The number one key to enhancing your business, your brand, your company, as noted by top authors, is set to be a sensation in 2024 (series, books, and movies that prove this here)

(By Otero and Maurizio) The primary issue, which few are willing to acknowledge, is becoming more overt in today's business landscape. Experts like Goleman, Morin, and Renvoise are no longer tiptoeing around it. What if the problem isn't the cost, the business flow, the Excel sheets, or the returns? What if the real issue is you? Or the emotional intelligence of your CEO, your CFO? Within the intricate web of the business world, emotions play a pivotal role in decision-making, interpersonal interactions, and organizational climate. Often, issues such as ego, anger, and fear manifest as seemingly rational excuses, hindering the potential for coherent actions that drive change and improvement within organizations.

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What if the problem is you? Or the culture? Or the management?

The primary role of emotions in the business world:

Emotional intelligence, a concept popularized by Daniel Goleman, urges us to recognize, understand, and regulate our own emotions, as well as empathize with the emotions of others. In the business context, emotional intelligence becomes crucial for nurturing healthy relationships, managing conflicts constructively, and leading with empathy.

On the other hand, neuromarketing, a discipline that merges neuroscience and marketing, provides valuable tools for comprehending how the brain processes information and makes decisions. Experts like Patrick Renvoise and Christophe Morin have illustrated that emotions play a decisive role in consumers' purchasing decisions, directly impacting companies' marketing and sales strategies.

In the business sphere, denying or downplaying the influence of emotions can be detrimental to performance and organizational culture. Lack of emotional awareness, fear of change, leaders' inflated egos, and a culture of fear are some of the factors contributing to the persistence of negative dynamics in companies.

"Don't shoot the messenger":

Often, attempts to help and mirror that the problem within a company lies in the personalities, habits, and culture of the people forming the company are met with resistance when speaking the truth.

Thus, agencies, consultants, coaches, and talented individuals may bear the consequences of daring to show that the issue lies in the emotions, vision, and narrow-mindedness of those shaping the companies.

This is when a company distorts reality and initiates a culture of denial that is rewarded, establishing a system of distorting reality that becomes dogma and modus operandi. Anything that goes against this status quo will be destroyed. (Any resemblance to reality is not coincidental).

Perspectives from Emotional Intelligence and Neuromarketing:

Is it so challenging to accept that much of what we have learned is flawed? Is it very difficult to discern that much of what is claimed to be "trendy" is untrue?

To address these issues, fostering emotional intelligence at all levels of the organization is crucial. Leaders and employees must develop emotional skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills to promote a healthy and productive work environment.

In addition to Goleman, other experts like Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves, authors of "Emotional Intelligence 2.0," provide practical tools for enhancing emotional intelligence in the workplace. Likewise, researchers in neuromarketing such as Roger Dooley, author of "Brainfluence," offer insights into how emotions influence consumer behavior and marketing strategies.

Understanding and managing emotions in the business environment is essential for promoting effective leadership, healthy interpersonal relationships, and a positive organizational culture. Integrating the principles of emotional intelligence and neuromarketing into business management can open new opportunities for growth and innovation within organizations.

The key emotional obstacles that can impede changes within organizations, as well as some strategies to address them:

1. Fear of failure: The fear of failure is a common emotion that can paralyze individuals and organizations, preventing the adoption of necessary changes. To overcome this fear, it is crucial to foster a corporate culture that values learning and experimentation, where mistakes are seen as growth opportunities.

2. Anger and resistance to change: Anger can arise when employees feel that changes threaten their job security or stability. It is essential to communicate clearly and transparently the reasons behind the changes, involve employees in the decision-making process, and provide emotional support during the transition.

3. Ego and resistance to learning: Excessive ego can lead to resistance to learning and denial of new ideas or approaches. Fostering humility, openness to feedback, and teamwork can help overcome this emotional barrier and promote a collaborative and growth-oriented environment.

