Level 6 Rooftop: a hidden gem in Coconut Grove

(By Marcelo Maurizio) Introducing you to a super cool place that most tourists and even many locals are unaware of: Miami's vibrant dining scene never ceases to amaze with its best spots to enjoy, such as Level 6 Rooftop, located in the heart of Coconut Grove. This space has been designed to redefine the concept of a sophisticated dining experience.

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With breathtaking views of the pristine Biscayne Bay, Level 6 Rooftop stands as an oasis in the sky, inviting guests to delight their senses and connect with those around them. From relaxed sunsets in the afternoon to tempting cocktails and tapas in the evening, Level 6 offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere, complemented by exceptional service, creating a beautiful escape in the heart of Coconut Grove.

As the brainchild of Toronto-based Ink Entertainment, the masterminds behind renowned establishments such as Sofia, Byblos, and Amal, Level 6 embodies the essence of modern Spanish cuisine with a distinctive twist. The menu celebrates the art of connection through sharing, inviting guests to embark on a culinary journey influenced by diverse cultures and artistic expressions while embracing the abundance of Florida's land and sea. Tapas plates for groups and larger shared dishes reflect the generous nature of Spanish culture, delivering a unique gastronomic experience.

The venue itself is a spectacle to behold, with an open layout that immerses guests in an unparalleled ambiance. With a retractable sunshade overhead, a circular bar on one side, and a lounge area adorned with comfortable sofas and armchairs on the other, Level 6 caters to every desire. A VIP section, complete with low-slung lounge furniture, awaits the arrival of those who measure their successes in rebounds.

The west wall, covered in a vibrant collage of multi-textured tiles, adds an artistic touch. However, it's the eastward view that steals the show, offering a captivating panorama of the neighboring park's lush canopy, the iconic Brickell skyline to the north, and the horizon graced by Biscayne Bay. Sailboats dot the waters, while the causeway stretches out to the keys, creating a mesmerizing backdrop that impresses even the most discerning fathers-in-law, regional managers, and anyone with an appreciation for beauty.

In line with Miami's social scene, Level 6 attracts a lively crowd. Happy hour draws in a multitude of people surrounding the bar, extending their stay well into the night. To ensure a seamless experience, making a reservation is highly recommended, granting access to dining tables along the edges or cozy living room-style setups in the center.

While cocktails may come with a price range from $20 to $35, their value lies in the stunning views they accompany. Surprisingly, the culinary offerings provide an affordable range of options. Indulge in truffle cheese fries for $12, chicken and mango croquettes for $16, or share a paella that can satisfy three to four people, starting at $56. The tapas selection is a highlight, featuring delicious creations inspired by Spanish cuisine. From the mouthwatering “pan con tomate”, a thick slice of sourdough topped with crushed tomatoes, to the visually stunning crudo showcasing pink slices of hamachi, every dish delivers a burst of flavor and artistry. For a twist on tradition, try “ gambas al ajillo”, which replaces the conventional shrimp preparation with grilled shrimp in a parsley salsa verde, punctuated with crispy garlic.

Level 6 Rooftop is a hidden gem that enhances your perception through impeccable landscapes, quality music, high-level gastronomy, and perfect cocktails. With unparalleled views of the beautiful Biscayne Bay, Level 6 is a rooftop oasis that encourages you to embrace your senses and connect with those around you. Whether you're enjoying a relaxed sunset in the afternoon or savoring cocktails and tapas in the evening, Level 6's warm and welcoming ambiance, along with its exceptional service, offers a beautiful getaway in the heart of Coconut Grove.

Address: 3480 Main Hwy 6th floor, Coconut Grove, FL 33133, USA

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