Santander and Formula 1®: A Mega Alliance That Accelerates and Highlights the Importance of Sponsorship Across Market Categories

(By Maqueda and Maurizio) In the vibrant world of motorsport, Formula 1® (F1) is not just a spectacle of speed and skill, but also a fertile ground for marketing and innovation. Recently, Banco Santander made a bold move by becoming the official bank and sponsor of F1, an alliance set to commence in 2025. This agreement not only marks a milestone for the Spanish brand but also represents a brilliant strategy to connect with a global audience, particularly in key markets such as the United States, Brazil, and Mexico. This article will explore how this collaboration can transform Santander's visibility, impact its Openbank brand, and intertwine concepts of neuromarketing and neuroscience within this strategy.

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It is evident that in today's world, a critical observation prevails: brands must make substantial marketing efforts in culture, branding, experiences, sponsorships, and collaborations to avoid being overshadowed in a hyper-competitive and mass-produced landscape. Whether a small business or a mega B2B enterprise, tech firm, or financial service, demonstrating value and providing experiences to customers, partners, distributors, and prospects is essential for relevance. This is the present and future landscape where brands must "be" more to capture market attention.

Insurance companies, logistics firms, service providers, e-commerce platforms, B2B businesses, tech companies, and now even restaurants like McDonald's are joining the luxury brands that accompany F1. There is significant growth across all brand categories as they implement strategic plans that add brand value through real actions at events, experiences, brand museums, thematic bars, conceptual hotels, playful spaces, and collaborative associations that offer consumers a richer experience of brand value and excitement.

Summary of the Alliance

Long-Term Sponsorship: Banco Santander will become the official sponsor of F1, with an agreement extending over several years.

Brand Exposure: The logos of Santander and Openbank will appear at race circuits in key markets, along with numerous customer loyalty initiatives and thematic cross-promotions.

Exclusive Content: F1 fans will gain access to exclusive content and interactive activations.

Global Audience: With an accumulated audience of 1.35 billion, F1 serves as an ideal platform to enhance brand visibility.

Innovation and Excellence: Both institutions share a vision focused on innovation and customer care.

Recently, we partially reported Santander's withdrawal from Ferrari, highlighting its intensified commitment to F1.

Here important date: 

The Formula 1®: A Global Stage

F1 transcends sport; it is a cultural phenomenon that captivates millions of fans worldwide. According to Nielsen, 60% of its audience resides in markets where Santander has a significant presence. This presents the financial institution with an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen its brand and connect with a young, diverse audience. Santander's integration into F1 not only positions the brand at the center of the action but also aligns with current consumer trends, where experiences are prioritized over mere transactions.

Neuroscience and Neuromarketing: The Science Behind the Strategy

Santander's decision to partner with F1 is not merely about visibility; it is a strategy grounded in neuromarketing principles that focus on how consumers make emotional decisions. The emotional connection generated by F1, with its adrenaline and passion, can significantly influence brand perception. Research in neuroscience indicates that positive experiences in exciting environments can enhance customer loyalty and the inclination to choose a particular brand.

The partnership between Banco Santander and Formula 1® exemplifies how brands can leverage sports sponsorship to amplify their message and connect with global audiences. In an era where consumer attention is increasingly scarce, this alliance represents a smart strategy that combines emotion, innovation, and visibility.

Voices of Leadership

Ana Botín, president of Banco Santander, expressed her enthusiasm for the new alliance, highlighting the positive impact that F1 has had on Santander's growth in recent years. Santander's history with F1 dates back to 2006, when it began sponsoring teams and races. This legacy translates into a profound understanding of the sport and its fans. Stefano Domenicali, CEO of F1, also celebrated the partnership, emphasizing the importance of innovation and service excellence. Both entities share a vision: to offer memorable, high-quality experiences to their customers and fans.

Domenicali assured, “Santander has a rich history in this sport, and they know we can provide a great platform to continue promoting their brand worldwide.”

