15 Insights explaining why both children and adults should read more in this new era: A perspective by expert Rita Carter

(By Maria José Alcázar, M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, with the collaboration of Marcelo Maurizio) In today's ever-evolving world marked by technological advancements and a digital information deluge, Rita Carter, a renowned British author and scientific communicator specializing in neuroscience and psychology, emerges as a fervent advocate for reading and its powerful benefits.

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Tip of Significance:

In a world where attention is constantly divided between digital notifications and everyday stress, reading emerges as a refuge. Carter argues that when we immerse ourselves in reading, key areas of our brain associated with empathy, understanding, and problem-solving are activated. Reading not only strengthens our ability to connect with others but also enhances our emotional intelligence and mental resilience.

Carter has explored this theme in several of her works, such as "Mapping the Mind" and "The Human Brain Book," delving into the interaction between the brain and reading. According to her research, reading goes beyond being a mere intellectual activity; it actually shapes the structure of our brain and triggers a wide range of cognitive benefits.

You can watch the complete video here.

Additionally, Carter emphasizes that reading is a vehicle for learning and expanding knowledge. Through reading, we have access to an endless source of information and perspectives that enrich our lives, allowing us to explore the world from the comfort of a sofa or chair. By devouring books, we open doors to new horizons and discoveries.

A Reality to reverse: Excess of videos and images, scarcity of words and readings:

In a world where written words compete with flashy images and viral videos, Rita Carter reminds us that reading is an essential tool for education, understanding, and mental well-being. Her research and works underscore that reading is an act of resistance against contemporary superficiality and distraction.

In summary, Rita Carter challenges us to embrace the power of reading in the 21st century, not only as a source of entertainment but as a way to enrich our minds, strengthen our relationships, and explore the depths of human knowledge.

In a world driven by technological innovation, her words serve as a reminder that the simple act of opening a book can be a gateway to a transformative journey.

In the constant flow of digital information, let us remember the immortality of printed words and the magic of immersing ourselves in a good book. Rita Carter invites us to do so and to enjoy all the treasures that reading has to offer in this modern world.

If you want to know more about Rita Carter and her work, we invite you to explore her books and discover the impact of reading on your own life.

In a world full of distractions, reading remains a powerful tool for the mind and spirit. So, the next time you seek a path to self-improvement, consider reading as a gateway to a world of discovery and reflection.

You can see here an updated report on: The excessive use of apps and lack of reading even in digital media: What society is still working to correct



15 Insights explaining why both children and adults should read more in this new era, from the perspective of Neuroscience, Neurolinguistics, and Neurolearning:


  1. Cognitive Stimulation: Reading activates diverse areas of the brain, enhancing cognition and mental function. It's like an exercise for the mind.

  2. Vocabulary Expansion: Regular reading introduces readers to new words and expressions, enriching their vocabulary and communication skills.

  3. Comprehension Skills: Reading improves the ability to understand texts, vital in the era of information.

  4. Empathy and Social Connection: Literary fiction, in particular, can increase empathy by allowing us to see the world from diverse perspectives.

  5. Memory Development: Active reading engages memory, helping to retain and recall information more effectively.

  6. Stress Reduction: Reading can decrease stress levels and anxiety, contributing to overall well-being.

  7. Fosters Creativity: Imagination is nurtured through reading, inviting readers to create worlds and characters in their minds.

  8. Critical Thinking: Exposure to a variety of ideas and arguments in reading promotes critical thinking and analysis.

  9. Stimulates Learning: Reading can inspire a desire to learn more about specific topics and motivate the pursuit of knowledge.

  10. Empowerment: Reading empowers individuals by providing information and perspectives that can help them make informed decisions.

  11. Mental Resilience: Reading stories of overcoming challenges and resilience can inspire individuals to face challenges and difficulties in their own lives.

  12. Improves Concentration: Reading fosters concentration and sustained attention, increasingly valuable skills in a world full of distractions.

  13. Development of Analytical Thinking: Analyzing and discussing topics after reading refines analytical and discursive thinking skills.

  14. Strengthens Imagination: Creative reading allows readers to visualize landscapes, characters, and scenarios, fostering imagination.

  15. Self-Discipline: Regular reading requires self-discipline, a valuable skill in time management and self-directed learning.


InfoNegocios Summary:

  • Reading is a multifaceted tool that brings countless benefits from the perspectives of neuroscience and neurolearning.

  • It is not only a source of knowledge and entertainment but also strengthens our minds, fosters empathy, and promotes critical skills in this new era of information and digitalization.

  • Therefore, for both children and adults, reading remains a vital component for personal development and improving the quality of life.

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