The South Beach News Cafe has reopened

(Por redacción de InfoNegocios Miami, Juan Maqueda y Marcelo Maurizio) The News Cafe in South Beach, one of the most iconic places in Miami, has reopened its doors after a pause for renovations and administrative changes. After decades of being a popular spot for tourists and locals alike, this space is ready to welcome fashion and culture personalities once again, just as it did in the 90s.

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The News Cafe has been considered a very important place for culture and fashion in Miami. After a period of renovations and administrative changes, this space has reopened its doors.

Entrepreneur Mark Soyka started the story of this business in 1988 on the first floor of the Tony Hotel located at 800 Ocean Drive. Gianni Versace, the famous fashion icon, was one of the most frequent customers, having breakfast there every day while reading the newspaper.

Although some aspects of the service have been modernized, the News Cafe maintains classic dishes on its menu, reinterpreted by chef Henry Hané, founder of the B Bistro gastronomic group in Brickell, who used to visit this restaurant weekly as a child. "I know I'm not the only one who has missed it since it closed, so I'm honored to be part of its rebirth," said Hané.

In more than 3,000 reviews published by visitors on TripAdvisor, the staff's attention, accessible prices, and the place's atmosphere stand out. "From people watching to having a glass of wine or an endless cup of coffee, everything is good there. The evening lighting makes it more magical. It's a must-visit during your stay in South Beach. It's easy to understand why Gianni Versace enjoyed it so much," wrote one person in 2016.

Jamil Dib, founder and co-owner of the Vida & Estilo Restaurant group, shared with the New York Post that although he did not personally know Versace, the news of his death was shocking. However, he assured that there are many good memories on the site: "The News Cafe was essential to the rebirth of South Beach. This is a mission. Of course, we want to make money, but recovering it was also a gesture to our community".

The restaurant has been owned by several companies over the years, with the Vida & Estilo Restaurant group being responsible for the latest renovation. Although some aspects of the service have also been modernized, classic dishes that are reinterpreted by chef Henry Hané, founder of the B Bistro gastronomic group in Brickell, are still preserved on the News Cafe's menu. Hané mentioned that he used to visit this place weekly as a child.

The News Cafe had a tragic moment in its history when Gianni Versace was murdered on the steps of his mansion after visiting the café. This happened on July 15, 1997, and was an incident that shook the fashion world. Despite this sad event, the News Cafe has remained a very important place for Miami and its community.

Although the tragic death of the fashion icon has been part of the restaurant's history, Vida & Estilo Restaurant group partner Jamil Dib assured that they are committed to the place's legacy and that the new concept pays tribute to its history.

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