Maduro delivers a coup d'état to democracy, truth, justice, and his people

(In the words of Molina Vzla., Ortega - Cuba - Taylor Canada, Maqueda USA, Maurizio-Arg-, Rotmistrovsky - Py) In a context where freedom and justice are more than just words, January 9, 2025, became a day of global resistance and outcry. "Despite the fact that there were 180 massive protests across Venezuela and in 150 cities worldwide yesterday, Nicolás Maduro's regime dares to carry out a coup d'état."

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This act of contempt not only challenges the will of the Venezuelan people but also disregards the overwhelming legitimacy affirmed by the OAS, UN, the European Union, and over 78 countries that have recognized the cries of a population exhausted by oppression. The burning question in the collective conscience is: "How can certain presidents, in 2025, support such an obvious crime against the nation, democracy, and justice?" As 8 million Venezuelan migrants seek refuge abroad and the remaining 24 million (who disagree) remain trapped in the country under the yoke of the Castro-Chavista dictatorship, the silence and complicity of nations like Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Guatemala become unacceptable. Even more concerning is the neutrality of Brazil and Colombia in the face of this outrage, prompting us to reflect on the moral responsibility of every nation.



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Sheimbaum's claim that "the people need to resolve this without anyone's intervention" is as insensitive as suggesting that a mother and her children, beaten and terrified by a violent father, should find the solution themselves instead of seeking the intervention of the police. This kind of rhetoric disrespects millions of Venezuelan migrants and voters who have verifiably chosen the opposition; it is a disrespect to human dignity, a disdain for the law, and a failure of the State, nations, and institutions like the OAS, UN, and EU to provide protection.


It’s time for the world to wake up and refuse to allow these abhorrent acts to continue. Freedom, private property, justice, and truth are fundamental human rights, and we cannot let them be undermined by biased ideologies or fanatical sympathies. "The fight for democracy in Venezuela is not just a struggle of Venezuelans; it is a battle for respect for human dignity that concerns us all."

Thus, the call is clear: we cannot remain silent. History is watching us, and the time to act is now. Truth and justice must prevail, and it is each of our responsibilities to raise our voices against tyranny. Venezuela deserves a free and just future, and it is time for the world to demand it!



Summary and Tips

The political landscape of Venezuela has been marked by tension and uncertainty, and Nicolás Maduro's recent act of assuming a third term has reignited the flames of controversy. On January 10, 2025, Edmundo González and María Corina Machado, prominent opposition leaders, condemned what they consider a "coup d'état" perpetrated by Maduro's regime. In a context where democracy and human rights are constantly under threat, it is crucial to analyze the implications of this event and the responses from the opposition.

The coup d'état denounced by Edmundo González and María Corina Machado represents a pivotal moment in Venezuela's contemporary history. The struggle for democracy and human rights continues, and the international community must pay attention to the events unfolding in the country. The opposition's resistance, despite facing enormous challenges, is a testament to the Venezuelans' desire to reclaim their freedom.

  • Edmundo González and María Corina Machado accuse Maduro of a coup d'état following his swearing-in.

  • González, who allegedly received 70% of the votes, will not return to Venezuela for security reasons.

  • Machado and González urge the international community to act against the regime.

The Accusations of Edmundo González and María Corina Machado

The Opposition’s Accusations

"Today, January 10, Maduro consolidates a coup d'état. Before the Venezuelans and the world, they chose to cross the red line that formalizes the violation of the national Constitution," stated María Corina Machado in a video posted on her social media. This declaration resonates in a context where the legitimacy of Maduro's government has been repeatedly questioned by the international community. González, who had claimed victory in the July 28 elections, emphasized, "I am very close to Venezuela, I am ready for a safe return, at the right moment." Such statements highlight the opposition's determination not to yield to repression.

The Implications of the Coup d'état

Maduro's swearing-in, surrounded by high-ranking military officials and representatives of public powers, has been interpreted as a maneuver to consolidate an authoritarian regime. "Maduro will not be able to forcefully govern Venezuela," asserted Machado, while urging the population to "do whatever it takes" to restore constitutional order. This declaration underscores the opposition


This declaration underscores the opposition's resilience and commitment to the fight for democracy.

Strategies and Responses from the Opposition

González's decision not to return to Venezuela at this time has sparked debate. "We have evaluated all of this and decided that it is not convenient for Edmundo to enter Venezuela today," Machado indicated. This highlights the need for a well-thought-out strategy that prioritizes the security and viability of opposition leaders.

González, for his part, has called upon the state security forces: "As commander-in-chief, I order the high military command to disregard illegal orders." Such calls for peaceful insurrection are fundamental in the struggle for democracy, as they seek to divide the military forces from the regime.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does a coup d'état mean in the Venezuelan context?

A coup d'état refers to the illegal or violent seizure of power. In Venezuela, this implies the violation of the Constitution and a lack of legitimacy in the government.

Why is Edmundo González not returning to Venezuela?

González has chosen not to return for security reasons, given the risks he faces under Maduro's regime.

How can the international community help Venezuela?

The international community can exert diplomatic pressure on the regime, as well as support the opposition and civil society in their fight for democracy.

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