Miami and its diversity set a new tourism record

(By Juan Maqueda in co-creation with Marcelo Maurizio) Miami never stops growing, in every sense. It is diverse, inclusive, multicultural, and its constantly growing tourism keeps setting new records. Miami and Miami Beach have achieved remarkable tourism indicators in 2022 and project to surpass them in 2023, thanks to their outstanding attractions, amenities, restaurants, accommodations, and events. 

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The lasting appeal of this coastal region in Florida is due to its perfect combination of factors, such as an enviably warm climate, lush nature, unique architecture, diverse cultural offerings, and exceptional hospitality. Miami and Miami Beach are destinations that captivate millions of tourists each year, turning every visit into an unforgettable experience and leaving an indelible mark in the memory of those who venture into their paradisiacal lands.

Now, a particular aspect is the special way of integrating the Anglo and Latino cultures into a NEW diverse culture: the ANGLOLATIN culture.

This destination, known for its cultural diversity, stunning beaches, cutting-edge culinary establishments, and growing artistic and cultural offerings, received over 26.5 million visitors in 2022, generating an economic income of over $20.8 billion. This represents an 8% increase compared to 2021. The 17.1 million hotel nights sold in 2022 also marked a 12.7% increase from the previous year.

David Whitaker, President, and CEO of GMCVB, has led this effort, recognizing the importance of offering quality experiences and the exceptional hospitality found in Miami. Their tireless work in collaboration with industry partners has been fundamental to the success achieved in 2022. The growth is supported by the relentless efforts of the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau and the collaboration with Miami International Airport.

David Whitaker, President, and CEO of GMCVB: "These results should not only be attributed to the wide variety of attractions, services, restaurants, and accommodations our destination offers, but also to the tireless work of our partners. "Tourism fuels employment growth and revitalizes the local economy of the destination," he adds.

The top 10 factors contributing to its success:

  1. Volume and quality of tourists: Miami and Miami Beach received over 26.5 million visitors in 2022, solidifying their position as one of the most attractive destinations in the United States. Tourism revenue in Miami was estimated at $20.8 billion last year.

  1. An incredible agenda of multi-sport, cultural, technological, and business-corporate events.

  2. The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) served as the official body responsible for promoting the destinations in Miami-Dade County. 17.1 million hotel nights were sold in 2022, representing a 12.7% increase compared to the previous year.

  3. Miami International Airport (MIA) served over 50.6 million travelers in 2022, facilitating access to the city for tourists.

  4. Despite travel restrictions, the international market played a significant role, with a 2.7% increase in the number of international visitors staying in Miami.

  5. Colombia was the leading international overnight market for the second consecutive year, with 432,000 visitors.

  6. The cruise industry experienced a resurgence in 2022, reaching levels similar to those in 2019, contributing to Miami's tourism economy.

  7. Miami hotels surpassed the figures of 2021 with a 13% increase in room sales, reflecting visitors' confidence in the region's quality and hospitality.

  8. Miami and Miami Beach have been recognized fortheir gastronomic scene, with appearances in the Michelin Guide for Florida and Miami being named the Culinary City of the Year by Bon Appétit magazine.

  9. The significant difference lies in the fusion of the ANGLOLATIN culture, a culture that no other city in the world has.

Miami and Miami Beach:

Shining jewels in the heart of the sunny state of Florida, they awaken the senses and captivate all those who venture onto their golden beaches and immerse themselves in their vibrant and colorful atmosphere. They dance to the rhythm of the sun and the waves, and they have achieved tourism records in 2022, solidifying Miami/Miami Beach as one of the most attractive destinations in the United States and projecting themselves to achieve new indicators in 2023, positioning them perfectly for the 2024 Copa America and even more so for the 2026 World Cup.

Miami is much more than a conventional tourist destination. It is the embodiment of elegance and style, a place where dreams come true and where lived experiences turn into indelible memories. Its artistic and cultural scene is a symphony of creative expression and diversity, reflected in its art galleries, museums, and events that attract art and culture enthusiasts from all over the world. The city comes to life with colorful murals adorning its streets, transforming it into an ever-evolving canvas. Every corner reveals a new street art masterpiece, immersing visitors in a fascinating visual experience.

The success of Miami as a tourist destination would not be possible without the efforts and vision of a whole policy that includes solidifying itself as a NEW FUSION CULTURE, the ANGLOLATIN culture. The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB), the official destination marketing organization for Miami-Dade County, has been a key player in promoting and attracting visitors to the region. Thanks to their outstanding attractions, amenities, restaurants, and accommodations, they have propelled tourism growth and local economic prosperity.

But Miami's success is not limited to promotion and marketing alone. Miami International Airport (MIA) has played a crucial role in the flow of tourists to the city. The arrival of new airlines such as Southwest Airlines, JetBlue, and Spirit Airlines has expanded travel options and facilitated access to Miami for tourists. This joint effort between the GMCVB and the airport has significantly contributed to the growth of tourism in the region.

Miami International Airport (MIA) welcomed over 50.6 million travelers and introduced new airlines such as Southwest Airlines, JetBlue, and Spirit Airlines. Of the total mentioned, 4.7 million people arrived from outside the United States, resulting in a consistent growth rate of 2.7%.

The international market has also played a significant role in Miami's success as a tourist destination. Despite travel restrictions and long visa wait times, Greater Miami and Miami Beach have experienced a resurgence in their traditional international markets. Latin America stands out as a key source market, with Colombia being the top international overnight market for the second consecutive year. Colombia was the leading country of origin with 432,000 visitors, Brazil made a significant comeback with 286,000 visitors, followed by Mexico with 223,000, and Argentina ranked fourth with 172,000 travelers who came to enjoy Miami throughout 2022.

These achievements demonstrate Miami's attraction to international tourists and the importance of global connections.

Miami Beach, on the other hand, is renowned as a world-class beach destination. Its white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters captivate visitors, creating a vibrant atmosphere that attracts people from all over. But Miami Beach is not limited to just the beach; it also offers a vibrant and sophisticated nightlife. Its exclusive nightclubs, luxury hotels, and world-class restaurants provide an unparalleled experience for those seeking sophistication and glamour.

he Greater Miami metropolitan area encompasses not only Miami and Miami Beach but also other important cities such as Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Pompano Beach, Boca Raton, and West Palm Beach. This region combines the energy of big cities with the beauty of its beaches, making it a key tourism hub in Florida.

However, the success of Miami's tourism is not solely attributed to its natural beauty and attractions. The region's culinary scene has gained worldwide fame. Prominent publications such as the Michelin Guide for Florida in 2022 and Miami being named the Culinary City of the Year by the prestigious Bon Appétit magazine have propelled the region to new levels of culinary excellence. Miami's restaurants offer a wide variety of options, from traditional cuisine to creative fusion, satisfying the most discerning palates.

Miami's cultural diversity and vibrant atmosphere make it a melting pot of creativity and innovation. It embraces both Anglo and Latino cultures, giving rise to the unique ANGLOLATIN culture that sets it apart from any other city in the world. This cultural fusion enriches every aspect of Miami, from its art and music to its cuisine and lifestyle

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