The Return to the Runway: Victoria’s Secret (the Era of Phygitality and the Return to the '90s, Plus Online and Diversity in 2024)

(By Maqueda and Maurizio) It returns with a transformative, disruptive focus, perhaps facing much criticism from the fashion world and with a bit of harshness in its experience, and a clear lack of flow (as they say today in the lingo). But beyond that, Victoria’s Secret is back, and it's clear that many brands made mistakes by cutting budgets for marketing, logistics, strategists, and activation teams. Now is the time to rectify that error in the era of cross-marketing expansion and the breadth of real, phygital experiences. Whether you're a bakery, a cosmetics and perfume chain, a tech company, or a car agency, it's time to reconnect with brand strategists and build experience teams, because this is the era of expanded real experiences in products, categories, partnerships, and all types of media.

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  • After many years of absence, the iconic Victoria’s Secret fashion show has made its triumphant return, marking a milestone in contemporary fashion. This event is not only a visual spectacle but also a symbol of change in the industry, where diversity and inclusion are more than buzzwords: they are a palpable reality.


In a return to the real, the experiential, the show, the thematic and conceptual, and to brand activations.

  • The world and brands are beginning to once again value the difference, the event, the human aspect, but enhanced by technology and digital development.

  • However, graphics, clothing, perfumes, costumes, theatrical compositions, stage designs, games, music, and the invitation to co-create (the crossing) are elements that a video alone or a design from an app simply cannot replace.

  • In this article, we will explore how the Victoria’s Secret Show has evolved, celebrating beauty in all its forms and breaking the stereotypes that once defined its image.



Summary and Key Tips



  1. Diversity and Representation: This year's show has incorporated models of different ages, shapes, and backgrounds, underscoring the importance of inclusion in fashion.

  2. Fashion Icons: Legendary figures like Carla Bruni and new faces like Alex Consani have shone on the runway, symbolizing a generational shift.

  3. Innovation in Design: The outfits presented have challenged conventional norms, offering a fresh perspective on lingerie.

What Do Brands Generate Today or What Do Consumers Demand from Brands?

  • Celebrate Diversity: Recognize and support brands that promote inclusion.

  • Be Critical: Question industry-imposed beauty standards.


  • Support New Voices: Discover and follow emerging models and designers.

A New Approach to the Victoria’s Secret Show

The Victoria’s Secret Show, which was canceled in 2019, has returned with a renewed proposal advocating for diversity. In the face of growing criticism over the lack of representation in fashion, the brand has decided to step forward. This year, the runway was filled with women of various ages and styles, highlighting that beauty does not fit a single mold.



Highlights from the Show

The event, held in the vibrant district of Brooklyn, was a showcase of talent and creativity. Some of the most memorable moments included:

  • Carla Bruni: The iconic model made her triumphant return in an embellished black corset, accompanied by sparkling wings that made her shine even brighter.


  • IG: @infonegociosmiami

  • Gigi and Bella Hadid: The sisters owned the runway, showcasing looks that fused elegance and boldness.

  • Ashley Graham: The plus-size model dazzled with her presence, delivering a message of empowerment and acceptance.

  • Cher performed during the Victoria's Secret 2024 fashion show.


  • The inclusion of transgender models like Alex Consani, who made history by walking the runway, marks a significant advancement in the representation of the LGBTQ+ community in fashion.

The era of phygital reality and cross marketing, which is very broad and interconnected, requires a before, during, and after with many cross-category products, disruptive services, and interrelated activations under a wide and diverse brand strategy.

What Makes This Difficult Now?

This type of cross marketing and actions cannot be invented or developed by an architect, choreographer, designer, or "creative."

  • It must be framed by a strategist, a plan, a Head of Culture and their area and team, who then commissions and co-creates with various creative and executive teams that develop the idea, from multiple media to activations and brand museology, to product diversity based on a solid, comprehensive concept of branding and experience.



A Celebration of Diversity

2024 has not only been a year of reunion for Victoria’s Secret but also a year of redefining beauty standards. This show has demonstrated that fashion can be a vehicle for social change. The inclusion of women of all shapes and sizes is not only an act of justice but also resonates with an audience seeking authenticity and connection.

Impact on the New Generation

The representation in the show has inspired a new generation of women, demonstrating that each one can be an icon in her own narrative. The show not only rejuvenates the brand's image but also sets a new standard in the fashion industry, where diversity is the norm and not the exception.

The Future of Victoria’s Secret

The return of the Victoria’s Secret Show has been a clear reminder that fashion is a reflection of society. As we continue to move towards a more inclusive future, it is crucial for brands to follow this example, celebrating beauty in all its forms. The fashion industry has the responsibility to innovate and adapt to new times, and this year's show has taken that first step towards a brighter and more diverse future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What changes have been implemented in the Victoria’s Secret Show?

The show has adopted a more inclusive approach, incorporating models of different body types and backgrounds, reflecting the diversity of today’s audience.

  1. Who were some of the featured models in 2024?

Among the models who shone on the runway were Carla Bruni, Gigi and Bella Hadid, Ashley Graham, and Alex Consani, the first transgender model to participate.

  1. What does Victoria's need to do to expand?

Mega experiences, museums, themed bars, cross-show events, expanding categories, new themed locations, spas in hotels, crossovers with F1, music shows, etc... in other words, everything is very complex, difficult, and requires a significant investment in multimedia strategy and experiences. All that is necessary today to compete.

  • What she needs is similar to what Coca-Cola, Amazon, Alibaba, and any B2B company face. Hyper-competition, commoditization, and boredom, along with hyper-segmentation of audiences and media, make it so that rather than everything being easier, it’s much more complex. More than just products, it all becomes much more cultural, experiential, and creative. Far from being manageable solely online, today personal relationships and soft skills in experienced, disciplined teams are crucial to achieve a multiplicity of cross actions.

This is the current meta-reality.

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