COP28 Dubai and the Americas' Trade Mission to the UAE: a pivotal encounter for international trade

(By Maximiliano Mauvecin, an expert in international trade and tourism, with the collaboration of Marcelo Maurizio and Máximo Maurizio, from Dubai) The anticipation and future planning have peaked, and business and political leaders worldwide are gearing up for the most anticipated global event of 2023: COP28 Dubai and the Americas' Trade Mission to the United Arab Emirates. The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28), organized by the United Nations, will take place from November 30 to December 12, 2023, at the impressive Expo City in Dubai. Simultaneously, the Trade Mission, led by Maximiliano Mauvecin, will explore Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah, offering a myriad of institutional, academic, and commercial opportunities. But why is this event so crucial, and how does it relate to international trade? With the support of Infonegocios Miami, we invite you to join us on this fascinating journey.

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The Trade Commission organized by Maximiliano Mauvecin is a key initiative within the Trade Mission to the United Arab Emirates. This commission's primary goal is to facilitate the development of business relationships, drive institutional agreements, and promote collaboration among companies and organizations, all in the context of COP28 in Dubai. Maximiliano Mauvecin, a recognized expert in international trade and tourism, plays a pivotal role in planning and organizing this commission, scheduled from December 1 to December 8, 2023. During this period, business opportunities will be explored, strategic connections promoted, with a specific emphasis on technology transfer and innovation, all while maintaining a constant commitment to sustainability and the preservation of our planet. This commission is an invaluable platform for business leaders and commercial actors looking to establish robust relationships and expand their operations on a global scale.

COP28: A Global Summit for Sustainability

  • COP28 is the annual summit of nearly 200 countries to address climate change and find solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This year, it is held in Dubai, and discussions will revolve around critical topics, from emissions reduction to gender equality. The devastating effects of climate change worldwide underscore the urgency of taking concrete actions.

A Strategic Venue for COP28

  • The United Arab Emirates, a significant oil producer, hosts COP28, which has generated certain tensions due to its role in carbon emissions. However, the United Arab Emirates argues that it is uniquely positioned to persuade other resource-rich countries to reduce their emissions more rapidly. The event will be held at Dubai's Expo City, a prime location to host the thousands of participants.

The Trade Mission to the United Arab Emirates

  • In parallel with COP28, the Trade Mission represents a unique opportunity for business development, institutional alliances, and access to global innovation. Companies and trade representatives come together to forge strategic relationships, explore technology transfer opportunities, and contribute to the well-being of our planet. This event encourages a commitment to sustainable practices and economic growth.

COP28 Dubai and the Trade Mission to the United Arab Emirates are of paramount importance in the field of international trade. The fight against climate change and the promotion of sustainable practices are essential for the future of global trade. Furthermore, the collaboration and strategic partnerships that arise from these events can drive the economy and sustainable development. In an interconnected world, sustainability is an investment in our shared future.

Trade Mission COP28 Dubai 2023 🇦🇪:

December 1 to 8, 2023, in the United Arab Emirates.

We will also attend COP28 in Expo City Dubai, the world's most significant sustainability event organized by the United Nations on Climate Change ♻️.

What does this unique opportunity with the United Arab Emirates entail?

Institutional, academic, and commercial agenda, exploring Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah in an astonishing, dynamic, and open trade mission in one of the world's top 5 economies in terms of GDP and growth. In one of the capitals of the world.

Ideal for business development, institutional links, universities, strategic contacts, technology transfer, innovation, and a commitment to our planet. Food, technology, gastronomy, perfumery, fashion, services, tech, tourism, education, culture, are some of the major industries and developments with significant opportunities in this unique trade mission for the Americas.

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You can view the program and join us: Eventbrite Link

We create a comprehensive business, academic, and institutional agenda in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah, and take advantage of visiting the world's most important sustainability event, COP28 Dubai UAE.



Why join us?


✔️Discover the most advanced technology, innovation, and development.

✔️Explore business opportunities with Africa and the Middle East.

✔️Boost your startup.

✔️Meet global leaders in sustainability.

✔️Find innovative solutions for a sustainable future.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of it, sponsored by Infonegocios Miami.

Join us in the Dubai COP28 Mission! 🌎💚

The Importance of COP28 for International Trade

  • COP28 is relevant to international trade in several ways. Climate change negotiations can lead to agreements that directly impact businesses and their commitment to sustainable practices. Efforts to reduce emissions and promote clean technologies can also create new market opportunities. Furthermore, the event fosters global collaboration, essential for international trade.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • COP28 will also be an opportunity to address critical challenges, such as funding the fight against climate change. Rich countries have committed to mobilize funds to help the most affected nations but have not fully fulfilled their promise. This event aims to achieve a new collective post-2025 financing target, which could impact trade and economic development.

Towards a Sustainable Future

  • COP28 represents a crucial opportunity to assess progress in the fight against climate change. After the event, countries will have until 2025 to submit new national plans, which will determine whether the world is moving in the right direction. Although debates and challenges are expected, the ambition to limit global warming is fundamental to the international economy and trade.

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