Elisa Weiner: empowering latino entrepreneurs to thrive in the USA

(By Gisela Di Fabio / from Miami) In our special feature highlighting dynamic Latina entrepreneurs making waves in the USA and Florida, we are thrilled to introduce Elisa Weiner. Elisa, an Argentine-born Latina entrepreneur, is a driving force behind Real Dreams USA and a coordinator for the Women's Business Committee of AACC. Let's dive into her inspiring journey.

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Elisa Weiner is the Events Committee Coordinator of FEBICHAM and the Women's Business Committee of the Argentine American Chamber of Commerce in Florida. She is a woman with extensive experience in the field of business and commerce, driven by a desire to assist and advise individuals in achieving their goals.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to this point.

  • "Hello, Gisela, thank you so much! As you mentioned, my name is Elisa Weiner. I'm married and a proud mother of two boys aged 10 and 13—they are my motivation and my greatest pride. I hail from Córdoba, Argentina, but I'm now based in Florida, USA.

Several years ago, we arrived in the USA on an E2 Investment Visa, having purchased a beauty salon in Sunny Isles Beach. The decision to come to Miami was made swiftly and instinctively.

Despite having led a relatively comfortable life in Argentina, we felt that there weren't many promising paths ahead, nor a prosperous future for our children.

Both my husband and I are incredibly entrepreneurial by nature. While we thrived in that environment, we weren't confident in continuing to do so in Argentina. I proposed the idea of emigrating, never imagining he'd agree so quickly. We analyzed various Visa options to relocate, visited to explore business opportunities, and engaged with numerous people, initiating a journey that took about 5 months from the inception of the idea.

We arrived with countless dreams, aspirations, and an ardent desire to take action. Due to the number of inquiries we received—given our move on an Investment Visa—we established 'Real Dreams USA.' It's a company that offers Real Estate, Business, and Accounting Consultation services. I run it alongside my husband, with the collaboration of other professionals such as immigration specialists and international trade experts. Our aim is to provide clients a comprehensive platform for migrating or investing in the USA.

  • What tools/skills played a pivotal role in your journey?

  • The tools and skills that have propelled me forward are those that define me: proactiveness, adeptness in management, commitment, self-assurance, self-trust, and an aversion to staying within my comfort zone.

  • What was the journey like? What challenges did you overcome, and what strategies simplified your path?

  • I'm not sure if it was luck or advantage, but I must acknowledge that our journey to reach this point was relatively smooth across the board. It encompassed making the decision, encountering individuals who facilitated a seamless transition, and adapting swiftly without disrupting family equilibrium. My personality and my husband's unwavering support served as pillars to navigate this path. I'm a firm believer that, when someone ardently desires something and takes the most suitable route to attain it, they invariably achieve their goal. While obstacles are inevitable, the key is to transform those hurdles into lessons and forge ahead without surrendering.

  • What would you like to share with our readers about your current projects? What's your current focus?

  • Alongside managing our consultancy, Real Dreams USA, I co-coordinate the Women's Business Committee of the Argentine American Chamber of Commerce (AACC) in Florida with Maria Paula Rubín. Our committee aims to be a platform of action and innovation, developing training programs and fostering networking activities to strengthen ties between men and women within the Chamber. Additionally, this committee represents women within Febicham (Federation of Binational Chambers of Commerce of Latin America in the USA). We actively participate in various events conducted by the Federation, representing all member Chambers.

I feel immensely grateful and proud to contribute towards facilitating smoother commercial relations between the United States and various Latin American countries. People gain access to valuable information and contacts through the diverse webinars and in-person events, organized by professionals from around the world.

Currently, I'm leading a Commercial Mission to Córdoba, Argentina, along with Marcelo Dadone (Director of the Argentine American Chamber of Commerce). This mission, scheduled for November 3rd and 4th this year, aims to "promote and expand bilateral business opportunities between Argentine and American companies." I invite anyone interested to contact me for more details.

  • What advice or message would you like to impart to our readers?

  • Never remain complacent in your comfort zone and always seek avenues for improvement and growth, be it on a personal, professional, or corporate level. Learning from others is invaluable, and knocking on doors isn't a negative thing. While some doors might be closed, rest assured that the ones that open are worth the effort.

  • Fantastic! Where can we find you, and how can we get in touch?

My contact information and social media details are:

Phone: +1 786 5872738

Email: w.elisaweiner@gmail.com

Website: www.realdreams-usa.com


  • Instagram

  • Great! Thank you so much, Elisa, for your generosity and your time!

  • The pleasure is all mine, Gisela. Thank you for your unwavering support.

Content sponsored by AACC and the Women's Business Committee.

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