From Miami to Buenos Aires, LatamOne expands and renews itself, now it is ONE Full Agency

(Por Dino Dal Molin) A new breed of "comprehensive Anglo-Latin agencies" is born. One is a comprehensive agency, based in Miami and Buenos Aires, whose philosophy is based on cross marketing and co-creation in all aspects of a brand's life. Their imprint is to provide creative and strategic consulting services, where the design and execution of brand experiences are characterized by out-of-the-box thinking in a comprehensive approach.

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The great difference of One is that from its structure, through its width of skills, its own talents, to its specific services, it really is comprehensive.

"We believe that today, due to the importance of intercommunication, dynamics, amplification, and optimization of times and costs, an agency must be competent in the vast majority of marketing and communication services.

Being able to put together an ideal agency in size and structure, with a mix of talents that work with many conversational and project leadership skills, allows us to have differential benefits.

Today clients need an agency (One) to be able to centralize the organization, planning, creation, implementation and control of all their activity”, Pepi Maqueda, General Account Director of ONE Argentina tells us.

“Our goal of being present in Europe, the USA, and all of Latin America allows us to have a training, vision and projection that combines the best of large multinational agencies with the best of boutique agencies too. This unique recipe is ONE”, shared with us Juan Maqueda, CEO & Founder ONE Miami.


During its 16 years in the market, the company has managed to perform successfully in other countries of South America, making its way to an unparalleled regionalization. With presence in Asunción, Santo Domingo, San José, Miami and of course, Buenos Aires, One continues to broaden its horizons, this time with a rebranding that includes the pillars on which the agency's mission is based.

Like any brand that evolves and transforms, the LatamOne agency today is One, to mark a unique and comprehensive service concept, where traditional and digital advertising are merged. This change shows the expansion in its territorial business, because its market is global.

One is already working, in addition to all of America, for accounts in Europe and Africa.

“It is a great challenge to be global & local, to be comprehensive, to be very efficient in costs and to be present in many markets and also to be really deep in our width of services.

We know that almost no one in the industry has been able to accomplish this challenge. But we are convinced that we can, because we hear every day from our clients that brands and their teams need this today. In order to carry this out, we know that we must incorporate every day more learning from other industries such as finance, software manufacturing, coaching, applied logistics and technology in general, into our culture.” adds Javier Maqueda, CFO of One.

Absolute ONE

This is how each proposal is a mix that, in its right proportions of creativity, originality, experience, technology and communication & marketing tools, manages to integrate all aspects of cross communication, to provide its clients with the greatest impact and result.

From its creative essence; the agency deploys in each of its proposals a balanced mix of comprehensive strategies and actions to achieve a real 360 impact; the success of an action and its amplification lies in this Cross Marketing strategy.

This change reflects the evolution of the agency and its commitment to provide personalized and effective marketing solutions to its clients.

As the beginning of its rebranding, which also responds to a change in strategy, ONE created the Absolut One campaign, which plays with the analogy of a cocktail shaker and its talent to mix all the marketing and communication tools, to achieve the best cocktail of solutions for each client.

This campaign begins with B2B actions with an Absolute One press kit, as well as network design, press actions, and will continue with draws for social media followers, a campaign video and micro-events, both virtual and physical.

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