Discovering the Spectacular Seventh Edition of Miami Concours 2024: A Masterclass in Cross-Marketing and Experience Amplification

(By Felix and Juan Maqueda, with the collaboration of Marcelo Maurizio) The Miami Design District hosted an extraordinary event this past weekend with the seventh edition of Miami Concours. Under the theme "Design Driven: The Intersection of Auto, Art and Fashion," the event showcased the most significant post-war automobiles, merging automotive design with art and fashion. Additionally, it displayed the current design trends that excite car enthusiasts in Miami and around the world.

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Miami Concours 2024 became a milestone at the intersection of design, automotive excellence, and luxury lifestyle, solidifying the Miami Design District as the city's cultural epicenter.


Enjoy this video that captures the essence of this super cool event: []

Highlights of the weekend filled with design and beauty:

  • Exhibition of historic and contemporary automobiles against the backdrop of the Miami Design District.

  • Exclusive experiences like outdoor cinema, private tours, and collector dinners during the Concours weekend.

  • Event finale on Sunday, featuring an awards ceremony and additional VIP experiences.

Miami Concours, one of the country's most anticipated motorized events, returned to the Miami Design District in 2024 for its seventh edition. Under the theme "Design Driven: The Intersection of Auto, Art and Fashion," the Concours showcased the most significant post-war automobiles and examples of excellence in modern design and engineering.

The event, co-owned by the Miami Design District, The Concours Group, and DuPont REGISTRY, offered an immersive experience that merged automotive design with art and fashion. Over three days, attendees enjoyed a diverse program that included VIP events, panel discussions, tours, and exclusive experiences throughout the Miami Design District.

VIP ticket holders had access to a series of exclusive events, such as outdoor movie nights, VIP lounges, and concerts under the stars. Additionally, personal shopping experiences were offered with the Miami Design District's personal shopping team. Miami Concours stood out as a disruptive event in the automotive industry, attracting enthusiasts from all categories. Funds raised during the event benefited Nicklaus Children's Hospital, adding a philanthropic element to the experience.


IN Dossier:

Theme: "Design Driven: The Intersection of Auto, Art and Fashion."

Event Partners: Miami Design District, The Concours Group, and DuPont REGISTRY.

Beneficiary: Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

VIP Activities: Drive-In Movie Night, VIP Lounge, Concours Awards Ceremony, Concert Under the Stars, among others.

Event Coordinators: Craig Robins (Miami Design District), John Temerian Jr. (CURATED), Ronnie Vogel, and Brett David (Prestige Imports).

Key Highlights: 250+ cars on display, panel discussions, exclusive dinners, private shopping experiences, among others.

Miami Concours: The incredible lesson in cross-marketing, content curation, and extended experience:

Miami Concours highlights the incredible organization and intelligence behind this event, which attracts thousands of tourists, brands, and media to the Miami Design District year after year. The careful selection of automobiles, the variety of VIP experiences, and the integration of design, art, and fashion make this event truly unique. In previous editions, Miami Concours has established itself as a benchmark in the automotive and cultural industries, offering attendees an unforgettable experience that combines a passion for cars with the luxury lifestyle characteristic of Miami. The event's ability to evolve and surprise every year demonstrates its relevance and its ability to stay ahead of trends and audience expectations.

Miami Concours was created with the purpose of bringing together automobile enthusiasts, designers, and luxury aficionados in a unique setting like the Miami Design District. It was conceived by a group of visionaries led by John Temerian Jr. of CURATED, Ronnie Vogel, and Brett David of Prestige Imports, in collaboration with the Miami Design District. The first edition of Miami Concours took place seven years ago, and since then, it has positioned itself as one of the most prominent automotive events nationally and internationally.

At Miami Concours, you can find a wide variety of car typologies, from classics and vintage cars to state-of-the-art sports models and luxury automobiles.

However, it is common to see visitors and exhibitors drawn to exclusive and high-performance vehicles, as well as special editions and unique models from world-renowned manufacturers.

Among the achievements of Miami Concours are:

  • Attracting some of the world's most prestigious automobile brands to exhibit their most exclusive vehicles.

  • Offering an immersive experience that combines a passion for cars with design, art, and fashion.

  • Establishing itself as an annual event that attracts thousands of visitors, both locally and internationally, and has become a must-attend event on Miami's event calendar.

  • Forming strategic partnerships with charitable organizations, such as Nicklaus Children's Hospital, to contribute to important social causes.

  • Developing a VIP program that offers attendees exclusive experiences and privileged access to special events within Miami Concours.

  • Continuing to evolve and reinvent itself year after year to remain relevant and at the forefront of the automotive and luxury entertainment industries.

  • Generating brand and media loyalty that annually support this event.

Miami Concours is a global icon event that attracts participants, exhibitors, clients, consumers, media, celebrities, influencers, to the Miami Design District.

As for the famous personalities who often attend Miami Concours, it is common to see celebrities from the entertainment world, athletes, entrepreneurs, car collectors, and prominent figures from the automotive industry. Among the attendees, you can find passionate car enthusiasts, experts, and connoisseurs, all interested in enjoying the unique experience offered by this event. The presence of well-known personalities contributes to the exclusive and glamorous atmosphere of Miami Concours, making it a meeting point for Miami's social and cultural elite and beyond.

IN Summary:

Miami Concours is the result of the effort and vision of a group of leaders in the automotive and design industries and has established itself as an emblematic event celebrating excellence in the world of automobiles and luxury culture.

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