Graziano's: a Culinary Icon in the Heart of Miami

(By Juan Maqueda y Marcelo Maurizio, from Miami) Miami is known for its vibrant culture, beautiful beaches, and delicious food. One of the most iconic restaurants in Miami is Graziano's, a beloved Argentine steakhouse that has been serving up delicious meats and traditional Argentine fare since it first opened its doors in 2004.

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Graziano's was founded by Argentine native, Graziano Sbroggio, who came to Miami with a vision of bringing the flavors of his homeland to the United States. He began his culinary journey in Argentina, where he worked at some of the country's most prestigious restaurants, honing his skills as a master butcher and chef.

When Graziano arrived in Miami, he immediately set to work creating a menu that would showcase the best of Argentine cuisine. From the moment Graziano's opened, it was an instant hit, drawing in locals and tourists alike with its mouth-watering steaks, empanadas, and other traditional dishes.

Over the years, Graziano's has become an institution in Miami, and its popularity shows no signs of waning. The restaurant has won numerous awards, including the coveted "Best Steakhouse in Miami" award from the Miami New Times, and has been featured in publications like Food & Wine and Bon Appétit.

Graziano's has also become a favorite among celebrities and athletes, with the likes of Dwyane Wade, Gabrielle Union, and Ricky Martin all frequenting the restaurant. The restaurant's warm, inviting atmosphere and excellent service only add to its appeal, making it a must-visit destination for anyone looking for an authentic Argentine dining experience.

In addition to its flagship location in Coral Gables, Graziano's has expanded to include several other locations throughout Miami, including the popular Graziano's Market in South Miami, which offers an array of specialty meats and other Argentine products.

Despite its success and expansion, Graziano's has remained true to its roots, continuing to serve up delicious Argentine fare with the same passion and commitment that made it a success in the first place. Whether you're a longtime fan or a first-time visitor, Graziano's is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the best of Miami's culinary scene.

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