Apple and Disney: one company?

(By Dino Dal Molin in collaboration with Juan Maqueda and Marcelo Maurizio) According to financial analyst Laura Martin of investment bank Needham, Apple should acquire Disney to expand its streaming content catalog and add significant value to its market value. In a report sent to investors on Thursday, Martin claims that the acquisition could increase Apple's market value by up to 580 billion euros if it were financed with Apple shares.

The exponential era: The current market capitalization of the company is $2.5 trillion, which would equate to an increase of around $631 billion, or approximately 580 billion euros.

"From an offensive perspective, as a value trigger, a great distribution and top-quality content act as complementary nets. That is, we consider that they are worth more together than separately," says Martin in the Needham statement.

The financial analyst refers to Apple's ability to monetize the 1.25 billion consumers who own the company's 2 billion active devices, which are used an average of four hours a day.

The tech giant has been focusing on monetizing its users for some time, launching several monthly subscriptions to its services in recent years. Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple Fitness+, and Apple News are just a few of them.

"Their ancillary products and marketing decisions reduce the barrier to entry to the Apple ecosystem (and increase the barriers to exit)," notes Martin, who believes that incorporating a service like Disney+ into Apple's extensive product portfolio would greatly facilitate the acquisition of new customers, as well as further elevate its barriers to exit.

The financial analyst specifies, "What Apple does best is distribute content worldwide to 2 billion devices owned by 1.25 billion unique and wealthy users. And what Disney does best is generate high-budget content that is distributed globally across all types of screens, as well as in the physical world [with its theme parks]."

Both companies have the same type of passionate fans, a pricing power much higher than their competition, a corporate decision-making process that prioritizes their brand, a global scale, and a base of wealthy consumers, according to the investor report.

"This would mean that their key and value-generating assets would be strengthened and not diluted if the two companies were to merge," Martin evaluates.

It is not the first time that financial operators have suggested that a union between Disney and Apple would make sense, given that both have a family aura and have already closed deals in the past.

Disney purchased Pixar from Apple in 2006 for $7.4 billion, and Bob Iger, current CEO of Disney, had a close relationship with Steve Jobs, the late founder of Apple. Iger has even said that if Jobs had not died in 2011, he would probably have sold his company to Apple.

The acquisition of Pixar by Apple was largely driven by Apple's CEO at the time, Steve Jobs, who had also been the founder and CEO of Pixar. Jobs had been a key figure in Pixar's success since its founding in 1986, and the company had produced a number of highly successful animated films, such as "Toy Story," "Finding Nemo," and "The Incredibles."

Jobs had sold his stake in Pixar to Disney in 1985 but remained the largest individual shareholder of the company at the time of Apple's acquisition. The acquisition of Pixar by Apple allowed Jobs to become an active member of the company again and help shape its future.

In addition, the acquisition of Pixar also made strategic sense for Apple. At that time, the company was looking for ways to expand its business beyond the technology and computer industry, and the acquisition of Pixar allowed it to enter the entertainment and animation market.

The acquisition also meant that Apple acquired the intellectual property rights to Pixar's films

Apple's potential acquisition of Disney would not only expand its streaming content library but also add significant value to its market value, according to Laura Martin, a financial analyst at investment bank Needham. In a report sent to investors on Thursday, Martin suggests that if the acquisition were financed with Apple shares, it could increase Apple's market value by up to 580 billion euros.

The exponential era: The company's current market capitalization is around 2.5 trillion dollars, which would represent an increase of approximately 631 billion dollars, or about 580 billion euros.

"From an offensive point of view, as a value trigger, a large distribution and first-rate content act as complementary networks. That is, we consider that they are worth more together than separately," Martin said in the Needham statement.

Martin refers to Apple's ability to monetize the 1.25 billion consumers who own the company's 2 billion active devices, which are used on average four hours a day. The tech giant has been focusing on monetizing its users for years, launching several monthly subscriptions to its services, including Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple Fitness+, and Apple News.

"Their ancillary products and marketing decisions reduce the barrier to entry into the Apple ecosystem (and increase the barriers to exit)," says Martin, who believes that incorporating a service like Disney+ into Apple's wide portfolio of products would make it much easier to attract new customers and further raise its barriers to exit.

"The best thing Apple does is distribute content worldwide to 2 billion devices owned by 1.25 billion unique and wealthy users. And the best thing Disney does is generate high-budget content that it distributes globally through all types of screens, as well as in the physical world [with its theme parks]," the report for investors details.

