Josefina Pieres (film and theater director): Latin art in Miami

(By Gisela Di Fabio / from Miami) In our section sponsored by the AACC and the Federation Binational Chambers Of Commerce, we present Latin women entrepreneurs in the USA and in Florida. Today we have the pleasure of talking with Josefina Pieres, who is an enormous entrepreneur, culture creator and art developer in the city of racial fusions. Josefina is a film and theater director based in Miami, originally from Buenos Aires. She trained as an actress and developed her career in direction.

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Could you introduce yourself and tell us how you came to Miami?

My name is Josefina Pieres, I was born in Argentina and I live in Miami. I am a film and theater director and I arrived in Miami two years ago with my husband and son, without long-term plans, just to get to know the place and see what possibilities there were. A family of three, with two suitcases and a carry-on, and with that we built everything that we are today in this new country. Joaquín, my husband, always says, "To soar high, you have to travel light." A few weeks after arriving, we realized that we had to bet on this and I was fortunate to be able to apply for the talent visa. Two years later, here we are. I find myself working in this city, with a team I trust, with a network of contacts, with affections that I can call family, and projecting a future of constant personal and professional growth.

How and when did you find your calling?

I started studying musical comedy at the age of 11 and discovered my vocation for telling stories and creating characters. When I finished high school, I was already a developing actress but had a very strong desire to pursue a university career. That's how I started (and finished) the film, Image and Sound Design degree at UBA. As I progressed in my career, both at university and professionally, I fell more and more in love with the creative process behind the camera. Little by little, I became a director of advertising, music videos, and theater. I didn't discover my vocation overnight, in fact it's dynamic, and it feeds on what I learn, evolve, and explore. I materialized it by listening to my desire, following my instinct, and my profession. That's how it's built and will continue to be built. I understand my vocation as the compass that guides my actions, and according to my actions, I get results. Those achievements are what motivate me. I believe that as artists, we have the responsibility to transform and make others feel something. Being an actor is an act of detachment from the ego, because if we manifest ourselves from the ego, we act for ourselves, and not in function of the story we are telling. The result we want to achieve is to make others feel, and for that we have to tell the truth. From that feeling we generate, my purpose arises, the ultimate dream of my inner 11-year-old girl, "to transform the world." As a director, I am passionate about guiding the actor in the path of making the audience feel and transform from a truth that is detached from the ego. That is also my responsibility when directing, to direct with truth and not from the ego.

"How was the development and expansion of your practice?

Throughout 2021, I worked for a producer. The following year, with more experience and stability, my husband and I opened a company called Imwitheband LLC. It is a consulting, development, and production company for cultural shows and events. Throughout 2022, I had the opportunity to form my own team and traveled extensively throughout Latin America filming advertisements. I was given a residency at the Koubek Center of Miami Dade College to build a theater and technology company for young people in the long term. I am constantly expanding and developing. Currently, I continue to work in partnership with my husband and am a co-founder of Simbios Art Corp, a non-profit organization based in Miami dedicated to theater and film. We produce, connect, teach, and build community to encourage the growth of talent in southern Florida.

How was the landing of your company in Miami?

It is challenging to land in a new city, in a new country. The reality is that at first, it was difficult for me to find the cultural circuit in Miami, that place where I could move freely. I knew very few people in the industry and had to gradually make myself known from scratch. The reality is that I had a very warm reception, and they opened doors for me quite quickly.

What strategies worked for you?

Being stubborn! Having a very clear idea of what I want to do and seeking to do it despite how complex it may seem. Connecting with people, chatting, sharing enthusiasm for art, and keeping my eyes open because you never know who you have next to you. I discovered that in this city, it is very important to share the search that each one has because there are many people with similar searches in places you would never imagine. From the Uber driver to social gatherings. I understood that we are in a country where everything is possible. Everything! When I share a desire, a dream, a project, no matter how crazy it may seem, it becomes a possible project to develop, and most likely, someone will appear who is interested in accompanying the development process. In Argentina, I am very used to having a very strong collaboration circle that accompanies me in all the craziness, but they are craziness. Resources are so limited that many ideas remain just that, unrealizable ideas. Here, if you set your mind to it, resources are there, or they appear, and if you really want something with determination, you will achieve it.

How was the journey and what challenges did you have to overcome to achieve it?

The journey is always very personal. I focused a lot on work and after 4 months, I realized that I didn't have a friend to have a mate with on an ordinary day. That's when I understood what it means to build and grow new friendships. In terms of work, I met people who helped me a lot, but also learned lessons that I won't repeat. Building a network of trust, the team you rely on, is the most difficult thing to do. That was and still is a very big challenge. Today, I can say that I have a solid team that I trust, but it is still being built. The challenges are on all fronts, at work, in friendships, and in raising a child. I don't characterize myself as overly dramatic, I like to flow and enjoy, I think that helped me and still helps me to go through this process. Trying to make it as practical and easy as possible, but without losing focus on where I really need to put a lot of effort. Getting the best school for my son, hugging and being able to cry with a friend, and holding hands with that person who has a creative and aesthetic vision like mine to continue transforming the world.

What sets you apart from other people who lead?

As a director, my great differential is that I am an actress. I work and direct from emotionality, from passion and technique for deconstructing characters with simplicity. In addition, I have a very leadership-oriented personality, as well as a set of skills that I have developed that allow me to lead any team that I work with in each project.

What would you like to share with our readers about your current projects? What are you focusing on now?

I am very focused on developing the cultural community in Miami. With every project I undertake, I promote art and culture as fundamental resources that this city needs for its development and impact on the rest of the region. Art is a fundamental piece in the economy of a city with Miami's tourism, and that is what we have to make grow. With Simbios, we are currently showing "Asi de simple" and already in pre-production of the next projects.

On my own, I am developing Newen Theatre, a company of young people and technology for which I was given a residency for its development at the Koubek Center of Miami Dade College. Additionally, I am writing a fiction project to film in the city and directing advertising and music videos.

I invite everyone to see the play "Así de simple" at Sandrell Rivers Theatre - April 21 and 22 at 8 PM - Tickets are $35. I leave the link for tickets:

I also invite young artists, between 16 and 22 years old, to participate in the open and free workshop for the creation of Newen Theatre - April 29 from 11 AM to 2 PM. I leave the form to complete below:

What message would you like to leave our readers with?

The most important thing is to enjoy what we have. Move forward with gratitude and joy. Always be your best version. I loved it! And finally, from your professional perspective, how do you see Miami in the future?

Miami is becoming much more than a city of beaches, shopping, and parties. That's why this is a key moment for all of us who work in culture to come together so that the level and quality of artistic projects can match the economic power that this city is becoming. Miami is already a fundamental hub in the region, and it will continue to consolidate itself more and more.

Beautiful! I recommend the show, it's a great plan to go with friends, a partner, or by yourself! Jose, where can we find you and how can we contact you?


IG: @josefinapieres

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