Miami awaits its HEAT this Thursday!

(By Juan Maqueda, from Miami) We tell you about the triumph of the Boston Celtics, who achieved an epic victory against the Miami Heat, keeping alive the hope of a comeback in the NBA Eastern Conference Finals. No team in the history of the league has ever reversed a 0-3 deficit in the playoffs, but the Celtics refused to give up and prevailed with an impressive score of 116-99. However, millions of fans around the world hope that the MIAMI HEAT will secure their spot in the finals this Thursday.

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Boston managed to narrow the series, now leading Miami 3-1.

Schedule for the Conference Finals:

Game 5: Thursday, May 25th - Boston Celtics vs Miami Heat at TD Garden.

Game 6 (if necessary): Saturday, May 27th - Miami Heat vs Boston Celtics at Kaseya Center.

Game 7 (if necessary): Monday, May 29th - Boston Celtics vs Miami Heat at TD Garden.

How was the fourth game?

It was a magical night at the Kaseya Center in Miami, where the Celtics unleashed a three-point barrage, hitting 18 shots from beyond the arc. This storm of accurate shooting prevented the Heat from sealing their ticket to the Finals and allowed Boston to dream of an unprecedented comeback in the NBA. While the Denver Nuggets eagerly await to know their opponent in the battle for the championship ring, the Celtics improved their shooting percentages and left the fans in awe. They made 19 three-pointers compared to the Heat's eight, giving themselves a new chance to bring the series back to TD Garden. They still need to win three consecutive games to achieve this nearly impossible feat.

It is interesting to note that in Major League Baseball (MLB), a similar case has already been seen. In 2004, the Boston Red Sox came back from a 0-3 deficit in the series against the New York Yankees and ended up being crowned champions. Can the Celtics follow their example and make history in basketball?

The historical record of teams trailing 0-3 in a playoff series is discouraging, with an overwhelming record of 0-150. However, the Celtics stand firm with a perfect 3-0 in do-or-die games in this postseason. Led by the brilliant performance of Jayson Tatum, who contributed 33 points, eleven rebounds, and seven assists, the Celtics made it clear that they are willing to fight until the end.

Tatum, the hero of the seventh game against Philadelphia, when he scored 51 points, connected five of the Celtics' 18 three-pointers. His inspiring performance was supported by the rest of the team, with notable contributions from Jaylen Brown, Derrick White, and the Dominican player Al Horford.

On the other hand, the Heat encountered difficulties from beyond the arc, hitting only 8 of 32 attempts. Despite Jimmy Butler's efforts, who contributed 29 points, nine rebounds, and five assists, the home team couldn't contain the offensive onslaught of the Celtics. Gabe Vincent added 17 points, and Caleb Martin scored 16, but Bam Adebayo was limited to just ten points and failed to score in the second half.

The Celtics showed a different attitude compared to the third game, appearing more aggressive and faster in transitions.

The attitude of the Celtics was contagious, and their game became more aggressive. Every possession became an opportunity for a fierce attack as they sought to score vital points to keep their season alive. The players moved with relentless determination, challenging the Heat's defense on every play.


But it wasn't just the aggressiveness that made the difference in this game. The Celtics also demonstrated great skill from beyond the three-point line, an area where they had struggled throughout the series. Al Horford was responsible for kickstarting the three-point festival, hitting three of them in the first half of the game. His exemplary performance inspired the rest of the team, and players like Derrick White and Grant Williams joined the party, adding their own long-range shots.

Meanwhile, the Heat struggled to contain the Celtics' offensive firepower. Despite their impressive playoff performance, their shooting from beyond the arc was affected in this game. Their accuracy dropped, and they only managed to convert eight of their 32 three-point attempts. That lack of accuracy took its toll as the Celtics capitalized on every opportunity and maximized their efficiency from the perimeter.

The third quarter proved decisive for the Celtics. They started with a three-pointer from Strus that extended the Heat's lead to nine points. However, the Celtics' response was overwhelming. In a devastating 18-0 run, led by consecutive three-pointers from Jayson Tatum and Derrick White, they turned the game around and took a nine-point lead. This comeback was a devastating blow to the Heat, who were overwhelmed and couldn't find answers to the Celtics' onslaught.

Although Jimmy Butler tried to lead his team and kept them in the fight with 16 consecutive points, the Celtics closed the third quarter with a 7-0 run, extending their lead to nine points. Jayson Tatum was the undisputed protagonist of this quarter, scoring 14 points and leading his team to victory.

The final quarter of the game was a mere formality for the Celtics. Despite the Heat's efforts to narrow the gap on the scoreboard, the Celtics responded with determination and flawless play. A 19-6 run in favor of the Celtics, fueled by another splendid performance from Jayson Tatum, practically sealed the victory and ended the Heat's hopes of a comeback. Furthermore, Gabe Martin's ankle sprain injury added more disadvantages for the Miami team.

With this victory, the Celtics have avoided the sweep and renewed hope in the series. Now, they will return to TD Garden to play the fifth game, aiming to maintain the same level of intensity and seek another victory that will bring them closer to a historic comeback.

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