Both companies have the same type of passionate fans, a pricing power vastly superior to their competition, a corporate decision-making process that prioritizes their brand, a global scale, and a base of wealthy consumers, according to the report for investors.

"This would mean that their key and value-generating assets would be strengthened and not diluted if the two companies were to merge," Martin said.

This isn't the first time financial operators have suggested that a Disney-Apple merger would make sense, as both companies have a family-friendly aura and have closed deals in the past.

Disney bought Pixar from Apple in 2006 for $7.4 billion, and Bob Iger, Disney's current CEO, had a close relationship with Steve Jobs, the late founder of Apple. Iger has even said that if Jobs hadn't died in 2011, he probably would have sold his company to Apple.

The acquisition of Pixar by Apple was largely driven by Apple's CEO at the time, Steve Jobs, who had also been the founder and CEO of Pixar. Jobs had been a key figure in Pixar's success since its founding in 1986, and the company had produced a series of highly successful animated films, such as "Toy Story," "Finding Nemo," and "The Incredibles."

Jobs had sold his stake in Pixar to Disney in 1985 but remained the company's largest individual shareholder at the time of the acquisition by Apple. The acquisition of Pixar by Apple allowed Jobs to become an active member of the company again and help shape its future.

Additionally, the acquisition of Pixar also made strategic sense for Apple. At the time, the company was looking for ways to expand its business beyond the technology and computer industry, and the acquisition of Pixar allowed it to enter the entertainment and animation market.

The purchase also meant that Apple acquired the intellectual property rights to Pixar's films and characters, giving the company new opportunities to expand into the entertainment and media business.

In the years following the acquisition, Apple has used Pixar's.

A días de Emerge en Miami, la noticia de que Ualá levanta US$ 66 millones con Televisa revoluciona el sector Fintech en América Latina

(Por Taylor) En un movimiento que redefine el panorama fintech de América Latina, Ualá ha recaudado US$66 millones adicionales en su ronda de Serie E, con la participación del gigante mexicano de medios Televisa Univision. Este segundo cierre eleva la ronda total a US$366 millones, consolidando a Ualá como una de las empresas más dinámicas y prometedoras de la región. En este artículo, exploramos el impacto de esta inversión, las estrategias de expansión en México y los planes futuros de Ualá, proporcionando datos estratégicos y tips esenciales para anglolatinos interesados en el ecosistema de negocios y tecnología.

(Tempo de lectura de valor: 4 minutos)

Ultra Miami: fiesta musical y sinfonía de marketing multicultural (en el top ten de los eventos de América y el mundo)

(Por Maqueda y Maurizio) Miami vibra al ritmo de Ultra. Este fin de semana, la ciudad se convierte en la capital mundial de la música electrónica, celebrando el 25 aniversario de un festival que ha trascendido fronteras y se ha convertido en un referente de la cultura global. Pero Ultra es mucho más que música: es un estudio de caso de marketing multicultural exitoso, una sinfonía perfectamente orquestada que combina experiencia, branding y estrategia digital. 

(Tiempo de lectura de valor: estimado: 5 minutos)

Breaking News: descalificación en el GP de China: Leclerc, Hamilton y Gasly (¿cómo queda el campeonato?)

(Por Ginny y Maqueda junto con XDXT) En un giro inesperado que ha sacudido el mundo de la Fórmula 1, los pilotos Charles Leclerc y Lewis Hamilton de Ferrari, junto con Pierre Gasly de Alpine, fueron descalificados del Gran Premio de China de 2025 por no cumplir con los requisitos técnicos de la FIA. Este evento, que ha generado un revuelo sin precedentes, no solo afecta a los equipos involucrados, sino que también altera drásticamente la clasificación del campeonato. En este artículo desentrañaremos las causas de estas descalificaciones, analizaremos sus impactos y ofreceremos tips estratégicos y datos actualizados para aquellos anglolatinos interesados en el dinámico mundo del automovilismo y los negocios que lo rodean.

(Tiempo de lectura de valor: 4 minutos)

Masters 1000 de Miami 2025, un torneo a lo “Disney” (lleno de estrellas, celebridades, medios, marcas y turistas de todo el mundo)

(Por Ortega y XDXT) En el corazón de Miami Gardens, Florida, el Masters 1000 de 2025 se erige como un espectáculo imperdible para los amantes del tenis. Con la participación de figuras estelares como Novak Djokovic y Francisco Cerúndolo, el torneo promete emoción y competencia de alto nivel. El Miami Open año a año se ha convertido en un torneo único, como la F1 en la ciudad del sol, o los partidos del Inter de Miami o de los Heat, todos tienen una especial combinación de marcas, celebridades, medios y miles de turistas de todo el mundo.

