The Questions Everyone in the USA is Asking About Debt (What it is and What is the Debt Ceiling)

(By InfoNegocios Miami Staff) The debt ceiling is the maximum limit established by the United States Congress that allows the federal government to borrow money to finance obligations already approved by lawmakers and presidents. This occurs when the government records budget deficits and the collected revenues are not sufficient to cover the expenses. Increasing the debt ceiling does not authorize new spending commitments, but rather allows the government to meet existing financial obligations.

The debt ceiling, currently set at $31.4 trillion, was established over a century ago and has been modified over 100 times since World War II. Although initially created to facilitate federal government borrowing, it has become a political issue in recent decades, used by Congress as a way to restrict debt growth.

It is important to note that the fear of a debt default has led lawmakers to pass laws to raise or suspend the debt ceiling on several occasions. The last time it was approved was in December 2021.

Does Public Spending Decrease Debt?

Yes, if public spending were significantly reduced, it could decrease the need for external debt in the United States. External debt is used to finance budget deficits, which is the difference between government revenues and expenses. If public spending were reduced, budget deficits would decrease, and therefore, less financing through the issuance of external debt would be required. This is the major historical and chronic problem, for example, in countries like Greece or Argentina, where governments spend much more than their economies generate, thus being forced to take on debt and impose higher taxes.

When a country has constant and high budget deficits, as has been the case in the United States in recent years, debt accumulates and must be financed through the issuance of government bonds. These bonds are acquired by foreign and domestic investors, resulting in external debt.

If the government manages to reduce public spending through cuts in non-essential areas, elimination of unnecessary programs, or increased efficiency in resource utilization, budget deficits would decrease. As a result, less financing through government bond issuance would be needed, which could lead to a decrease in the need for external debt.

It is important to note that debt management and fiscal policy decisions are complex and must consider various economic, social, and political factors. Striking the right balance between spending reduction and maintaining government functions and responsibilities is necessary.

What Happens if the US Defaults on Its Debt?

If the United States government is unable to borrow beyond the established debt ceiling, it would face difficulties in paying all its financial obligations in full and on time. This would include payment of national debt interest, as well as payments to social security programs, veterans' benefits, and federal employee salaries, among others.

A debt default would have significant repercussions on the US economy and global financial markets. Even the threat of a default in 2011 resulted in a downgrade of the United States' credit rating.

What are Extraordinary Measures?

When the debt ceiling approaches, the United States Secretary of the Treasury takes extraordinary measures to avoid default. These measures are accounting actions that allow the federal government more time for Congress to increase or suspend the debt limit. Treasury secretaries, both Democrats and Republicans, have used these measures in the past.

In the current situation, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen plans to sell existing investments and suspend reinvestments of specific funds to temporarily cover the financial needs of the federal government. These actions would reduce the amount of outstanding debt subject to the limit and provide additional financing capacity.

It is important to note that these extraordinary measures have a time limit, and once exhausted, the government would face a potential debt default if Congress does not take necessary action.

Will Congress Raise the Debt Ceiling?

After intense negotiations, President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy have reached an agreement on the debt ceiling to avoid defaulting on government obligations. However, it is still necessary for leaders from both parties in Congress to convince a sufficient number of members to vote in favor of this agreement.

According to the text of the bill and information provided by sources from the White House and House Republicans, the agreement would suspend the debt limit of $31.4 trillion until January 1, 2025. This would ensure that the debt ceiling issue does not affect the 2024 presidential elections.

Meanwhile, House Republicans are preparing contingency plans that would instruct the Department of the Treasury on which payments should be given priority in case lawmakers fail to reach an agreement on the debt ceiling.

How is the Debt Ceiling Crisis Different from a Federal Government Shutdown?

The debt ceiling crisis is often confused with a federal government shutdown, but they are distinct situations. A government shutdown occurs when Congress does not approve a federal funding bill, leading to a temporary halt of certain non-essential government services. On the other hand, a debt ceiling crisis occurs when lawmakers do not pass a law to raise the debt limit, posing the risk of defaulting on the government's financial obligations and causing severe consequences for the economy and financial markets.

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