Miami is also known as the city of wine: The Wine Spectator's Grand Tour of Florida has been a complete success

(By Juan Maqueda, from Miami, and Marcelo Maurizio) The new edition of the Wine Spectator's Grand Tour of Florida had more than 200 wine cellars from around the world, including some of the most recognized brands in the industry such as Château Margaux, Louis Jadot, and Opus One, among others. The wines presented were a selection of the best wines in the world, including some of the most exclusive and sought after.

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Regarding the type of wines presented, guests could taste wines from different regions of the world, from Italian to French and American wines, including some of the most exclusive and rare wines from Spain, Portugal, and Argentina, among others.


This event brings together some of the best wine producers in the world, presenting their best crops in an exclusive tasting. The Grand Tour is a unique opportunity for wine lovers around the world to discover and enjoy some of the best wines on the planet. Wine Spectator is a specialized magazine with more than 30 years of experience considered the most important in the wine industry. The event allows you to taste the most coveted brands in the world during one night. In addition, part of the ticket price benefits the Wine Spectator Scholarship Foundation.


  • This event brings together wine lovers seeking to expand their knowledge of high-quality wines.
  • It is important to note that it is an exclusive event for people over 21 years old.
  • More than 200 wine cellars from around the world were presented, including some of the most recognized brands in the industry.
  • The presented wines cover different periods of production, from the most recent to some of the oldest and rarest.
  • The audience attending the event is a mix of wine lovers, collectors, and professionals in the industry.
  • Location: Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood, FL 33314 - (866) 502-7529, was held on April 15th.


The Wine Spectator Grand Tour is an annual event held in different cities around the world, and this time it arrived in Florida. The organizers carefully selected the best wine producers in the world to present their best crops in an exclusive tasting. The selection of wines includes some of the most famous and prestigious labels in the world, as well as some lesser-known but equally impressive wines. The event takes place in an elegant and sophisticated atmosphere, and attendees have the opportunity to meet wine producers and learn more about the wines they are tasting. The Wine Spectator Grand Tour also features some of the world's best chefs, who prepare exquisite dishes that can be enjoyed with the wines being tasted.


The Wine Spectator Grand Tour is a unique and unforgettable experience for wine lovers. This event brings together some of the best wine producers in the world, presenting their best crops in an exclusive tasting. The selection of wines includes some of the most famous and prestigious labels in the world, as well as some lesser-known but equally impressive wines. The presence of some of the world's best chefs who prepare exquisite dishes that can be enjoyed with the wines being tasted is a unique gastronomic experience. The elegant and sophisticated atmosphere of the event makes it an ideal place to enjoy a special night.


Wine Spectator's Grand Tour Florida:

The wines presented at the event cover different periods of production, from the most recent to some of the oldest and rarest. Attendees are expected to have the opportunity to taste some of the most interesting and exclusive wines in the world, some of which are produced in small quantities and are difficult to obtain.Overall, the audience attending the Wine Spectator's Grand Tour of Florida is a mix of people seeking to experience and enjoy the best wines in the world in an elegant and sophisticated atmosphere. Whether you are a wine enthusiast or a beginner, this event offers a unique opportunity to taste some of the most exclusive and sought-after wines in the world, learn from industry professionals and top chefs, and immerse yourself in the world of wine.

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