Fiorella Di Fabio: the power of focus and dedication to entrepreneurship

(By Gisela Di Fabio from Miami) In our section, sponsored by the AACC and the Federation Binational Chambers Of Commerce, we present Latina women who are entrepreneurs in the USA and Florida. Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Fiorella Di Fabio, Entrepreneur and Owner of The Cleaning Authority South Miami.

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InfoMegocios Miami by Gisela: Hello, everyone! Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Fiorella Di Fabio, someone I know very well! She is an extremely entrepreneurial person and the owner of The Cleaning Authority South Miami, a service company.

Fiorella will share her experience and the challenges she has faced in establishing her residential cleaning company in Miami. Let's get started!

Could you start by introducing yourself and telling us how you came to Miami?

Fiorella Di Fabio: Hello, everyone! I'm Fiorella Di Fabio, born in Argentina. I have a background in Industrial Design, and since I graduated, I've been dedicated to entrepreneurship. Almost 8 years ago, I came to Miami with one of my sisters (what a coincidence, haha!) to embark on our entrepreneurial journey together. We decided to buy a franchise and open our office for The Cleaning Authority South Miami, a cleaning company.

IN: How and when did you find your calling/profession?

Fiorella: As I mentioned, I have a background in industrial design, but I have always had a calling for entrepreneurship. I value the freedom, constant challenge, and dynamism that comes with entrepreneurship. Moreover, owning my own business gives me the opportunity to manage my time. What excites me the most about TCA is knowing that the people who are part of my team work in a healthy, caring environment and can live well with their incomes. For me, it's a way to contribute to society, as work doesn't become a burden or concern for the people on my team.

IN: How and when was your company founded?

Fiorella: In September 2015, my sister and I started operating the business, doing our first cleaning. We started from scratch, with no clients or equipment. Gradually, we grew, gained clients, and hired staff. Before the pandemic, we had nearly 350 clients and a team of 24 people. Currently, we are recovering from the impact of COVID-19, and we have around 250 clients and a team of 16 people.

IN: How was the establishment of your company in Miami?

Fiorella: My sister proposed that we start our entrepreneurial journey together, and we did it through a company that offers different business models based on your interests, background, and experience. After thorough research, we came across this franchise, which has a presence in all states and over 250 offices. We met with them from Argentina and traveled to Maryland for what we called the "Discovery Day," where we signed the contract. A few months later, when they granted us the visa, we moved and started operating. We chose this franchise because it offers a different approach compared to what we know in Latin America in terms of using eco-friendly products, time management, service system, and providing us with software with management and control tools. That's how we moved forward on this path.

IN: What strategies worked for you during the process?

Fiorella: One strategy that proved very useful during the process was partnering with someone who complemented our knowledge and experience. My sister and I have different backgrounds and entrepreneurial journeys, so we were able to leverage our individual strengths. Additionally, we both have great drive, ten.

Additionally, we both have great drive, tenacity, and resilience. We knew that there were many variables when it came to entrepreneurship, some of which we couldn't control, but we were prepared to face and overcome challenges together.

IN: How was the journey, and what challenges did you have to overcome to achieve it?

Fiorella: The journey was not easy. At 25 years old, I found myself not only establishing a company but also going through the immigration process with all the challenges that entailed. Arriving in a new city, starting a new job, and maintaining a long-distance relationship with my current husband were just some of the situations I faced. I had to pay my dues in every aspect that needed to be resolved since everything was new to me. Additionally, the cultural challenge was significant because in Miami, you need to familiarize yourself with diverse cultures, not just one. Even though we all speak Spanish in Latin America, the cultural diversity of Miami requires a deep understanding of different ways of interacting and communicating.

IN: What sets you and your company apart from others providing the same service?

Fiorella: What sets us apart is the importance we place on our team. The dedication. We strive to maintain a good working environment where the people who work with us feel valued, loved, and respected. This is reflected in the quality of service we provide and the care that our team shows towards our clients. Our employees go above and beyond, being respectful, kind, and paying attention to details that go beyond cleaning, such as using a specific product that the client likes or bringing a card for the birth of a grandchild to a client. These details make a difference and create a special connection with our clients.

