The future of Instagram: key insights unveiled by its CEO, Adam Mosseri

(By Juan Maqueda) We bring to you the present and future of Instagram, dissecting the revelatory statements of none other than its own Instagram CEO, Adam Mosseri. With astounding candor and realism, Adam addresses the current application landscape and its promising future, all while providing a comprehensive grasp of technological dominion. Here's your exclusive roadmap:


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From the Environment to ING's Core:

Brilliant Threads and the Meta Buzz: The birth of Meta's new gem, Threads, has thrust Instagram into the limelight along with its chief architect, Adam Mosseri. Following its debut on July 5th, Threads took center stage within the Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram constellation. Adam Mosseri's appearance on Harry Stebbings' podcast served as a portal to a range of topics, from the inception of Threads to creator compensation.

The Intricate Birth of Threads: Threads' launch marked a turning point for both Instagram and Mosseri. The intricacies of this decision were discussed in detail, including whether Threads should retain Instagram followers and whether it should be integrated into the existing app. Amidst these internal debates, Mark Zuckerberg championed Threads' standalone debut. Mosseri's insight into the decision-making process offered a glimpse into Meta's innovative mindset.

Empowering Creators: Stressing the significance of content creators, Mosseri reiterated their pivotal role. Creators serve as barometers of platform vitality, as witnessed during Threads' early stages. Mosseri acknowledged that creators often view social media as a business opportunity, leading Meta to explore diverse means of support. Balancing financial sustainability and creative freedom remains a priority, with tools like subscriptions and brand collaborations emerging as standout examples.

Reels and TikTok: Acknowledging TikTok's allure, Mosseri shed light on Instagram's journey to catch up with its short-video feature, Reels. While Reels currently accounts for nearly 50% of user time spent, Mosseri admitted that TikTok still holds the edge. In this ongoing race for innovation, TikTok emerges as the most formidable competitor Instagram has faced.

Evolution of Reels: The evolution of Reels, from a nested feature within Instagram Stories to a standalone platform, was not without challenges. Mosseri recalled the year-long effort of the team, during which an attempt to integrate with Stories yielded suboptimal results. The dynamic illustrates the learning curve inherent in technological experimentation.

Instagram User Projection.

Direct Messaging and Future Simplicity: The importance of Direct Messages (DMs) has surged, with Instagram focusing on enhancing communication. Mosseri pinpointed DMs as a vital part of young users' engagement, ranking them above Stories and the feed. This active use of DMs catalyzes new conversations, enriching the fabric of the application. Mosseri also acknowledged the app's intention to simplify features, promoting simplicity over complexity. Certain functions that don't generate substantial value could bid farewell, aligning with Instagram's drive for user-friendly design.

Tu opinión enriquece este artículo:

Sarah Lenore, la multifacética “Argengringa” que vive en Miami y captura fans de USA y de Argentina

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Ferrari presenta en la F1 de Miami su tributo al color azul (¿por qué lo hace? ¿qué genialidad de Crossing Marketing y Estrategia contiene esta experiencia limitada?)

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Ferrari presents its tribute to the color blue in the Miami F1 (Why do they do it? What genius of Crossing Marketing and Strategy does this limited experience contain?)

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1964: cuando Ferrari compitió de Azul y Blanco en F1, Miami fue el lugar elegido para el tributo (te contamos toda la historia del "North American Racing Team")

(Por Maurizio y Maqueda) Literalmente esta nota es “coleccionable”. La temporada de 1964 en la Fórmula 1 fue testigo de un acontecimiento singular que agregó un toque de drama y color a la categoría: Ferrari compitió de azul y blanco. Este giro inesperado en la paleta de colores de la legendaria escudería italiana se produjo como resultado de un desacuerdo entre Enzo Ferrari y las autoridades deportivas de la época.

USA y Miami es puro fútbol: además de la Copa América 2024 y la Copa del Mundo 2026, llega la Copa Mundial de Clubes FIFA 2025

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Tendencias inmobiliarias en el Sur de Florida (si no estás construyendo en Miami, apurate a hacerlo)

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Atención Miami, atención América: te mostramos la primera de las Ferrari edición limitada, azul, para el GP Miami 2024 (si no entendés lo que es Crossing, Ferrari lo entendió todo)

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