The astonishing Cross Marketing strategy of Michelin Tires: Why does Michelin reward the best restaurants in the world?

(By Marcelo Maurizio, Gerardo Solis, and the infonegocios Miami editorial team) For over 100 years, Michelin Tires has been recognized not only for its exceptional tire manufacturing but also for annually recommending the best restaurants in major cities around the world. That's right, the tire manufacturer takes on the task of identifying establishments that offer the best culinary experiences, honoring them with one, two, or three stars based on their gastronomic level.

But how does a tire brand get involved in recognizing the best restaurants when it's not even their area of expertise?

It is clear that if you travel more kilometers to enjoy Michelin-starred restaurants, you will increasingly use tires from that brand.

This is an absolutely forward-thinking, cross-promotion, generous, and strategic approach that few brands dare to take because it is so logical and powerful.

How did it all begin?

Well, it all started in 1900 when Michelin came up with the idea of creating a brochure that provided travelers with destinations and recommendations for their car journeys. The success of this comprehensive series, known as the Michelin Guide, not only became a tradition but also underwent evolution.

In 1926, this publication began awarding stars to establishments that offered the best culinary experiences, becoming a reference in the culinary world.

What does the awarding process entail?

The selection of restaurants is organized through a star allocation system, with the most prestigious accolade being the attainment of three stars by a restaurant.

This rating is given to restaurants that offer a unique cuisine that justifies a specific trip to their location. The restaurant that receives two stars provides exceptional gastronomy worth deviating from the path, while one star is awarded to a high-quality establishment worth stopping for.

Whether in Paris, Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, or any city included in the list of 40 metropolises, restaurants are evaluated based on five criteria: quality of ingredients, harmony of flavors, mastery of culinary techniques, the personality the chef expresses through their cuisine, and consistency over time between each visit and each dish on the menu.

Additionally, Michelin's gastronomic inspectors also particularly appreciate the Bib Gourmand, another distinction awarded within the Guide's selection of restaurants. This section, symbolized by the face of the Michelin Man - Bibendum - licking his lips, highlights restaurants that offer quality cuisine at a moderate price.

What about the rating process?

Another aspect worth mentioning is that Michelin Guide inspectors are known for their anonymity as well as the stars they award. Responsible for selecting the world's best culinary establishments, these Michelin Group employees have professional training in hospitality or cuisine and have worked in the restaurant or hospitality industry for several years.

To ensure fairness and impartiality in their evaluations, inspectors visit each restaurant incognito. They make reservations, order their food, dine, and pay the bill like any other customer. With this independence and anonymity, inspectors can dedicate their full attention to evaluating restaurants, no matter how much time is needed.

That's why, a century after its creation, the Michelin Guide remains a reference in the gastronomic world. Every decision to select and potentially distinguish a restaurant is made collectively after multiple visits by different inspectors.

By employing rigorous evaluation standards and maintaining the highest level of anonymity, Michelin ensures that its stars shine brightly on the most deserving culinary establishments. So, the next time you see a restaurant adorned with Michelin stars, you'll know it's an extraordinary culinary experience that has been recognized by experts who appreciate the artistry and passion behind the plate.

Now, let's explore some of the historically acclaimed restaurants that have garnered Michelin stars throughout the years. From iconic French establishments like Maison Troisgros and Le Bernardin to celebrated international venues such as El Celler de Can Roca and The Fat Duck, these culinary destinations have achieved legendary status in the gastronomic world.

As for the countries with the most Michelin stars, France undoubtedly leads the group, being the birthplace of Michelin and home to many renowned restaurants. However, Japan has also emerged as a culinary powerhouse, with numerous Michelin-starred restaurants.

Impacto en Silicon Beach (Miami) y en el mundo con Palantir Technologies (un salto cuantitativo en el cercado de la IA)

(Por Taylor desde Silicon Beach) En un mundo donde la inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando industrias enteras, Palantir Technologies (PLTR) se destaca como un líder en el análisis de datos y la toma de decisiones estratégicas. Tras la reciente publicación de sus resultados del cuarto trimestre, las acciones de Palantir han experimentado un notable ascenso, capturando la atención de inversores y analistas por igual. Este artículo profundiza en el rendimiento de la empresa, sus proyecciones para el futuro y las oportunidades que presenta en el dinámico mercado de la IA.

