Campari Unveils a new bottle inspired by its birthplace, Milan: a visual ode to elegance and avant-garde

(By Marcelo Maurizio) Campari, the iconic Italian aperitif brand, has launched its first bottle redesign in a decade, featuring a new look inspired by the birthplace of the beverage, Milan. The bottle showcases lines cut into the glass, symbolizing the journey of the Aperitivo ritual from Milan to the rest of the world, according to Campari. Additionally, the dynamic movement and tilt of the lines reflect the vitality and transformation over time that Milan and Campari have experienced together.


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This bottle redesign, the first for the brand in 10 years, aims to be a visual homage to the city, blending "simplicity and discreet elegance, much like Milan itself." The sharp, bold, and confident lines were created to mirror "the minimalist fashion and contemporary design for which Milan is known," with a modern and direct edge representing authentic Milanese craftsmanship.

The direction of the lines, with a modern and straightforward cut, symbolizes the journey of the Aperitivo ritual from Milan to the rest of the world, leading the eye to the city's name in the center of the bottle. Moreover, the dynamic movement and tilt of the lines reflect the vitality and transformation over time that Milan and Campari have undergone together, from the past to the future, with an innovative and progressive approach.

As part of Campari Group's commitment to achieving its sustainability goal of zero net emissions by 2050, new sustainability criteria are being introduced in the design and development of its packaging. Accordingly, the company has evaluated and measured the new Campari bottle against three criteria: weight optimization, maximization of recycled content, and full recyclability of materials.

"All efforts have been focused on balancing premium and innovative design with the reduction of environmental impacts," commented Julka Villa, marketing director of Campari Group.

To launch the new bottle, Campari will host "the largest drone show ever seen in Europe" on May 4th and 5th, illuminating Milan's skyline to be seen from across the city. The display will last 12 minutes and bring the "iconic" symbols of Milan to life through a spectacular show of illuminations.

Furthermore, the brand's connection to the city will also be celebrated through a special cocktail list at Camparino in Galleria, the Milanese venue founded in 1915 by Davide Campari overlooking Piazza Duomo.

"This launch is just the beginning," said Villa. "Over the next few months, you will see an international rollout of the new bottle. This includes an exciting opportunity to present the newly redesigned bottle at the Campari Lounge in Cannes, and at a series of events hosted by Campari at the Cannes Film Festival, of which Campari is the official partner for the second year.

"In this glamorous setting, we will serve unforgettable creations prepared by some of the most awarded international bartenders to a global audience. With this launch, we hope to share Milanese aperitivo culture to elevate social gatherings worldwide.

"We've witnessed the Negroni, of which Campari is the defining ingredient, grow and become an icon of cocktail culture. In fact, it is now globally recognized as the best-selling classic cocktail. With this launch, we aim to build on this success and see more cocktail icons travel the globe."

Milan-based branding studio Robilant has designed the new brand identity and packaging for Campari, paying homage to Milanese architecture with a grooved canneté bottle and a "late Deco decorative theme." This project is the result of a long collaboration between Robilant and Campari. In recent years, the studio has redesigned some of the company's other products, such as Campari Soda in 2020.

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