Facundo Arana, his vision and his dreams in Miami, the new "anglolatino" cultural "hub"

(By Marcelo Maurizio) After talking about his career, his experience, we couldn't miss the opportunity to ask him how he feels as an artist about what is happening in Miami, what he likes about its culture, and what his goals are here, in the city of the sun.

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InfoNegocios Miami (IN MIA): Do you have friends and/or family in the USA? What are the places you like the most?

Facundo Arana (FA): I have friends in various places in the United States. New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Florida. It seems that through what I have seen throughout life in movies and television, I know a lot... But in fact, I know Miami, the Everglades, and Nashville.

IN MIA: What cultural differences have you found between working in the entertainment industry in Latin America and in Miami? How do you feel as a "traveler," as an Argentine, traveling to the city of the sun? What do you miss about Argentina?

FA: I think Miami has the particularity of making any foreign visitor feel local. Every person I met was very friendly.

I saw that it is a place with clear rules and people eager to live freely within those rules.

Having clear roots and love for your loved ones, you realize throughout life that roots are important and travel with you. One will always represent their place of origin.

I only miss Sunday BBQs with the family.

IN MIA: What do you like about the city on a global level?

I believe that Miami generously welcomes people from all over the world and allows them to feel a bit at home there. Miami and Florida, I feel, have an advantage with that over the rest of the USA.

IN MIA: What challenges have you faced, or do you think you will face, as a Latin artist in such a diverse market as Miami?

FA: I believe my challenge will be to bring the most beautiful theatrical works. Just my solo show "En el aire" is enough for me to jump with all my soul onto an Anglo-Hispanic or Anglo-Latino stage.

As I said, globalization is increasingly felt. The world seems to be getting smaller and smaller, and a place like Miami is especially welcoming to foreigners who wish to live in peace and harmony in a thriving city where art is increasingly promoted.

IN MIA: How do you see the future of cultural and artistic integration in Miami and in the world in general?

FA: I believe the only way to promote Latin art in the world is by bringing the best of the arts from each country to important places like Miami, from where one can reach the entire world.

IN MIA: What do you think is needed to continue promoting diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry in Miami and Latin America?

FA: My search for opportunities is more about the adventure of life and continuing to find moments of challenges, happiness, and beautiful adventures. That is what I always recommend to artists starting their journey if they ask me for advice.

IN MIA: What impact do you think the collaboration between Latin and American artists has on the artistic scene in Miami? Spain and Latin America have always had a "route" of connection, do you think today Miami is another?

FA: Yes, of course, definitely! And not only do I think it's a new route, but I also believe it's not by chance. I think new routes, new paths are necessary... What will never happen is for the United States to be left out. That's where it all began!

IN MIA: What personal experiences have influenced your vision of art and culture in Miami?

FA: Sometimes the feeling is so strong that it even seems like a reasonable thought. But as an artist, feelings, when they are strong, surpass any reasoning.

IN MIA: Do you feel that Argentine television, cinema, and theater have stagnated? In what ways, in what ways not? How do you view, for example, Mexican cinema?

FA: I don't believe that cinema and television in Argentina have stagnated. I do believe they are starting to shift towards platforms, and I think that is a change that is irreversible. I also believe these are global changes, and I believe that platforms have put all cinema on the same line. I don't have much knowledge about Mexican cinema, but at this moment, I speak about the identity of Uruguay and Argentine cinema.

IN MIA: What do you think your story, your work, your desires, your talent can be valued for in Miami?

FA: I have always liked to think ahead. More than being valued for what I have done, I like to think about what I can be valued for what I will do. That's why, no matter where, with all my soul and all my life experience,my bet of value is to give what I am.

IN MIA: What is your "Miami" professional dream and what are your personal dreams?

FA: My dream is to continue projecting my best memories of the future, offering my art and my best effort to continue developing my career as I have done so far: with a lot of love and professionalism.

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