The significant impact of the Donald Trump team in Florida, a crowd welcomes him in Doral and throughout Miami (Rubio, his potential Vice Presidential candidate)

(By Molina and Taylor) In a vibrant rally in Doral, Florida, the former President Donald Trump kept the crowd in suspense by repeatedly mentioning Senator Marco Rubio as his possible running mate, without committing to a final decision. From the beginning of his 75-minute speech, Trump fueled rumors about his running mate. "You're probably thinking I will announce Rubio as my Vice President," he joked to the journalists present at the rally, "because that would attract a lot of attention." Can Trump's team secure a landslide victory with over 64% of the votes in Florida? Many say that Trump's approval rating is higher and that his relationship with President Javier Milei has had a very positive impact on the Latino migrant electorate.

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Trump chose to keep his choice secret, diverting attention to a diatribe about President Joe Biden and the economy.

From the 10th hole of the golf course, Trump challenged Biden to another debate or even a "golf duel," picking up on an argument from their previous debate. But for the most part, he reveled in how their encounter had left Biden's campaign with a reserved forecast.

At another point in his speech, Trump consulted the Republican Senator from Florida on whether he would support his proposal to eliminate taxes on tips, then joking about the possibility that "you may or may not be there to vote for it, but you will be involved." Later on, he highlighted his closeness with Rubio by acknowledging that during the 2016 presidential race, "we had a fierce campaign for a while," before introducing all the members of the GOP congressional delegation from Florida and the state legislators present. This characteristic Trump strategy aims to generate drama to capture attention, while also demanding loyalty from those aspiring to advance in their political careers under his wing.

It is reported that Rubio is on the shortlist of possible Vice Presidential candidates, one of the last important decisions that Trump must announce before officially being designated as the party's candidate at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next week. There are also rumors that Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio and Governor Doug Burgum of North Dakota are among the top contenders on the list.

Rubio competed against Trump in a bitter primary in 2016, where the eventual winner dubbed Rubio as "Little Marco," and they argued about the size of Trump's hands (and other body parts). However, they later collaborated during Trump's first term on issues regarding Latin America, doubling the child tax credit and small business loans during the pandemic.

Trump's rally at his private golf club represented a kind of resurgence. The former President had maintained an unusually low profile since his debate with Biden, who faces pressure from some members of his party and political analysts to drop out of the race after a disastrous performance. Trump held his last campaign rally in Virginia, the day after the presidential debate on June 27.

  • Trump challenged Biden to another debate or even a "golf duel," echoing an argument from their debate. But for the most part, he demonstrated how their encounter had left Biden's campaign with a fairly reserved forecast. During his speech, Trump criticized Biden for the debate and for reports detailing how his advisors shield him from public scrutiny about his age and mental acuity. He challenged Biden to debate again this week and to play golf.

Trump mainly focused the event on showcasing his dominance in Florida, the state where he moved his residence during his time in the White House. Throughout his speech, Trump mentioned Rubio by his first name repeatedly, thus solidifying his presence in the minds of the audience.

  • Amid an unprecedented political whirlwind, the battle for the state of Florida intensifies as Donald Trump's team pushes forward with determination towards the elections. Speculations and forecasts flood the political landscape, raising the crucial question: Can Trump's team secure a landslide victory with over 64% of the votes?

In a scenario where every vote counts, Trump's team in Florida emerges as a key player in the electoral contest. With President Biden determined to stay in the race despite a shaky performance in the debates, and Donald Trump strengthened by the Supreme Court ruling granting immunity to presidents for official acts, the fight for power takes on an unprecedented urgency.

In this dynamic and challenging political landscape, the outcome in Florida remains uncertain. While Donald Trump's team seeks to solidify its support, the electoral battle promises to be intense and decisive.

IG: @infonegociosmiami

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