The five best Coffee Trucks in downtown Miami

(By Belén gandolfo Screpante) Food Trucks are the hotspots that serve fresh and trendy flavors to their communities. Coffee is one of the most popular items served, as it boosts energy and accelerates metabolism with its delicious addictive charm. Whether you want to start your day energized at work or need something to lift you up to continue your day, you can visit any of these coffee trucks in downtown Miami.

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True Baristas

1300 Brickell Ave.

Miami, FL 33131


This vintage coffee truck has one of the most varied selections of flavored hot and iced coffees. It is a sister company to Café Demetrio in Coral Gables that takes on the theme of European cafés developed in the 18th century for intellectuals and artists to gather and discuss their ideas. One of True Barista's most popular drinks is the exclusive roasted cinnamon frappuccino. They also make a fan-favorite seasonal drink in the fall, the pumpkin spice latte. You can find the ideal baked delights at True Baristas to accompany your coffee, from cookies to empanadas. Inside the truck, there are antique artworks revolving around Marilyn Monroe and other celebrities from the 1960s. All customers are served with classic songs playing in the background, making it an excellent place to relax and have coffee while enjoying the Brickell scenery. Drink prices range from USD 3.25 to USD 6.25.

Raccoon Café

609 Brickell Ave

Miami, FL 33131


Located behind the Presbyterian Church in Brickell, near the waterfront trail, Raccoon Coffee is the perfect place to have a cup of coffee. It is the ideal place to take a break while strolling around Brickell, enjoying the sun and the bay view. Raccoon Coffee was launched by the Di Frisco brothers with the intention of serving locals with healthy foods and specialty coffees they can access at any time of the day. It was purposely placed in the heart of the community so coffee lovers can enjoy it during their lunch break or on their day off while being near work and home. You can choose from a variety of coffee, frappuccino, and matcha drinks to accompany their versatile and healthy breakfast and lunch dishes. All ingredients used by Raccoon Coffee are organic and locally produced. Among the most popular items are the caramel frappe combined with a Nutella croissant. Drink prices range from USD 3 to $6.

Thyme Machine

1215 S Miami Ave

Miami, FL 33130


Everyone can find a cup of coffee or tea they like at Thyme Machine, located in Brickell Plaza and within walking distance of downtown Brickell, a business that specializes in Lebanese cuisine and drinks. The most popular item on their menu is their Arabic coffee, which also improves digestion and mental clarity while providing more energy. Its strong taste and aroma are also powerful appetite suppressants. They have great vegetarian options like their famous labneh Zaatar, composed of cucumber, mint, tomatoes, and olives or authentic classic snacks like hummus. Thyme Machine encourages people to participate in some fun traditional Lebanese games they offer, such as competitive team card games like Tarnib. Drink prices range from USD 3 to USD 6, and the strong flavor and perfume it has are what makes the Lebanese love it.

La Suiza BakeHouse

609 Brickell Ave

Miami, FL 33131


This Italian BakeHouse was formed in 1946 by a young Austrian pastry chef after World War II in Maracay. Many Italian chefs eventually took over the business and improved it to meet the standards of their current culture. In late 2020, the Bakehouse moved to the United States, beginning its journey in Brickell. It is located right next to the Riverwalk trail, this coffee truck with pastries to go is full of the sweetest and most authentic flavor. It is a great option for lovers of classic coffee who need a sweet snack. They make a delicious espresso and the millefeuille combined with Nutella is a must. Enjoy outdoor seating with a view of the bay while sipping on a modern Italian coffee. Drink prices range from USD 2 to USD 7. They take pride in their desserts, as they consider both decoration and taste, and they even make wedding cakes.

Naughty Coffee

19501 Biscayne Blvd,

Aventura, FL 33180


Naughty Coffee is a trendy company that creates artistic designs for their beverages. The Serbian owner Blagojevic began his career as a bartender in New York City when he discovered his passion. He partnered with Liudmyla Zaletsk and together they took over a year to perfect their truck for its launch in Miami. One of their exclusive drinks is Spanish latte, a creamy espresso-based beverage consisting of regular and condensed milk that blends evenly (can be replaced with oat milk). It can be served hot or cold. The products are organic and made of high quality. Naughty Coffee also makes artisanal matcha lattes and matcha chocos. It is currently located in the center of Aventura Mall. The coffee truck does not require cash, so the process is quite fast despite its popularity. It is a great place to relax and take aesthetic photos for Instagram. Drink prices range from USD 3 to USD 6.

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