Peru: Have you ever thought about sleeping while hanging 400 meters above ground?

(By Belen Gandolfo Screpante) Now you can do it in the hanging hotel over the Sacred Valley of Cuzco. There is a hotel in Peru that will leave you breathless or will allow you to breathe the purest air possible (it depends on perspectives) due to its incredible position on a cliff.

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Experiences transform people's composure. There are many intimate factors that alleviate or generate pressure on us, but it is undeniable that, as a species, we are inexorably attracted to the unknown. We will tell you more about it in this article.

The greatest evidence is around us. None of what is built by humans would be possible without that interaction with danger, with the hidden or the unknown. Proof of this are some constructions such as the hanging hotel in Peru that we will talk about today. An architectural feat where only the brave dare to spend the night.

The Skylodge Adventure Suites is in Peru

We are talking about the incredible Skylodge Adventure Suites, a hanging hotel that is located at, nothing more and nothing less than, 400 meters above the Vilcanota River in Peru.

Of course, its greatest merit is not being located at that height, but being suspended on a cliff in the mountains. With views over the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, to reach it you have to climb 122 meters or travel a dangerous trail using zip lines... No words!

Incredible views of the Sacred Valley of Cuzco

Once you have overcome the "small" obstacle of the trail, you can rest in capsules with transparent walls. They are the rooms of this particular hotel that, definitely, hang attached to the rocks of the precipice. These hanging rooms have four beds, a dining area, and a bathroom, allowing a total capacity of 12 people (there are three suites and the restaurant or common area).

The location of the cliff has views of the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, with the peculiarity of being able to enjoy the starry Milky Way at night. The dimensions of the capsules are 7.3 meters long by 2.4 meters high and are made of aerospace aluminum and high-strength polycarbonate, which is much more resistant and safe than glass.

Offers a different way to approach the world of climbing

The entrance and exit of the room are made through the upper part, so harness attachment when leaving is mandatory. Inside, you can get rid of this element and enjoy your time seeing the magnificent views through the six operable windows. The entry and exit of air are made through four ventilation ducts that regulate the quality of the interior.

The complex is very environmentally conscious, so its main lighting system is based on solar panels that store the charge in batteries responsible for supplying the precious resource. The hotel opened its "windows" (it is more appropriate than doors in this case) in 2013 and since then offers a magnificent opportunity to approach the sport of climbing.

The hanging hotel rooms are connected to the Peruvian mountain with tension cables

The bathroom also has glass walls, so Mother Nature has as many views of you as you have of her (tie). But don't worry, the capsule has curtains on all its walls to be able to cut off the views, either so that the curious gaze of the local condors doesn't challenge us, or so that the intense light does not bother us excessively.

Of course, physics has a lot to do with the construction of these incredible spaces. Two elements hold the capsules in a horizontal position: tension cables anchored to the mountain. This means that force transmission is done homogeneously throughout the cable and force absorption comes from the anchor point.

This hotel has common dining areas. To ensure user safety, mechanical and chemical anchoring works well on rock elements, especially when several steel cables support the capsules. Additionally, there are walkways with cross beams attached to the rock and suites on top of the capsules, which help support the weight through contact.

In the public or common area of the hotel where the restaurant is located, we can see that thin pillars support the transmission of loads by working in compression. The shape of the spaces also shows the need to maximize the use of space while minimizing weight, hence the use of wood or aluminum (much lighter than steel).

All in all, this hanging hotel in one of the most special valleys in Peru seems like a fantastic place to enjoy the Milky Way, start learning the sport of climbing, enjoy the most rugged nature, or simply disconnect from external noise and reconnect with oneself, which is also a brave way to face the future.

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