A new themed mini golf and cocktail bar concept lands in Miami

(By Belén Gandolfo Screpante) Backed by Rory McIlroy's Symphony Ventures, Puttery, the latest entrant in the emerging concept space, arrives in the Wynwood area, a vibrant hipster haven adorned with colorful murals and sprinkled with galleries and nightlife options. The crossing marketing boom and the expansion of experiences in Miami continue.It's no secret that Miami residents love themed mini-golf and experiences that combine fun with tasty cocktails.

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Dubbed as an "immersive experience like no other," newcomer Puttery from Drive Shack Inc. gives a modern twist to the game, with a high-energy atmosphere combining a plethora of culinary offerings and clever craft cocktails. In fact, guests must be 21 years or older to enter.

  • With 17,800 square feet for a "hole" lot of fun, Puttery will feature three themed 9-hole courses along with multiple bars. Digital scoreboards also grace each hole to ensure no one needs to carry around pencil and paper.

  • There's also The Library, an exciting nine-hole course where you can explore the shelves, spin the globe, and challenge your friends.

  • Then there's the super-chill Lodge, where you can enjoy views of the Rocky Mountains, warm up by the fireplace that spans the entire wall, and stop for a selfie on the ski lift between shots.

Rooftop, inspired by the city's rooftops (although this is an interior), transports guests to the center of a bustling metropolis, accentuated by warmly lit lampposts, lush greenery, and open corners.

Because putt-putt can really work up a sweat, Puttery is equally known for its special cocktails and chef-driven menu. Whether you're planning to eat or play, American classics and local flavors will be available as shareable dishes. Craft cocktails, wine, and beer will also be on hand to accompany it all.

Puttery Miami will be located at 239 NW 28th St, Miami FL, 33127, and plans to open in January. This will be the company's ninth location (and the first in Florida), with other locations in Dallas, Washington, D.C., and Chicago.

It will be open from Monday to Thursday from 4 p.m. to midnight, Friday and Saturday from 12 p.m. to 1 a.m., and Sunday from 12 p.m. to midnight.

Mini Golf Expands Across the U.S.:

The parent company Drive Shack, whose 12-acre entertainment venues compete with Top Golf, aimed to create a golf-centric experience that could work in dense urban environments. Puttery debuted in the summer of 2021, opening units in Charlotte and Dallas. In 2022, locations in D.C., Houston, and Chicago came online, and this year saw openings in Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, and Kansas City, with an average construction cost of $8 to $10 million.

Unlike Top Golf or Drive Shack driving ranges, where there's a minimal learning curve for those who have never swung a club, almost no skill is required to participate and enjoy mini-putt.

When asked how significant the entry of golf concepts like Puttery and Tiger Woods' outdoor putting concept PopStroke can be in popularizing the sport, Rory McIlroy responded that the impact can be "huge."

"People come here with their friends, have a few drinks, practice some putts, and have fun; that could give them the idea of 'you know, maybe I want to get a couple of lessons from my local PGA pro,'" McIlroy said.

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