Miami Cult: Ecuador Shines and Expands with Its New Country Brand (Interview with Undersecretary of Tourism Promotion, Santiago Granda)

(By Juan Maqueda) Ecuador has launched its new Country Brand, designed to highlight its attributes as an ideal destination for tourism, investment, exports, and environmental conservation. With the slogan "We Illuminate," this initiative is inspired by the sunlight that bathes the country, symbolizing its beauty, diversity, and warmth. The brand aims to strengthen the sense of belonging among Ecuadorians and foster a deeper appreciation of their natural and cultural wealth. In this article, in an interview with Ecuador's Undersecretary of Tourism Promotion, Santiago Granda, we explore the essence of the strategy, the process, its energy, and its purpose—an inspiring endeavor that has had a brilliant resolution.

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Visually, the Country Brand is characterized by solar flares and a focus on balance and symmetry, reflecting Ecuador’s privileged location at the center of the Earth. This identity is grounded in values such as sustainability, respect, quality, hospitality, and diversity, which not only guide its internal actions but also attract international visitors and partners.

The launch of this brand represents the beginning of a new era for Ecuador, inviting everyone to discover the wonders of a resilient and authentic country, ready to shine on the global stage.

Exclusive Interview for InfoNegocios Miami with Ecuador's Undersecretary of Tourism Promotion, Santiago Granda:

When was the new Country Brand launched and who led its creation process?

  • The new Country Brand Ecuador was launched on June 12, 2024, after a comprehensive and collaborative process involving the Strategic Brand Commission, chaired by the Minister of Tourism and composed of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments, and Fisheries, and the General Secretariat of Communication of the Presidency.

  • This joint effort was developed in a deeply participatory environment, integrating diverse perspectives and talents to create an identity that represents the authenticity and diversity of our country. The inspiration behind this new brand is based on the unique light that bathes our land, reflecting the brilliant and genuine essence of Ecuador.

  • At a pivotal moment for our country, the Country Brand Ecuador consolidates as a symbol of transformation and renewal, capturing the splendor of our culture, nature, and people, and projecting it to the world. We are convinced that this new identity will allow us to stand out as a unique and fascinating destination, showcasing the richness of being Ecuador.

What products does the new Country Brand represent and on what scale?

The new Country Brand Ecuador is designed to be a comprehensive emblem representing Ecuador in all its dimensions, both nationally and internationally. This brand is much more than a symbol; it is a strategic platform encompassing various key sectors, including our cultural identity, tourism promotion, sports, biodiversity preservation, and the projection of our global image and reputation.

The brand's reach is broad: it not only seeks to position Ecuador as a preferred tourist destination but also as a benchmark in exporting high-quality products and attracting investments. This inclusive and creative approach is also designed to strengthen the sense of belonging among Ecuadorians, inviting them to value and celebrate the countless riches of our land.

The "Brand Idea" of the new brand, ‘Expanding Our Light,’ encapsulates the essence of what Ecuador is: a country situated in the heart of the world that radiates a warm and diverse light, reflecting our ancestral traditions, stunning biodiversity, and a future full of possibilities. With this brand, we aim for Ecuador to be recognized worldwide as a vibrant place, full of life, joy, and opportunities, where everything shines authentically.

What is the main tool for the success of the brand's implementation?

  1. The main tool for the success of the new Country Brand Ecuador is the cohesion and alignment of all sectors involved in its implementation, along with the proper application of the Brand Identity Manual.

  2. This brand is designed to be an authentic and multidimensional reflection of our essence as a nation, which requires coordinated efforts among different institutions and companies, as well as the active participation of Ecuadorians.

  3. The central idea of the brand, ‘Expanding Our Light,’ reflects how Ecuador, with its privileged geographical location and unique light, projects itself to the world as a country full of life, cultural richness, and opportunities.

By working together and guided by the manual, we ensure that the brand is not just a symbol but a living and authentic representation of who we are and aspire to be as a nation. The integration of all these efforts, from tourism promotion to product exports, is what will allow the Country Brand Ecuador to consolidate as a true engine of growth and national pride.

What is the Purpose of the Brand?

The purpose of the new Brand Country Ecuador is to inspire the world to discover the authentic essence of our country, inviting everyone to connect deeply with our culture, our biodiversity, and the opportunities that make us unique. With the central idea of "Expanding Our Light," this brand seeks not only to position Ecuador but also to make the world feel the warmth, joy, and life that flourish in every corner of our land.

  • Ecuador is a country that shines with an unmatched light, a light that not only illuminates our natural and cultural wonders but also reflects the resilient and vibrant spirit of its people. This brand is a call to discover the richness that defines Ecuador, from its spectacular landscapes to the quality of its products and the talent of its artisans and athletes, and to commit to the causes that drive our progress and well-being.

More than just a visual identity, the Brand Country Ecuador is an invitation to everyone—Ecuadorians and citizens of the world—to be part of a story that celebrates authenticity, diversity, and the bright future we can build together. It serves as a reminder that by expanding our light, we not only show the world who we are, but also ignite in each person the desire to be part of something greater.

What are the Visual Identity Elements of the Brand?

The visual elements of the new brand are deeply inspired by the sun, gold, and abundance that characterize our territory. The design, with its clean and powerful lines, symbolizes the diversity of Ecuador in all its forms, encompassing both geography and culture. The sun's shine is the central element of this visual identity, representing the meeting of extremes at the center of the world, where all phenomena connect organically in balance and symmetry. Ecuador, located at the equator, thus becomes the epicenter of creation, inspiration, growth, and the conservation of life, as well as a point of connection with unforgettable experiences.

The phrase "Shine Authentically" accompanies this identity, reinforcing our intention to present Ecuador as an authentic, vibrant country full of light, ready to be discovered and appreciated by the world.

Tips IN:

Ecuador launches its new Brand Country, inspired by the authentic light of the sun that illuminates its territory. This light, warm as its people and strong as its future, reflects the diversity and beauty of landscapes such as the Galápagos, the Andes, the Amazon, and the Pacific beaches. The country’s privileged location at the center of the Earth enhances its climate, enriches its biodiversity, and boosts the quality of its agricultural products.

With a friendly, creative, and energetic personality, the Brand Country Ecuador aims to position the country as an ideal destination for tourism, investment, exports, and environmental conservation, while fostering a sense of belonging among Ecuadorians.

Visually, the brand identity is represented through solar flashes and the symmetry that links all phenomena in balance. Founded on values of sustainability, respect, quality, hospitality, and diversity, the brand seeks to attract international visitors and partners who value these qualities.

This launch marks the beginning of a new era for Ecuador, inviting the world to discover and share the wonders of a resilient and authentic country, ready to shine with its own light.


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