Miami, USA, Conmebol, did not live up to the massive and passionate world of football?

(By Ortega, Taylor, and Canepa) In the context of the final of the 2024 Copa América, held at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami (United States), a regrettable incident occurred that brought to mind the events that took place during the 2021 Euro Cup in London, England. On this occasion, the surroundings of the stadium turned into a chaotic and tumultuous scene, with fans of the Colombian and Argentine national teams trying to irregularly enter the stands, creating an atmosphere of tension and disorder.

What happened?

  1. It's not about blaming Latin passion, or the excesses of Colombian fan groups. It is true, especially the Colombian fans were involved in disturbances, but there were many shortcomings in precautions and containment tools to prevent many problems, not only at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami but also at many gatherings in different parts of the city.

  2. The tumultuous entry of a crowd of ticketless fans into the stadium hosting the prestigious Copa América final in Miami triggered chaotic scenes and the postponement of the decisive match.

  3. The highly anticipated clash between the Argentine and Colombian national teams, scheduled to kick off promptly at 8:00 pm local time, was affected by delays in accessing the venue located in southern Florida from approximately an hour before its start.

  4. The Hard Rock Stadium issued a statement warning of the dangerous situation caused by the violent intrusion of thousands of fans without tickets who tried to forcefully enter the facilities, putting both legitimate fans and security personnel and law enforcement at serious risk.

  5. Videos shared by reporters and fans captured scenes of scuffles at the entrances, with fans trying to force their way in while facing off against security personnel. Some individuals were pursued by law enforcement as they ran up ramps and stairs connecting different levels of the stadium.

  6. The South American Football Confederation (Conmebol) issued a firm message indicating that only those with valid tickets would be allowed to access the venue once access was restored, excluding those without tickets.

The Miami-Dade County police reported on several incidents that occurred before the gates opened for the match, attributing these disturbances to the unruly behavior of fans trying to enter the stadium. A call was made for patience and respect for the rules established by the officers and stadium staff.

Inside the venue, partially empty sections of stands were observed near the scheduled start time of the match, but as more people gained access, the corridors and stairs became congested.

Testimonies from fans like Valentina, a 36-year-old Venezuelan, and Julián, a 31-year-old Argentine resident in New York, described scenes of chaos, fear, and lack of control during the attempt to access the stadium, with evident danger and lack of control.

Finally, after a delay of one hour and ten minutes, the presentation ceremony of the Copa América kicked off the exciting final between the Argentine and Colombian national teams, marking the outcome of a chaotic and unusual episode in the world of football.

This incident, which caused a delay of one hour and 22 minutes in the start of the eagerly awaited match, highlights that such situations are not exclusive to South American football. In fact, we recall how in the 2021 Eurocup final in London, there were moments of violence and disorder by certain groups of fans, putting the event's security at risk.


It is crucial to reflect on the importance of ensuring integrity and tranquility at large-scale sporting events, preventing irrational behaviors and reckless actions from overshadowing the celebration of these sporting spectacles. Safety and order must be prioritized to preserve the essence and spirit of sports, promoting an environment of respect and coexistence among all attendees.

We hope that these incidents serve as a lesson to strengthen security protocols and crowd control at future sporting events, with the aim of ensuring that both players and fans can enjoy the passion of football in a safe and organized environment.

Lessons the organization should consider:

  • Improve access control at the stadium to avoid chaotic situations and ensure the safety of attendees.

  • Three-level barricades in three circles are essential to reduce concentrations.

  • Increase the presence of police officers, in quantity, locally, to form an effective security cordon and prevent the entry of people without tickets.

  • Reinforce coordination between security personnel and hire private security to ensure efficient access control.

  • Implement preventive measures to avoid incidents of aggression and pushing among attendees. For this, a much greater presence of security in high-concentration areas is also necessary.

  • Prioritize planning and logistical coordination at large-scale sporting events to avoid setbacks and unfavorable situations. Especially if this had been the final of clubs between two European fan bases... this would have been "tragic," it's not about Latin Americans, it's about football. Denying this is denying what this sport generates and is.

  • Learn from the mistakes made on this occasion to improve the organization of future tournaments and sporting events.

  • Never again not having all stadiums, only for the matches, a month before, with natural grass.

  • Provide all teams withtraining facilities equipped, available, and always assisted for all teams.

  • Understanding that in football, people live it on the streets. Oblige the organizations of each national team to have their fan zones, away from high-concentration areas, where different fan bases can mingle, but understand that incidents can always occur and that there must be a strong presence of police and assistance, health, hydration, etc.

  • To organize a Copa América, a Club World Cup, a World Cup, it is necessary to work with all the main stakeholders of the national teams to coordinate well in advance and moment by moment a series of activities beyond the sporting aspect, driven by this passion.

Diego Cánepa


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Alerta 2025: la Generación Z y la pérdida de la escritura a mano: un llamado a la reflexión y acción

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La experiencia imperdible en Hard Rock Café Miami en Bayside: ¡Volvimos a probar la hamburguesa de Messi!

(Por Magistris y Maurizio) "Venir a Miami y no venir al Hard Rock en Bayside es un sacrilegio, más desde que tienen la hamburguesa más argenta que la comida Americana puede crear en su honor. En el corazón vibrante de Miami, donde el sol brilla con intensidad y la cultura se fusiona con la gastronomía, se erige una joya que no solo ofrece un festín para el paladar, sino que también se convierte en un santuario para los amantes de la música." Hard Rock Café Miami, ubicado en el icónico Bayside Marketplace, es mucho más que un simple restaurante; es una experiencia multisensorial que promete deleitar tanto a los gourmets como a los fanáticos de la música. Con su impresionante colección de memorabilia musical, deliciosas hamburguesas y cócteles artesanales, este establecimiento es un destino imperdible para cualquier visitante de la ciudad. Y sí, para los que nos encanta su shop es siempre un planazo… (un gran plan).

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