Facundo Arana, a talented Argentine actor who captivates all audiences with his charisma

(By Marcelo Maurizio) On the occasion of the anniversary of the May Revolution, the Argentina-Florida Chamber of Commerce will hold its Annual Gala celebration this year with an impressive show, and this event will be hosted by the talented actor Facundo Arana. When we learned of his visit to the USA, from InfoNegocios Miami we wanted to conduct a series of interviews given his enormous empathy, his affection for Miami, and his renowned vocation for transcending borders.

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Facundo Arana is a distinguished Argentine artist known for his versatility and talent in film, theater, and television. Throughout his career, he has participated in numerous works, international performances, and collaborations with renowned actors and actresses.

On television, Facundo Arana stood out in the successful soap opera "Muñeca Brava," which had a huge international impact, where he portrayed Martín Quesada, a character that catapulted him to fame in Argentina and in other countries. He also participated in other TV productions such as "Sos mi vida," "Los únicos," and "Botineras."

In theater, he has shone in various productions, excelling in plays like "La cena de los tontos" and "La cabra," among others.

Facundo Arana has shared the stage and screen with renowned Argentine actors and actresses such as Natalia Oreiro, Soledad Silveyra, Andrea Del Boca, among others, solidifying his position as one of the most recognized and respected artists in the entertainment industry in Argentina and internationally.

He has also ventured into the international film scene and has been part of movies outside of Argentina. One of his notable performances was in the film "Papeles en el viento" (2015), directed by Juan Taratuto, where he shared the screen with actors like Diego Peretti and Pablo Echarri.

Another significant role was in the film, "El mismo amor, la misma lluvia."

When we knew that Facundo was visiting Miami, we couldn't miss the opportunity to interview him, and he was very patient with us as we asked him all sorts of questions. Here is the first part.

InfoNegocios Miami (IN MIA): Facundo, how were your beginnings in acting and what motivated you to pursue this path?

Facundo Arana (FA): My start in acting dates back to when I was 15 years old, when my best friend invited me to a Theater class. It was love at first sight with the stage and everything that happens on it.

IN MIA: What influence did your teachers or mentors have on your development as an actor?

FA: My teachers were fundamental. Alicia Muzio instilled in me a love for Theater, and Betiana Blum guided me to my first audition, preparing me daily. I owe them everything that has happened in my professional career.

IN MIA: How do you feel when you are acting and what aspect of this profession gives you the most satisfaction?

FA: Acting is magical, full of joy, happiness, and meaning. Telling stories is extraordinary. We all play roles in our childhood, and turning that into a profession makes the soul smile.

IN MIA: What were your first jobs? Which ones marked you the most? Did you enjoy any particular one more? Which ones do you miss?

FA: Each job was special, with effort, dedication, and love. From "Canto rodado" in 1993 to my current play "En el aire." They all make me vibrate and love what I do. "Chiquititas," "Muñeca brava," "Yago pasión Morena," among others, are experiences that I cherish.

IN MIA: What do you believe was key to achieving fame and recognition in your work?

FA: I think hard work, the advice of my unforgettable agent Marcelo Rey, deep dreaming, and divine help were fundamental. Additionally, having extraordinary colleagues has been invaluable.

IN MIA: What have been your challenges as an actor and how have you overcome them?

FA: I don't see my career as a challenge, but as a blessing. Working hard and being a good colleague are my main goals. I strive to be the best professional I can be, always willing to learn.

IN MIA: What would you like to explore in your career that you haven't done yet?

FA: I have been fortunate to work with the best in various facets. My goal is to continue enjoying my craft and living unforgettable experiences.

IN MIA: What has been your most challenging role so far and what lesson did it teach you?

FA: I have played challenging roles like Yago, Beto, Martín, Ivo, among others. Each character has taught me unique lessons about life and acting.

IN MIA: What do you think sets you apart as an actor and how has your personality contributed to your success? Everyone loves you very much

FA: I believe it's a combination of everything, but above all, the feeling that my soul smiles when I act.

IN MIA: What achievements or goals would you like to reach in the future as an actor?

FA: I have surpassed my biggest dreams, so feeling fulfilled in this adventure is enough for me.

IN MIA: On a personal note, do you feel that "Sos mi vida" was your most popular role where you received the most affection?

My family and I loved watching "Sos mi vida." I think most Argentines gathered to enjoy this soap opera. It was a moment of great joy to sit down and watch that show; we really loved your character and that of Natalia Oreiro. At that time, I was the Marketing Manager of a soda brand beloved by Argentines and in all my jobs, I always implemented product placement for my brands on TV, and my dream was for that soda to be there with you. I always remember many brands being featured in that soap opera.

Was that soap opera your most popular role, where you received the most affection?

FA: Ha ha, it would have been lovely to receive your proposal to have that soda brand featured... Let me know if we're still on time! Of course, "Muñeca Brava" was one of the most fun, surprising, and rewarding moments in my career... Where I received, and continue to receive, more love than ever in my profession... Thank God, after each successful role, another success always came. And that was the case for many years...

Later, I focused more on theater to have more time for my young children... Today, I have more time to dedicate to acting again.

(To be continued)...

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