(Tiempo de lectura de valor: 4 minutos)

Eliminatorias 2026: el triunfo de Argentina sobre Brasil es google trend en USA y en todos los países anglolatinos

(Una nota cocreada por XDXT, Cánepa, Ortega e In Miami) El reciente partido de eliminatorias donde Argentina derrotó a Brasil por un contundente 4 a 1 ha generado un fenómeno viral que resuena en el corazón de la comunidad anglolatina. Desde España hasta Estados Unidos, pasando por México, Panamá, Italia, Portugal y Argentina, este evento ha dominado las tendencias de Google, evidenciando el apogeo del fútbol y la pasión que despierta en América Latina. Otro mundo paralelo es de este fenómeno, es el mundo de memes, redes sociales y por supuesto el aprovechamiento de medios, marcas, influencers para generar enorme tráfico y engagement. Exploramos cómo este evento no solo ha unido a los amantes del fútbol, sino también cómo ha influido en la sociedad, los negocios y el marketing.

(Tempo de lectura de valor: 4 minutos)

Messi fue a ver a Djokovic al Hard Rock Stadium (la magia del deporte y el impacto en la cultura de Miami)

(Por Ortega) En la vibrante ciudad de Miami, donde la cultura del deporte se entrelaza con la vida diaria, la presencia de Lionel Messi en el Hard Rock Stadium para presenciar la semifinal del Masters 1000 de tenis no pasó desapercibida. La ovación del público y la reacción de Novak Djokovic ante la presencia de la "Pulga" no solo reflejan el poder de convocatoria de Messi, sino también la capacidad de la ciudad para atraer a figuras globales. Este evento, sumado al inminente regreso de Messi a los terrenos de juego con el Inter Miami, ofrece una oportunidad única para analizar el impacto del deporte en la sociedad y la economía de Miami.

(Tiempo de lectura estimado: 5 minutos)

Madrid, primera capital gastronómica del mundo

(Por Carmen Chamorro, directiva del CIP/ACPE y diplomada en Relaciones Internacionales y Terrorismo Global por la SEI) La concejal delegada de Turismo del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Almudena Maíllo, ha resaltado el poder de la industria alimentaria en nuestro país, que aglutina a un total de 29.840 establecimientos de hostelería, de los que 10.216 son restaurantes asentados en la capital española. Durante su intervención en el desarrollo de la última edición del Restaurant Trends 2025 en IFEMA, en estos días, Maíllo ha volcado datos de los dos últimos estudios realizados por Euromonitor 2024, donde la citada capital española destaca como segundo destino urbano más atractivo del mundo (en el pasado año 2019, ocupó el puesto 47) y por TimeOut, donde Madrid es considerada como la primera ciudad gastronómica a nivel europeo y la quinta, a nivel mundial.

La multinacional estadounidense Mitek crece hasta los 200 puestos de trabajo y consolida su centro de I+D empresarial de Sant Cugat del Vallès

La empresa estadounidense Mitek Systems ha crecido hasta los 200 puestos de trabajo en el centro de investigación, desarrollo e innovación (I+D+i) que, desde el año 2017, tiene en Sant Cugat del Vallès. Este centro se ha convertido en el principal hub a nivel global de la multinacional especializada en el desarrollo de tecnología de verificación de la identidad digital y de comprobación de documentación oficial mediante la inteligencia artificial.

Breaking News: descalificación en el GP de China: Leclerc, Hamilton y Gasly (¿cómo queda el campeonato?)

(Por Ginny y Maqueda junto con XDXT) En un giro inesperado que ha sacudido el mundo de la Fórmula 1, los pilotos Charles Leclerc y Lewis Hamilton de Ferrari, junto con Pierre Gasly de Alpine, fueron descalificados del Gran Premio de China de 2025 por no cumplir con los requisitos técnicos de la FIA. Este evento, que ha generado un revuelo sin precedentes, no solo afecta a los equipos involucrados, sino que también altera drásticamente la clasificación del campeonato. En este artículo desentrañaremos las causas de estas descalificaciones, analizaremos sus impactos y ofreceremos tips estratégicos y datos actualizados para aquellos anglolatinos interesados en el dinámico mundo del automovilismo y los negocios que lo rodean.

(Tiempo de lectura de valor: 4 minutos)