The Multi-Year Agreement Set to Begin in 2025

  • This partnership will enhance the visibility of the bank in its primary markets, where the brands Santander and Openbank—Europe's largest 100% digital bank by deposits—will be showcased, with Openbank set to launch in the United States this year.

  • The bank's logos will be prominently displayed on circuit barriers at Grand Prix events in Santander's key markets: the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, the United Kingdom, among others.

  • Additionally, the bank will provide Formula 1 fans with exclusive content and various activations through its sponsorship.

  • Formula 1 stands as one of the most-watched sports globally, with a cumulative audience of 1.35 billion in 2023, according to Nielsen.

  • With 24 Grand Prix events across 20 countries, many of which are in Santander's major markets in Europe and America, the reach is substantial.

  • Santander has been involved in Formula 1 for 15 years, beginning in 2006, sponsoring teams and races such as Scuderia Ferrari and McLaren.

Openbank: A Bright Digital Future

The inclusion of Openbank, Europe's largest digital bank, in this alliance is pivotal. With its anticipated U.S. launch this year, Openbank is strategically positioned to leverage Formula 1's expansive reach. Digitalization and accessibility are key trends in the financial sector, and Formula 1 offers an ideal platform to attract a modern, tech-savvy audience.

Impact on Brand Perception

Leveraging Formula 1 as a marketing platform transcends mere logo visibility; it also has the potential to reshape brand perception in consumers' minds. Neuromarketing studies indicate that brands associated with events that evoke strong emotions can experience significant increases in brand preference and purchase intent. By aligning with Formula 1, Santander and Openbank are positioning themselves as dynamic, modern entities, resonating with the speed and excellence that define the sport.

Sponsorship and Engagement: Beyond the Logo on the Track

Sponsorship extends beyond simple logo placement on circuit barriers. Santander aims to create interactive experiences and exclusive content that resonates with Formula 1 fans. This could range from access to driver interviews to VIP experiences at the circuits, enhancing brand visibility while fostering deeper, more meaningful engagement with consumers.

The Importance of Engaging a Young Audience

One of the most appealing aspects of Formula 1 is its growing popularity among younger demographics. With an audience increasingly seeking authentic and memorable experiences, Santander's sponsorship comes at a fortuitous time. Strategies that integrate digital platforms and social media will be crucial for capturing the attention of this generational segment. Utilizing influencers and brand ambassadors connected to the world of Formula 1 could be an effective tactic to amplify Santander and Openbank's message.

The Power of Exclusive Content

Exclusive content is a powerful tool in any brand's marketing strategy. Through its sponsorship, Santander has the opportunity to offer fans behind-the-scenes access, exclusive interviews, and content not available to the general public. These types of activations not only reinforce customer loyalty but also cultivate a community around the brand—an essential aspect in today’s digital landscape.

Final Reflections: Accelerating in Cross Marketing or…

The partnership between Banco Santander and Formula 1® is more than just a sponsorship; it is a strategic move towards a future where the thrill of motorsport meets financial innovation. This alliance promises not only to elevate the visibility of Santander and Openbank but also to redefine how brands engage with their consumers in an increasingly digital and connected world. Formula 1 represents an exceptional platform for connecting with a diverse, global audience, and Santander's strategy reflects a deep understanding of neuromarketing principles that can foster lasting emotional connections. This approach will benefit not only Santander and Openbank but also enrich the experience of Formula 1 fans, creating a virtuous cycle of engagement and loyalty.

Summary Tips for Brands Looking to Emulate This Success

  • Build Emotional Connections: Partner with events that resonate emotionally with your audience.

  • Offer Unique, Tangible Experiences: Go beyond the logo; create memorable activations that engage consumers.

  • Leverage Cross-Channel Marketing: Utilize digital platforms to reach a younger, more connected audience.

With this alliance, Santander is not just accelerating its presence in the financial world but is also positioning itself as a benchmark in sports marketing. In an increasingly competitive landscape, a brand's ability to tell its story effectively and emotionally will undoubtedly be a key determinant of its future success.

IG: @infonegociosmiami

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