The current social dilemma: cognitive dissonance and its impact on political manipulation

(By Maqueda and Maurizio) The Challenge of Reason in the Era of Polarization: Cognitive dissonance, a concept coined by social psychologist Leon Festinger in 1950, allows us to delve into the inexplicable terrain of our behaviors. In the political realm, this dissonance becomes an intriguing phenomenon: individuals who share a strong emotional connection with a political party, leader, ideology, or belief tend to let that loyalty do the thinking for them. They may even go to the extreme of ignoring or distorting any real evidence that challenges or questions those deeply rooted loyalties.

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Aesop's Fable in Modern Politics: This phenomenon brings to mind Aesop's fable, "The Fox and the Grapes." In the story, when the fox fails to reach the grapes, it convinces itself that it didn't desire them in the first place. In politics, this kind of rationalization is common. People may reject information that contradicts their deeply held political beliefs, convincing themselves that they don't need that information or that it's false.

Navigating the Cognitive Dissonance Maze: Cognitive dissonance plunges us into a psychological labyrinth where our minds seek to harmonize contradictory ideas and maintain internal coherence. Often, this means justifying behaviors, decisions, or beliefs despite the existence of evidence to the contrary. This theory, formulated by Festinger, helps us understand how people strive to make sense of conflicting ideas and, ultimately, seek to lead consistent lives in their minds, even if reality shows they are mistaken.

Navigating Cognitive Dissonance in Politics: Cognitive dissonance is a complex phenomenon that plays a significant role in contemporary politics. Understanding how it influences our political beliefs and decisions is crucial for addressing polarization and promoting more informed and reflective political dialogue. As we explore the complexities of the human mind in the political context, we are better equipped to navigate the cognitive dissonance maze and perhaps find solutions to the political challenges of our time.

Misrepresentation and Emotions in Political Manipulation: Emotions, inherited cultural biases, suffering—these are all used to create manipulation. Often, the individuals who consider themselves the most "righteous," the so-called sensitive ones, are the first to be captivated by supposed "just causes" that subdue and distort rights, concealing reality through magical thinking. When reality is very harsh, it's very difficult to accept that one is to blame. Therefore, it's convenient to blame someone else and shift one's own problems onto them.

"Mistakes Were Made" by Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris: To delve even deeper into the complexities of cognitive dissonance, there is no better guide than social psychologists Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris, authors of "Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts." In this essential work, the authors explore cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, and other cognitive biases to illustrate how we justify and rationalize our behaviors. This book should be required reading for any public official or political leader seeking to understand the complexities of the human mind and how these complexities affect our political decisions and actions.

Cognitive Dissonance and Political Manipulation in America Today: Cognitive dissonance, a well-documented psychological phenomenon, has a significant impact on politics in America. As political leaders and strategists seek to influence public opinion and voting decisions, they understand and exploit this human tendency to promote their agendas. This intersects with political manipulation in the American context in various ways, from confirmation biases on social media to polarization and partisan identification.

Exploring America's Cognitive Dissonance: There is a wide range of academic articles and books that address cognitive dissonance in the context of politics. Some recommended readings include "The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation" by Drew Westen and "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion" by Jonathan Haidt.

Responsibility and Evolution: The great responsibility we all have is to broaden our perspectives, examine our beliefs, and question the certainties inherited from family, educational, religious, and societal indoctrination. The only way to evolve is to develop critical thinking and to be able to review our own emotional biases. Understand that many social fears are driven by manipulation. Only constant individual and societal review of power and state administration can contribute to a fairer, freer, more prosperous, peaceful, and orderly society.

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