The most disruptive and comprehensive marketing strategies for 2023/24 by mega brands (paradoxically countering massively disclosed trends)

(By Maurizio, Maqueda, and Otero) In the dynamic realm of marketing, branding, and brand culture, a conflict arises between following trends and adopting genuinely disruptive strategies. As we delve into this conflict, we question the purpose of our marketing efforts. Is it merely to follow trends, or is there a more coherent and solid marketing mix beyond seeking likes and views? This article explores the growing tension between mega trends and strategic disruptiveness, urging us to rethink conventional marketing approaches.

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Key Ideas:

Understanding the Conflict:

  • There is a growing conflict in marketing between blindly following trends and creating truly innovative and strategic approaches.

  • Financial forums, conferences, and discussions are witnessing the emergence of a dialogue questioning the sustainability and impact of current marketing trends. Branding and the head of culture are growing in significance.

Monopoly of Online Giants:

  • Are leading online companies becoming monopolistic and exhausting the world of brands?

  • What sets apart the most successful brands from mere trend followers? What hidden aspects do they possess?

  • Is there reluctance on the part of online companies, especially META, to disclose certain information?

Unveiling MTK for Amplification and Expansion of Brand Experience (Crossing Marketing or Comprehensive, Interrelated, and Integrated Experience):

  • Many trends followed by brands and startups may not be the most effective or sustainable strategies in the medium and long term.

  • Being disruptive and strategic involves stepping away from trends and embracing actions sensibly different, often challenging the status quo.

Current Marketing Trends:

  • Video marketing

  • Remarketing

  • Voice search optimization

  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)

  • Influencer marketing (Scripted content with more directed and coherent production than simple open mentions)

  • Conversational marketing/customer contact diversity

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

  • Live streaming. Live Shopping

  • Audio content

  • Organic SEO. Genuine press and content actions in news

  • Inclusive marketing

The Rise of Live Shopping:

  • An exclusive insight into what Live Shopping is and why it's a phenomenon in China today.

  • Increase in short-format content (a trend that adds no value if done without strategy and without scripted and branded content):

  • Platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts are experiencing a rise in short-format content.

  • The article questions the impact of generating extensive video content and its indirect contribution to the success of online platforms.

Shift in Progress:

  • A strategic shift is observed from excessive dependence on online platforms to diverse marketing strategies on different platforms.

  • The article emphasizes the need for a balance between online promotion and various advertising mediums, including museums, shows, and events.

Disruptive Strategies in Focus Adding Real Value (The Consistency of Excellently Doing):

  1. Product placement in videos, series, movies, radio programs, and influencer content.

  2. Content press with real brand news and valuable information and brand value press (Real and valuable content in press media).

  3. Out-of-home strategies, including public screens OOH, interventions in buildings, street art, etc.

  4. Thematic brand experiences in increasingly playful locations with museums, real experiences, classes, forums, and training sessions.

  5. Brand presence in video games (Gaming & Sponsoring).

  6. Production of branded or themed entertainment (Entertainment & Sponsoring).

  7. Museology and branding theming: Museums and recreational thematic spaces of the brand, amplification in every detail of the brand concept.

  8. Fisidigitality (Fisygital) of the brand: Incorporating brand values into details of attention, delivery, points of sale, signage, spaces, packaging, real activations.

  9. Technology-assisted personalized sales (The return of human-assisted attention supported by digital tools).

  10. Tribal Marketing: Going beyond social media to clubs, events, meetings, and experiences tailored to individual tastes, hobbies, and passions.

  11. Crossing Marketing: The brand speaks in absolutely everything in an integrated, interrelated, and comprehensive way (Much more than Cross Media, more than Integration of marketing and communication in all its forms online and offline, it is understanding that doing must be done in an "interconnected" way that is the being of the company).

  12. Head of Culture, today more than a role, is the way of being and doing of the entire company.

In a paradoxical twist, these seemingly outdated strategies are making a robust comeback, complemented by the powerful tools of digital marketing. Everything in marketing is undergoing a transformation, turning towards a more coherent harmony between the digital world, offline experiences, and real-world interactions. Explore the nuances of this change in the evolving landscape of marketing today.

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