Adidas: the brand dominating team apparel in Copa America 2024 (the jersey cup)

(By Ortega and Maurizio) Copa America is just around the corner, bringing with it a display of football talent, overflowing passion, and, of course, top-notch sports fashion. In this edition, one brand stands out above all: Adidas. Why? Because it's the brand presenting the most teams in the jersey world cup, and its display is simply impressive. From Argentina to Chile, and from Peru to Mexico, eight teams bear the distinctive mark of Adidas, showcasing a variety of designs that capture the essence and identity of each country represented in the tournament.

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Remember the 2022 World Cup of Brands? Check it out here: Link

In the past World Cup, Adidas emerged as the champion brand, with Argentina. Nike had 50% of the teams under its wing, but it couldn't clinch the title. In this Copa America, Adidas has developed a very powerful strategy, although Nike has 4 huge contenders.

Which sportswear company outfits each country in Copa America 2024?

  • Adidas: Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, and Jamaica.

  • Puma: Paraguay.

  • Reebok: Panama.

  • Marathon: Ecuador and Bolivia.

  • Nike: Brazil, USA, Uruguay, and Canada.

The Allure of Jerseys in Copa America

When it comes to Copa America, it's not just about who wins on the field, but also about who wins in the world of sports fashion. Football jerseys are much more than simple sportswear; they are symbols of national identity, pride, and passion for the game. Adidas has understood this perfectly and has created designs that go beyond the traditional, blending classic elements with modern touches to capture the attention and hearts of football fans across the Americas.

The Elegance of Argentina (The Best-selling Worldwide)

Starting with the iconic Argentina jersey, Adidas has managed to capture the essence of the Albiceleste team. The new design features golden details that celebrate the team's recent success in world football, adding a touch of brilliance to the classic blue and white jersey. It's an instantly recognizable symbol for Messi and company fans, who will surely be eager to sport this new version in the stands.

The Spirit of Brazil

Brazil, traditionally clad in Nike, a country known for its exuberant playing style and rich natural heritage, is reflected in the design of its home jersey. With an intricate pattern celebrating the country's natural beauty, from musical notes to macaws and the Sugarloaf Mountain, Nike has created a masterpiece that honors Brazil's cultural richness. And for the away jersey, blue takes center stage again, accompanied by a design inspired by the country's nature and textiles, with details that pay homage to Brazilian art and design.


The Passion of Chile and Colombia

Chile and Colombia are not left behind in terms of design and passion. Chile's home jersey features a mosaic of red squares representing a 'red tide' of Chilean fans showing their support for the team. On the other hand, the away jersey pays tribute to Chilean traditions with a noble design in white, complemented by blue and red details symbolizing La Roja's passion. As for Colombia, Adidas has created a home jersey with a fresh and transformative symbol: the phoenix. This legendary bird is represented on the side panels of the jersey, almost like a protective shield for the team on its tournament journey. For the away jersey, a vibrant contrast in dark colors and oranges grabs attention, evoking a fresh and passionate energy that defines the Colombian team on the field.

The Tradition of Mexico and Peru

Mexico and Peru also have their moment on the Adidas stage. Mexico's home jersey is inspired by folk patterns, with graphics representing the eagle, a national symbol, in a design that highlights speed and precision, characteristics of both the team and its national bird. On the other hand, Mexico's away jersey features a lush bluish-green color and a pattern representing the snake from the Mexican shield, symbolizing power and greatness on the field. Peru, on the other hand, reimagines its classic jersey with a distinctive red stripe on a white base, while the away jersey adds a bold touch of red through a unique textured pattern. Both designs capture the essence of Peruvian heritage, from traditional musical instruments to cultural elements that define the country.

The Patriotism of the United States

And we can't forget about the United States, whose home jersey features a patriotic design in red, white, and blue, with graphic details celebrating the country's history and identity. For the away jersey, Nike (the brand traditionally dressing USA) brings back the stripe design, reminiscent of the legendary 1950 football team, with a new descending gradient in multiple stripes that will surely stand out on the field.


Adidas in Copa America: 

Adidas stands out as the leading brand in Copa America, presenting a wide range of designs that capture the essence and spirit of each participating team. From Argentina to Mexico, each jersey tells a unique story, blending traditional elements with a modern style to create something truly new for this new generation of football players and fans.

With its innovative designs and commitment to quality, Adidas continues to raise the standard in sports fashion and leave an indelible mark on the world of football.

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