4. Insecurity and fear of the unknown: Personal insecurity or fear of the unknown can hinder the acceptance of changes within the organization. Providing emotional support, offering training and professional development, and effectively communicating the benefits and opportunities that change will bring can help mitigate these fears.

5. Internal Competition, Fear of Losing Control, and Selfishness: Excessive internal competition and selfishness can hinder collaboration and cohesion within the team, making the successful implementation of changes challenging. Promoting a culture of collaboration, acknowledging and celebrating collective achievements, and setting common goals can mitigate these behaviors.

To overcome the emotional barriers that impede organizational changes, it is essential to promote emotional intelligence, empathy, and effective communication. By fostering a healthy work environment where emotions are valued, resistance is acknowledged, and emotional support is provided, companies can facilitate the successful adoption of changes and promote an environment of sustainable growth and development.

  • 7 videos, 7 movies, and 7 books that address the importance of emotional intelligence and emotion management in the context of management, executives, or business owners:


1. **"The Power of Vulnerability" - Brene Brown:** In this TED talk, researcher Brene Brown explores the power of vulnerability in leadership and how emotional connection can transform organizations.

2. **"Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe" - Simon Sinek:** Simon Sinek discusses in this TEDx talk how leaders can create a safe and trust-based environment through emotional management.

3. **"Emotional Intelligence at Work" - Daniel Goleman:** In this video, Daniel Goleman delves into the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace and how it can impact performance and organizational culture.

4. **"The Mindful Leader" - William George:** William George shares in this talk the importance of mindfulness and emotional management in effective leadership.

5. **"The Importance of Empathy in Leadership" - Forbes:** This Forbes video addresses the relevance of empathy in leadership and how it can influence decision-making and work relationships.

6. **"Leading with Emotional Intelligence" - Harvard Business Review:** This HBR video offers practical advice on applying emotional intelligence in team management and business decision-making.

7. **"The Empathetic Leader" - Fast Company:** Fast Company presents the importance of empathy in leadership in this video and how it can drive innovation and employee engagement.


1. **"The Devil Wears Prada"** - This movie illustrates the importance of empathy and emotional intelligence in a demanding and competitive work environment.

2. **"The Pursuit of Happyness"** - This inspiring film highlights perseverance, resilience, and emotional management in the pursuit of professional and personal success.

3. **"The Intern"** - This comedy reflects on the importance of generational diversity in the workplace and how empathy can strengthen work relationships.

4. **"Moneyball"** - This movie emphasizes the importance of emotional management and data-driven decision-making in the world of sports and business.

5. **"The Social Network"** - This film tells the story behind the creation of Facebook and shows how interpersonal relationships and emotional intelligence can influence business success.

6. **"Joy"** - This biographical film portrays the story of a successful entrepreneur and underscores the importance of passion, perseverance, and emotional management in the business world.

7. **"The Founder"** - This movie explores the history of McDonald's and highlights how leadership, ambition, and emotional intelligence can impact a company's growth.

Plus: Don't miss Ford vs. Ferrari, here.


Duel of Brothers, the story of Adidas vs. Puma (Check out the lessons from this German movie here).


1. **"Emotional Intelligence 2.0" - Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves:** This book provides practical tools for developing emotional intelligence at work and improving interpersonal relationships.

2. **"Leadership and Self-Deception" - The Arbinger Institute:** This work reflects on authenticity, empathy, and conflict management in leadership.

3. **"Primal Leadership" - Daniel Goleman:** In this book, Goleman explores how emotions can influence leadership and organizational climate.

4. **"The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" - Patrick Lencioni:** This book addresses the emotional dynamics that can hinder teamwork and proposes solutions to overcome them.

5. **"Daring Greatly" - Brene Brown:** In this work, Brown explores the importance of vulnerability, authenticity, and empathy in leadership and work relationships.

6. **"Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" - Daniel H. Pink:** Pink analyzes how emotions influence motivation in this book.

7. **"Good to Great" - Jim Collins:** Collins provides accelerated MBA insights in a book that is the management bible.

Check out the amazing and practical leadership lessons here.

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