 2023, based in Argentina and Miami, is known for its astonishing creativity and ability to tell stories from a lateral perspective, the reality is that Argentina boasts numerous equally talented creative agencies. However, Argentine advertisers are scarce in daring to be disruptive, creating spots, and executing cross-platform strategies.

Despite the economic challenges Argentina has faced since the 2001 crisis, there is a reluctance in the local market and among local brands to create the value customers crave: branding and customer passion. It's a venture into causes and passions that is yet to fully materialize.

This reality has a deeper root. An analysis of the current state of communication, marketing, and branding in Argentina and many Latin American countries reveals an important observation. Latin companies lag behind in their approach, believing that the main investment in media and marketing is online. Even worse, many believe that the budget is limited and lack tangible actions and creativity.

Noblex has set a milestone in Miami and around the world with its advertising campaign. The brand expresses unwavering support for the soccer of the Argentine national team, even when they play in the Major League Soccer (MLS) of the United States. The creative agency Gut has played a crucial role in the development of this campaign, featuring an advertising spot filmed by Argentinacine. In this commercial, Noblex positions itself as the Official TV of the world champions, committing to support the National Team no matter where they play, whether it's in the local league, Europe, or the MLS.

The inspiration behind the campaign comes from Lionel Messi's recent venture into the MLS, which popularized the term "soccer" in Argentina. However, Noblex emphasizes that their passionate support for soccer remains unchanged, regardless of whether it's called "soccer" or "football".

Ignacio Ferioli, CCO & Partner of GUT, notes that even though the term "soccer" might sound unnatural to Argentinians, the campaign reflects the idea that support for world champions knows no geographical boundaries.

Marcelo Romeo, CEO of Noblex, highlights the brand's commitment to sports and the national team, underscoring unwavering passion and support for the players, regardless of national barriers.

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