The disruptive production company Roll Productions lands and inaugurates its studio in Miami

(By Maqueda and Maurizio) In the vibrant setting of the city of Miami, renowned for its cultural diversity and entrepreneurial spirit, the acclaimed Argentine production company Roll Productions has decided to expand its horizons and establish its presence in this dynamic metropolis to enhance the Anglo-Latino style of content and meet the growing market demand for value content, collaborative content, product placement, and native advertising. With over 25 years of successful experience in its home country, the company has chosen Miami as the ideal place to showcase its talent and creativity, thus marking the beginning of a new and innovative stage in its history.

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Under the direction of its local partner, Maxi de Bernardi, in collaboration with Elisa Weiner (Director of the Argentine-American Chamber of Commerce), Roll Productions has inaugurated its own studio in the heart of Biscayne Boulevard, solidifying its commitment to providing high-quality services in the audiovisual and sports fields. Since its arrival in the city, the production company has achieved significant successes, including the recent development of a documentary series for the renowned Miami United football team, an audiovisual piece that promises to captivate the audience with its unique approach and engaging narrative.

Roll Productions, the prestigious Argentine production company, expands its operations to Miami, establishing its own studio on Biscayne Boulevard. Its expansion allows for a triangular connection between Miami, Spain, and all of Latin America, developing content for the entire Anglo-Latin American region.

  • With extensive experience in the audiovisual and sports market, the company stands out for its innovative approach to creating advertising content. Roll Productions' proposal goes beyond simply creating conventional advertising content. With an innovative and disruptive vision, the company aims to integrate its brand messages organically and harmoniously within editorial content, thus avoiding abrupt interruptions in the user experience. This approach, focused on generating relevant and engaging content for the audience, seeks to establish authentic connections between brands and their audience, fostering consumer engagement and loyalty.

  • The collaboration between brands and media is a growing trend that allows brands to authentically connect with their audience and generate greater engagement. In an increasingly competitive and information-saturated market, collaborative strategies between brands and media play a crucial role. These strategic alliances enable brands to effectively and meaningfully reach their audiences, creating a lasting impact on consumer perception and loyalty. Roll Productions has positioned itself at the forefront of this trend, developing innovative and creative products that transcend the traditional boundaries of advertising.

  • One of the production company's notable projects has been the docu-series produced for Subway Latin America, targeted at the gaming audience. In this innovative proposal, Roll Productions has successfully created engaging and immersive content that subtly incorporates the brand's values and principles, without resorting to invasive advertising strategies. The result is an audiovisual product that not only entertains and excites but also strengthens the emotional connection between the brand and its audience, generating a positive and lasting impact on consumer perception.

"Examples like the docu-series we created for Subway Latin America, for the gaming audience, where we show how life is lived in a Gaming house in Mexico, demonstrate our differential vision. What is particularly unique about it is that we manage to create content where products are not necessarily being consumed in a commercial setting, or where there is a direct commercial spot interrupting the content, but rather content that includes attractive brand principles for the community and where the brand accompanies the content," comments Lucas Neder, a partner at Roll.

The docu-series produced for Miami United and Subway Latin America exemplifies Roll Productions' commitment to creative excellence and innovation in the audiovisual field.

  • Here are videos and information to see this disruptive technique in action, here.

Tips to understand the differential contribution that Roll brings to a market in need of this type of value in content creation:

  1. Roll Productions has developed a creative and subtle approach to integrating brand messages into its content, prioritizing narrative coherence and relevance to the audience. This approach allows messages to be naturally integrated into the plot, creating a smooth and engaging experience for the viewer.

  2. Roll Productions stands out for its innovative and creative approach to content creation for the gaming audience. Instead of relying on direct advertising strategies, the company focuses on generating authentic stories and experiences that emotionally connect with the audience, subtly integrating the brand's values into the content without compromising quality or the user experience.

  3. With an unwavering commitment to creative excellence and innovation, Roll Productions positions itself as a reference in the field of audiovisual production, combining the rich Latin creative tradition with the influence and style of the Anglo-Latino market. Its foray into the Miami scene promises to bring a wave of freshness and originality, enriching the audiovisual landscape and setting itself apart through the creation of content with strategically placed brands, partnerships, and stories of value

  • Roll Productions' content approach focuses on creating timeless and valuable stories, giving brands a unique and lasting reputation among their target audience. By creating content that is not only entertaining but also informative and engaging, the company ensures that brands connect authentically with consumers, building trust and loyalty over time.

  • Through strategic partnerships and innovative storytelling techniques, Roll Productions sets itself apart in the competitive market, offering brands a fresh and effective way to reach their audience. By weaving brand messages seamlessly into compelling narratives, the company creates a powerful impact that resonates with viewers on a deeper level.

  • In a fast-paced and ever-evolving media landscape, Roll Productions stands out as a leader in producing high-quality, engaging, and innovative content that drives meaningful connections between brands and their audience. With its expansion to Miami, the company is poised to bring a new level of creativity and excellence to the vibrant media and marketing scene of the city, solidifying its reputation as a trailblazer in the industry.

In conclusion, Roll Productions' arrival in Miami marks a significant milestone in the company's journey, showcasing its dedication to creativity, innovation, and excellence in the audiovisual field. With a strong focus on creating valuable and engaging content that resonates with audiences, Roll Productions is set to make a lasting impact in the industry and continue to push the boundaries of storytelling and brand integration.

IG: @infonegociosmiami

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