Super Bowl LIX: este año será récord mundial de audiencia (la batalla épica por el Vince Lombardi llega a Nueva Orleans, y hasta Messi va a verlo)

(Por Ortega y Maqueda) Prepárense para el evento deportivo más electrizante del año: el Super Bowl LIX. Este domingo, el Caesars Superdome de Nueva Orleans será el escenario de un choque de titanes cuando los Kansas City Chiefs, en busca de consolidar su dinastía, se enfrenten a los Philadelphia Eagles, sedientos de revancha. Con la presencia confirmada de Lionel Messi y un espectáculo musical de alto voltaje, el Super Bowl LIX promete ser una experiencia inolvidable para los fanáticos del deporte y el entretenimiento.

El regalo exclusivo del Inter de Miami (y de Messi) a Milei es tendencia en todas las redes y noticieros del mundo

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Un negocio gigante para Florida y para el mundo: Nostalgia Cross Generacional (¿por qué Disney y Universal resucitan la Infancia de los adultos en CGI y en Live Animation?)

(Por Marcelo Maurizio y Maximiliano Rodriguez Otero) Vivimos una época dorada de remakes y re imaginaciones en Hollywood, pero hay una tendencia que destaca: la resurrección de clásicos animados en formato live-action (o casi). Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, todos parecen estar obsesionados con dar nueva vida a nuestras películas favoritas de la infancia. ¿Simple nostalgia o hay una estrategia maestra detrás? Abróchense los cinturones, porque vamos a analizar este fenómeno a fondo.

(Tiempo estimado de lectura: 7 minutos)

¿Llegan las Sociedades Anónimas Deportivas al Fútbol Argentino, como en todos las ligas más avanzadas? (el interés de los inversionistas extranjeros se intensifica)

(Por Ortega) El fútbol argentino, cuna de talentos y cuna de pasiones, se encuentra en una encrucijada. Mientras celebra la gloria en el escenario mundial, sus clubes enfrentan desafíos económicos y estructurales que limitan su potencial. En este contexto, el interés de inversores extranjeros como Foster Gillett, con su reciente acercamiento a Estudiantes de La Plata, y los hermanos Más, dueños del Inter Miami, por explorar las Sociedades Anónimas Deportivas (SAD) en Argentina, abre un debate crucial sobre el futuro del fútbol nacional.

Universal y Disney expanden sus visiones: la Nostalgia 2.0 (la industria que nos enseña que una marca es la creación de un mundo, y no de productos)

(Por Maurizio y Rodriguez Otero) Si te perdiste la primera parte, donde analizamos los primeros por qué de esta tendencia, ¡prepárate, lo que vamos a develar te va a dejar boquiabierto. Después de arrasar en taquilla con remakes como "El Rey León", "Aladdin" y "La Bella y la Bestia", Hollywood se prepara para una nueva oleada de nostalgia. En exclusiva, te revelamos las futuras películas animadas que se transformarán en mega producciones live-action (o casi) en 2025 y más allá. 

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 5 minutos.

Eagles noquean a los Chiefs y conquistan el Super Bowl LIX: un triunfo the Philadelphia al ritmo de Rocky´s Runs

(Por Ortega y Maqueda) El Super Bowl LIX será recordado como el escenario donde los Philadelphia Eagles destronaron a los Kansas City Chiefs con una contundente victoria de 40-22, frustrando su intento histórico de un "three-peat" (tres títulos consecutivos). Más allá del marcador, este triunfo es un estudio de estrategia, resiliencia y liderazgo, elementos clave tanto en el deporte como en los negocios. Este artículo desglosa los momentos más destacados del partido, las claves del éxito de los Eagles y las lecciones que podemos aplicar en el ámbito profesional y personal. 

Una genialidad de Miami al mundo: “Cuando termina el football, empieza el fútbol” (la estrategia 'Crossing' de Apple, Messi y la MLS)

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La Super Bowl 2025: un touchdown publicitario que desafía la crisis y las tendencias (¿cuántos anunciantes hay y cuantos millones de dólares sale un spot de 30 segundos?)

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