Today begins the CONMEBOL Copa América United States 2024 at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium: We show you the latest tech details about this amazing stadium in Atlanta

(By Ortega and Maqueda) Attention football fans and fun lovers! The Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia, is the place where excitement and action come together to create unforgettable moments. This state-of-the-art stadium is not only home to the Atlanta United and Atlanta Falcons teams, but will also be the epicenter of two top-level sporting events! The Copa América starts today with Argentina versus Canada and we show you what the stadium where this eagerly anticipated match is played looks like.

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Which matches of the Copa América 2024 are played at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium

  • Argentina vs. Canada | June 20, at 9:00 PM | Matchday 1

  • Panama vs. United States | June 27, at 7:00 PM | Matchday 2

The change of turf at the request of the Argentine National Team

  • The Mercedes Benz Stadium did not have natural grass, but synthetic turf, and that is where Atlanta United usually plays their MLS matches.

  • However, Lionel Messi's team communicated their desire to play on natural surface and the authorities did not hesitate to make the change. 

  • Five days ago, the stadium made the complete switch and now has 100% authentic grass, thanks to the suggestion of the current America's champion.


The latest technological advancements at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium:

  1. The Mercedes-Benz Stadium, located in Atlanta, Georgia, stands out as one of the most advanced sports facilities worldwide, and will be the stage where the Argentine national team, led by Lionel Messi, will participate in the upcoming Copa América to be held in the United States. Since its opening in 2017, this stadium has hosted renowned teams such as the NFL's Atlanta Falcons and the MLS's Atlanta United FC.

  1. Among the technological innovations that stand out at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium is its retractable roof inspired by the art of origami. This roof, composed of eight triangular panels, can open and close in just ten minutes, allowing it to adapt to various weather conditions and offering a comfortable experience for both spectators and players.

  1. The material used in the construction of the roof, known as ETFE (Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene), is not only lightweight and durable, but also allows natural light to pass through, reducing the need for artificial lighting during daytime events. In addition, the stadium features a 360-degree screen called the Halo Board, which wraps around the top of the stadium in a giant ring, offering a stunning visual experience for all attendees.

  1. The sound technology of the Mercedes-Benz Stadium also deserves recognition, with hundreds of strategically placed speakers to ensure uniform coverage and clear, crisp sound. The stadium's architecture has been designed to minimize reverberation and improve acoustics, ensuring that music and announcements are powerful and immersive.

  2. Furthermore, the commitment to sustainability is evident throughout the stadium's design, having achieved LEED Platinum certification for its focus on energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. From the use of solar panels to a rainwater collection system, the Mercedes-Benz Stadium demonstrates its commitment to eco-friendly practices.

  1. In terms of connectivity, the stadium boasts over 2,000 WiFi access points, allowing attendees to share their experience in real time without interruptions. Specific mobile applications provide access to interactive maps, concession stand menus, and facilities for ticket and merchandise purchases, significantly enhancing the overall experience.

  2. With all these technological innovations, the Mercedes-Benz Stadium stands as a benchmark in the integration of cutting-edge technology to elevate the spectator experience and offer a futuristic and exciting environment to enjoy top-level sporting events.


What sets this stadium apart beyond its capacity for 71,000 spectators? Well, get ready for the CONMEBOL Copa América United States 2024™, where the Mercedes-Benz Stadium will host two exciting matches. From the opening match between Argentina, the defending champion, and the tournament debutant, to the showdown between the United States and Panama, excitement is guaranteed!

  • And let's not forget that in 2026, this stadium will witness the intensity of the FIFA World Cup, with matches that will test the best teams in the world!

  • Moreover, the Mercedes-Benz Stadium is not just a venue for sports and music, but also an example of sustainability with its LEED Platinum certification! With a retractable roof and solar panels, this stadium shows that it can be eco-friendly and spectacular at the same time.

  • And speaking of spectacular, did you know that this stadium has an exclusive space for showcasing cars? Yes, that's right, a unique combination of sports, music, and automotive style all in one place!

Uncover the secrets of the Mercedes-Benz Stadium

  1. In addition to being the stage for thrilling sporting events and legendary concerts, the Mercedes-Benz Stadium offers a unique experience to attendees. With its innovative design and state-of-the-art amenities, this stadium goes beyond just being a place to watch games and shows.

  2. For food lovers, the Mercedes-Benz Stadium is a culinary paradise. With a wide variety of dining options ranging from fast food classics to gourmet dishes, you're sure to find something delicious to satisfy your cravings during the event!

  3. Looking for an unforgettable VIP experience? The stadium features luxurious suites and premium seating that offer privileged views and first-class service. Enjoy the match in style and comfort, surrounded by luxury and exclusivity.

  4. And for those looking to take home a special memento from the event, don't forget to visit the souvenir shops! From jerseys and caps to exclusive items from the local team, you'll find a wide selection of products to commemorate your visit to the Mercedes-Benz Stadium.

  5. Furthermore, if you're passionate about architecture and technology, you'll love discovering the innovative details of the stadium! From its retractable roof that opens to let in sunlight to its advanced lighting and sound systems, every aspect of the Mercedes-Benz Stadium is designed to provide an unparalleled experience for spectators.

Don't miss the opportunity to discover everything that the Mercedes-Benz Stadium has to offer!

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