Complete analysis of the 2024 Kantar BrandZ Global Top 100 Most Valuable Brands report (Why do they generate so much value for the market?)

(By Maurizio and Otero) In today's highly competitive and ever-evolving world, the value of a brand is an invaluable asset that can drive a company's success and profitability. According to the latest Kantar BrandZ report ranking the 100 most valuable brands in the world in 2024, Apple has reaffirmed its position as the most valuable brand, surpassing the incredible trillion-dollar mark in market value. This historic milestone solidifies Apple as the pack leader, closely followed by other tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.



Apple and Google are the two most valuable brands in the world according to Kantar's annual study, surpassing Amazon.

Smart tips to understand everything about the 2024 report:

  1. Apple is the world's most valuable brand with a valuation of $1.0159 trillion, a 15% increase from the previous year.

  2. Google ranks second with a valuation of $753.474 billion, a 30% increase.

  3. Microsoft takes the third spot with a valuation of $712.883 billion, a 42% increase.

  4. Amazon is in fourth place with a valuation of $576.622 billion, a 23% increase.

  5. Zara is the only Spanish brand on the list, ranking 70th with a 47% increase in its valuation.

  6. Nike is the number one brand in the fashion category.

  7. Louis Vuitton is the most valuable luxury brand with a valuation of $130 billion.

  8. Netflix rises to fourth place in the media and entertainment category with a 51% increase in its brand value.

  9. The total value of the 100 brands on the list amounts to $8.3 trillion, a 20% growth from the previous year.

  10. Corona, the other Latin American brand after Argentina's Mercado Libre, enters the top 100, precisely at the bottom of the list of the top 100.

  11. Mercado Libre enters the ranking in 57th place as the first brand born in Argentina to make the list.

  12. Technology and Luxury brands saw the highest growth, with increases of 46% and 45% respectively.

  13. 37 brands improved their position compared to the previous year, with over 75% of the brands being American.

  14. Tesla moved from 47th place to 29th thanks to the global growth of the electric vehicle market.

  15. Nvidia jumped 18 spots to sixth place with a 178% increase in brand value, attributed to the growing power of artificial intelligence.

  16. Visa ranks seventh with a valuation of $188.929 billion, a 12% increase.

  17. Facebook is in eighth place with a valuation of $166.751 billion, a 79% increase.

  18. Oracle enters the top ten for the first time in ninth place with a valuation of $145.498 billion, a 58% increase.

  19. Tencent is in tenth place with a valuation of $135.215 billion, experiencing a 4% decrease in valuation.

  20. Adidas is the number one brand in the sports category.

  21. In the consumer technology category, Apple leads with a valuation of $1.0159 trillion, followed by Google and Microsoft.

  22. In the automotive category, Toyota is the most valuable brand with a valuation of $53.301 billion.

  23. In the banking category, Visa leads with a valuation of $188.929 billion, followed by Mastercard and PayPal.

  24. In the technology category, Apple leads, followed by Google and Microsoft.

  25. In the media and entertainment category, Netflix ranks fourth with a 51% increase in brand value.

  26. In the luxury category, Louis Vuitton is the most valuable brand with a valuation of $130 billion, followed by Hermès with a 23% growth in brand value.

  27. In the eCommerce category, Amazon is the most valuable brand with a valuation of $576.622 billion.

  28. In the financial services category, Visa leads with a valuation of $188.929 billion, followed by Mastercard and PayPal.

  29. In the social media category, Facebook ranks eighth with a 79% increase in brand value.

  30. In the software category, Microsoft is in third place with a valuation of $712.883 billion.

  31. In the e-commerce category, Amazon is the most valuable brand with a valuation of $576.622 billion.

  32. In the information technology category, Microsoft is in third place with a valuation of $712.883 billion.

  33. In the hardware category, Apple leads with a valuation of $1.0159 trillion.

  34. In the Internet services category, Google ranks second with a valuation of $753.474 billion.

  35. In the cloud services category, Microsoft is in third place with a valuation of $712.883 billion.

The amazing top 100:

  • The keys for a product or company to become a "BRAND."

Continuous Innovation: Apple, Google, and Amazon are clear examples of brands that have maintained their leadership thanks to their unwavering focus on innovation. Introducing new products and services, as well as continuously improving existing ones, are key to staying

The amazing top 100:

The keys for a product or company to make a "MARK".

1. Continuous innovation: Apple, Google, and Amazon are clear examples of brands that have managed to maintain their leadership thanks to their unwavering focus on innovation. The introduction of new products and services, as well as the constant improvement of existing ones, are key to staying relevant in a constantly changing world.

2. Smart diversification: Product diversification and expansion into new markets have proven to be effective strategies for maximizing business profitability. Brands that have managed to create their own ecosystems and continue to diversify their offerings have a greater chance of sustainable growth and above-average performance.

3. Building trust: In an increasingly disruptive business environment, trust has become an invaluable asset for brands. Building trust through social performance and brand integrity is essential to driving customer loyalty and long-term stability.

4. Clear purpose and values: Brands that have integrated a social purpose into the core of their operations have shown outstanding performance. Nike, for example, has stood out with its commitment to inspire and innovate for all, demonstrating an inclusive approach and a focus on positive social impact.

5. Integrated Marketing, Branding, and Experience, the revolution of the Mega Cross-Cultural Area (Chief of Culture Officer): Continuous investment in the brand and marketing activities is essential to maximize business performance. A strategic focus on brand creation and promotion can generate significant short and long-term returns, as demonstrated by the leading brands in the Kantar BrandZ list.

The success of the world's leading brands such as Apple, Google, and Amazon lies in their ability to innovate constantly, diversify intelligently, build trust with consumers, live their values, and make strategic investments in marketing, branding, physical-digital experiences, and create a huge brand value culture.

These fundamental principles can serve as a guide for any company aspiring to achieve success and stand out in a highly competitive and constantly changing global market.

Why is Apple number one? Complete report here.

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