IN: What would you like to share with our readers about your current projects? What are you focusing on now?

Fiorella: Currently, we are focusing on continued growth and ensuring that our teams are well-trained to provide that extra touch needed to exceed our clients' expectations. We strive to stay updated on the best cleaning practices as well as emerging trends and technologies in our field. We are also working on strengthening our presence in the market and expanding our reach to be able to provide quality service to more people in Miami.

IN: From the perspective of your profession, how do you see Miami in the future?

Fiorella: I see Miami as a city constantly growing. During and after the pandemic, many people have moved to South Florida due to the climate and cost of living. Additionally, significant investments are being made in Miami's cultural development, making it an attractive place for more people. This combination of factors presents a unique opportunity for our industry, residential cleaning, to continue growing and offering quality service in the Miami community. The city's constant growth implies a higher demand for cleaning services, whether for homes, offices, or commercial spaces.

Furthermore, Miami's cultural diversity is an enriching element. The city is characterized as a melting pot of cultures, where people from different countries and backgrounds converge. This means that our daily interactions can be a fascinating and educational experience. As a cleaning company, we are committed to understanding and adapting to the cultural particularities of our clients. We strive to offer personalized service that meets their individual needs and expectations, regardless of their origin or traditions.

IN: From the perspective of your profession, how do you see Miami in the future?

Fiorella: I see Miami as a city that is constantly growing. During and after the pandemic, many people have moved to South Florida due to the climate and the cost of living. Additionally, significant investments are being made in the cultural development of Miami, making it an attractive place for more people. This combination of factors presents a unique opportunity for our industry, residential cleaning, to continue growing and offering quality service in the Miami community. The city's constant growth implies an increased demand for cleaning services, whether it's for homes, offices, or commercial spaces.

Furthermore, the cultural diversity of Miami is an enriching element. The city is characterized by being a melting pot of cultures, where people from different countries and backgrounds converge. This means that our daily interactions can be a fascinating and educational experience. As a cleaning company, we are committed to understanding and adapting to the cultural particularities of our clients. We strive to offer personalized service that caters to their individual needs and expectations, regardless of their origin or traditions.

Regarding the future of Miami, I see a promising outlook. The city is experiencing a boom in infrastructure development, real estate projects, and tourism. This creates new opportunities for our company and drives us to continue improving and growing. Additionally, environmental awareness and the demand for eco-friendly products and services are on the rise. At The Cleaning Authority South Miami, we take pride in using environmentally friendly cleaning products and methods, thus contributing to a more sustainable future.

IN: What message would you like to leave to our readers?

Fiorella: I would like to convey a message of encouragement and motivation. If you have the desire to start a business or to immigrate, I encourage you to do so. Sometimes, taking that first step can be intimidating, but with dedication, hard work, and perseverance, the results will come. Facing challenges is part of the journey, but each obstacle overcome strengthens us and brings us closer to our dreams.

I also want to highlight the importance of valuing those around us, both on a personal and professional level. In our case, caring for and maintaining a good work environment has been fundamental to the success of our company. Recognizing the work and effort of our team has been key in providing quality service and building lasting bonds with our clients.

Finally, I would like to thank all of our customers for trusting us and allowing us to be part of their lives. If you would like to learn more about our residential cleaning services, you can visit our website at or contact us at 786-467-8002. We are here to help you keep your homes clean, healthy, and welcoming.

IN: Thank you very much, Fiorella! It has been a pleasure to interview you and learn more about your experience as an entrepreneur in Miami. We wish you much success in all your future projects.

Fiorella: Thank you, Gisela! It has been an honor to share our story and perspective with the readers of Infonegocios Miami. We are committed to continue providing exceptional service and growing alongside the vibrant city of Miami. I hope this interview has been enriching and has provided a deeper insight into our company and our values.

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