International Auto Show - An Exciting Journey into the Future of Cars

(By Juan Maqueda) Rev up your engines, Miami! The International Auto Show is back in town, setting the stage for one of the world's biggest automotive exhibitions. But of course, in Miami, this show brings much more than just cars—it's an immersive experience like no other. In this article, we'll unveil all the special highlights of the Miami International Auto Show, happening from September 1st to 10th. The Miami Beach Convention Center will transform into a million-square-foot automotive wonderland, showcasing dazzling displays from the planet's top car manufacturers.

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Whether you're a visitor or a Miami local, you can't miss this event.

Test Drive the Future: A Decade of Excellence

The International Auto Show is not just about ogling the latest cars; it's about experiencing them. For over ten thrilling days, attendees will have the chance not only to marvel at the latest models from their favorite automakers but also to take the wheel and feel the power. And it's not all about speed: explore cutting-edge electric vehicle (EV) technologies, dive into the world of adventure vehicles, and catch a glimpse of rare futuristic supercars at the spectacular Supercar Rooms exhibition. As a special treat, don't miss the custom Bentley crafted by local artistic sensation Romero Britto.

Over 50 Years of Excellence on the Road

Since its debut in 1971, the Miami International Auto Show has become a global phenomenon, thanks to the support of the South Florida Automobile Dealers Association. With over five decades of history, the event has astonishingly raised over $500,000 for the Ronald McDonald House, a steadfast partner.

Showcasing the Pinnacle of Automotive Innovation

This year's International Auto Show will play host to an impressive lineup of the world's leading car manufacturers, each displaying their latest models, many of which are available for purchase. Confirmed exhibitors include major names like Chevrolet, Chrysler, Ford, Genesis, Infiniti, Jeep, Nissan, Lexus, Kia, GMC, Dodge, Hyundai, Honda, Buick, Cadillac, Lincoln, Toyota, RAM, Subaru, and Volkswagen, with more announcements on the horizon.

Beyond Cars: Where Emotion and Adventure Converge

But wait, there's more! The International Auto Show is not just about what's under the hood; it's about embracing the entire automotive lifestyle. Get ready to test electric vehicles on an indoor track, venture into the new Adventure Center where off-road vehicles take the spotlight, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of the classic car experience at Wynwood's Supercar Rooms—home to futuristic, high-tech cars that redefine the term "cool."

From Test Tracks to Water Tracks: A Bounty of EVs

Back by popular demand is the thrilling electric vehicle test track, where guests can rev up the latest EVs from Ford, Nissan, Cadillac, Volkswagen, and even the sleek new Hummer. But that's not all—Hyundai is joining the race this year with its own EV track, doubling the excitement of electric vehicles!

Adventures Beyond Asphalt

Introducing the new Adventure Center for 2023! Immerse yourself in the world of off-road vehicles, UTVs, off-road trucks, jeeps, and other specialized sports vehicles. Immerse yourself in the lifestyle with camper van displays and even some water vehicles like jet skis.

Discovering the Future: Supercar Rooms Gallery

The iconic classic car experience from Wynwood, Supercar Rooms, takes center stage at this year's Miami International Auto Show. While usually available by appointment only, this high-tech Supercar Rooms exhibit will be open to all ticket holders. Get ready to be awed by futuristic, high-performance vehicles that are rarely seen on regular exhibition floors.

Step on the Gas: Test Drives Await

The popular "Step on the Gas" experience is back! Outside the convention center, you'll get the chance to take the latest models from various manufacturers for a spin. Chevrolet and Toyota have already announced their participation, and more automakers are likely to join in.

Art and Autos: Britto's Bentley

The unique work of renowned artist Romero Britto, adorning Miami from the airport to Dadeland Station, will have its own spotlight. Get up close and personal with the KIND Bentley, a collaboration between the artist and MetroWrapz. Stay tuned for a special encounter with Britto, with the date and time to be announced.

Tickets and Schedule

Online tickets for the Miami International Auto Show are priced at $15 for adults and $6 for children per day. This year, the program introduces the Premier VIP Ticket for $50, which includes a limited-edition t-shirt, a gift bag, a drink ticket, and exclusive VIP credentials.

Miami Beach residents can enjoy a $3 discount by showing a valid driver's license with a Miami Beach address or using a special promotional code emailed to them. On September 5th, US first responders and military personnel (active or veterans) can enter for free with identification. On September 7th, individuals aged 60 and over can receive a $5 discount with verification at the ticket booth.

Experience the Auto Lifestyle in Style

The Miami Beach Convention Center boasts a designated parking garage with 800 spaces on the fourth and fifth levels, including electric vehicle charging stations on the fifth floor. The daily flat rate is $20.

Guests can also park at various municipal garages around Miami Beach, with the nearest to Lincoln Road on 17th Street. These garages charge $2 per hour with a maximum daily fee of $20 and offer a flat rate of $15 for select events.

An Exciting Auto Journey Awaits in Miami

The Miami International Auto Show is not just an exhibition—it's an exciting journey into the future of cars. With a lineup of leading car manufacturers showcasing their latest innovations, electrifying test tracks, and immersive experiences that go beyond the asphalt, this event is a must-visit for car enthusiasts and thrill-seekers alike. Don't miss the chance to be part of this automotive spectacle, where cutting-edge technology meets the thrill of the open road.

Contact InfoNegocios Miami:

For inquiries and media contact, please reach out to our team of experts at Infonegocios Miami. We're dedicated to providing you with the latest updates and exciting moments from the world of cars and beyond.

Mobile: 1(305)5424605

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