Cool from Miami, current, tech-savvy, cultured, upper-class GUT lands in New York: A milestone in Global Advertising, a Latino pride

(By Maqueda, Maurizio, and Otero) Anyone in Anglolatam who has been part of the management of a recognized brand or a marketing or advertising agency cannot help but feel excited about this historic event. GUT's recent announcement of opening its ninth office in the vibrant city of New York marks an important milestone in the trajectory of this global creative network. Led by the renowned Gus Marmarinos and Lucas Bongioanni, GUT is poised to further strengthen its presence in the United States, joining its already successful offices in Miami and Los Angeles. This move represents not only geographical expansion but also a reaffirmation of the agency's commitment to innovation and creativity in a highly competitive market.

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Tips IN

  • Opening of GUT New York: The ninth office of the creative network.

  • Leadership: Gus Marmarinos (Managing Director) and Lucas Bongioanni (CCO).

  • Key Clients: ABI, Procter & Gamble, Kraft Heinz.

  • Goal: To become the most creative and influential agency in New York.

"The best agency in the history of advertising was in New York: DDB in the 60s. It’s the only city in the world with a street that represents advertising: Madison Avenue. And that generated one of the best TV dramas of all time: Mad Men. (If you haven’t seen it, are you in advertising?). NYC has been home to many classic advertising agencies." With these words, Anselmo Ramos announced on his LinkedIn account.


GUT’s Vision

The essence of GUT lies in its philosophy of "brave creativity." This approach translates into campaigns that not only seek to attract attention but also resonate emotionally with the audience. Opening an office in New York, considered the cradle of modern advertising, is a strategic step that reinforces this vision. The city is home to some of the world’s most iconic agencies and is a hub of global trends and culture.

"We couldn't be happier to introduce Gus Marmarinos, managing director, and Lucas Bongioanni, chief creative officer, as the leadership team for the opening of our third office in the United States. GUT New York will work closely with our headquarters in Miami and our office in Los Angeles, reporting directly to the CEO of the United States, Sandra Alfaro. The team is already working with globally relevant clients, including ABI, P&G, and Kraft Heinz, alongside our offices across North America," stated GUT.



Tips for Understanding the Opening of GUT New York


  • Market Connection: Understand the importance of New York as an advertising hub.


  • Expert Leadership: The experience of Marmarinos and Bongioanni adds significant value.


  • Relevant Clients: Collaboration with iconic brands offers growth opportunities.


  • Continuous Innovation: Creativity must be a constant driver in daily work.


Additionally, they expressed: "We dream of becoming the most creative and influential agency in New York and beyond. Thanks to all our brave clients who support us. If we can succeed anywhere, we can succeed here. Without courage, there is no glory."

A Team of Talent

The new office will not only be led by renowned professionals but will also feature a diverse team that includes experts in content strategy, creative direction, and communications. This multidisciplinary approach will ensure that GUT New York is well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the contemporary advertising market.

The Importance of Talent

Attracting and retaining talent is crucial in the advertising industry. GUT has demonstrated its ability to form high-performing teams that not only meet but exceed client expectations. With a focus on collaboration and innovative thinking, the GUT New York team is prepared to tackle complex projects with agility and creativity.

Growth Strategy

GUT's strategy for New York includes not only expanding its client base but also creating a network of collaboration among its offices in Miami and Los Angeles. This synergy will allow the agency to tackle large-scale projects and offer comprehensive creative solutions.

Growth Outlook


  • International Collaboration: The integration of teams from different cities will enhance creativity.


  • Service Diversification: Expanding the service offering to attract a broader audience.


  • Technology Focus: Incorporating neuromarketing and neuroscience tools to optimize campaigns.


Conclusions and Reflections

The opening of GUT New York is more than just a geographical move; it is a testament to the limitless potential of creativity in the modern world. With experienced leadership and a talented team, the agency is well-positioned to leave a lasting mark on the city’s advertising landscape.

Courage as a Driver: Without courage, there is no glory in the world of advertising.

Creativity as Strategy: Innovation must be the foundation of every campaign.

The Importance of Collaboration: Teamwork is essential for success.

GUT New York is ready to take on the challenge of becoming one of the most influential agencies in the world. With a solid client base and

a focus on brave creativity, this new office promises to be a beacon of innovation in the advertising capital.


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