Gonzalo Rinaudo: A New Horizon for the Prestigious Quiroga Agency (Media) in the Northern Cone

(By Maurizio and Maqueda from Miami) The recent promotion of Gonzalo Rinaudo to Vice President of the Northern Cone at Quiroga Agency (https://agenciaquiroga.com), based in Mexico City, marks a significant milestone in the trajectory of this prominent AngloLatam media agency. With a solid foundation in marketing and an innovative, broad approach to media, Quiroga is redefining the advertising landscape in Latin America and seizing very strategic concepts in this new phydigital and crossing world. This note explores the impact of this promotion and the relevance of Quiroga Agency in the communication ecosystem.

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Summary of the Note:

Promotion of Gonzalo Rinaudo: Takes on a key role in the Northern Cone (Mexico Base), strengthening the agency's operations in the Northern Cone and enhancing penetration in the Anglo-Latin market (USA, Mexico, and its connection with all of Latin America).

Quiroga Agency: A benchmark in cross-media strategies, comprehensive on-off media strategy, native advertising, among many other brand expansion strategies.

Innovative Strategies: Use of mathematical models such as recency (relevance, empathy, experiential) instead of just the traditional frequency model for better advertising performance.

Global Vision: Expansion and consolidation in the international market under the leadership of Gustavo Quiroga.

Breadth and Differentiation: Knowledge of the "Anglo-Latin" audience, the 5th largest economy in the world (where the relationship between Miami, Mexico, and the rest of Latin America is fundamental).

Phidigitality and Crossing on-off: The challenging and distinctive strategy of creating value through a media dynamic that breaks out of the box and flows in real-life sports, cultural, artistic, recreational, and thematic events (such as brand museology), where the work is much more effective, broad, and of course, of much greater scope.

The Rise of Gonzalo Rinaudo:

Gonzalo Rinaudo is no newcomer to the advertising scene. Since joining Quiroga Agency in 2001, he has been a fundamental pillar in the construction and expansion of the agency. His journey began on the founding team, where he contributed to the development of the administration and negotiation areas, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the company's mission. 

Over the years, Rinaudo has accumulated invaluable experience, standing out as Country Manager in the United States and the Dominican Republic. His leadership has been crucial for the agency's growth in these markets.

 “I am excited to take on this new role and continue working with our talented team in the Northern Cone. I am committed to driving our growth and strengthening our presence in the region,” commented Rinaudo in his announcement.

Quiroga Agency: Innovation and Specialization (From Argentina to all Anglo-Latin America today with significant growth in Mexico).

Founded by Gustavo Quiroga, a passionate advertising professional and graduate of the University of Business and Social Sciences, the agency has significantly evolved since its inception in 2001. As a pioneer in providing media services nationally in Argentina, its focus has always been on innovation and excellence.

In 2010, the agency reconfigured itself as a global entity, expanding into key markets in Latin America, including Mexico, Colombia, and the United States. This expansion has not only allowed Quiroga to handle international accounts but has also consolidated its reputation as a leader in the sector.

A Focus on Native Advertising and Much More Current and Broader Media Planning Models

One of the standout aspects of Quiroga Agency is its specialization in a media ecosystem. Highly innovative techniques like native advertising and product placement—two strategies that require a deep understanding of consumer behavior—are addressed by this distinctive agency, as well as sports sponsorship. In an environment where advertising saturation is the norm, these techniques allow brands to integrate organically into the user experience.

Additionally, the agency has adopted advanced mathematical models for media planning, such as the recency approach, which prioritizes recent consumer exposure to ads. This contrasts with the traditional frequency model, which focuses on ad repetition, and has been shown to be more effective in conversion and return on investment (ROI).

QPerform: A Comprehensive Communication Ecosystem

Quiroga Agency has developed a thought system called QPerform, which integrates various tools and services to offer effective solutions and concrete results. This ecosystem allows the agency to manage the entire work cycle, from the initial diagnosis to measuring ROI.

QPerform Units

  • QUIROGA Medios: The unit that concentrates the agency's vast experience as the largest independent media agency in Latin America.

  • QARTIC Digital Hub: Focused on digital marketing, this unit utilizes the latest technology and innovative strategies to maximize campaign impact.

  • QUIROGA Press and Impact: Public relations services that consider both client needs and the social context.

  • QUIROGA Sports Marketing: Communication strategies that use sports as a powerful tool to connect with the audience.

In 5 pieces of content, we provide you with almost an accelerated "master's" to understand the new expansion and complexity of media and why agencies like Quiroga are so differential and add so much value.

  • Five agile, short, and strategic reports of great value that will make you understand everything that no one has told you about the complete change in media strategies today.


  1. What major mistake do 99% of brands make (part one)?



  1. What is the other major mistake that 99% of brands make (part two)?



  1. Almost everyone does almost everything wrong with influencers; find out here what and why…



  1. The obvious in media since time immemorial, increasingly relevant and increasingly poorly executed by most agencies, influencers, and brands. Everything they don’t teach you on the internet or in universities…



  1. The META reality today… an increasingly interrelated and expanded ecosystem is needed (and to manage it, only phydigital thinking and crossing will work).


Today, there is talk of a new way to approach strategic and media planning, where terms like phygital, brand expansion, product placement, partnership, collaboration, head of culture, and crossing are the key strategies for achieving real and sustainable success in brand management.

Conclusions and Perspectives: The Differential Value of Quiroga Agency from Mexico:

Gonzalo Rinaudo, upon assuming his new role at Quiroga Agency, represents not only continuity but an evolution in the way the agency approaches the Northern Cone market. His experience and leadership will be crucial in strengthening the agency's presence in the region at a time when innovation and collaboration are more necessary than ever.

The ability of Quiroga Agency to adapt to global and local trends, combined with its focus on innovative strategies, gives it a differential advantage and significant added value for its clients. Miami and Mexico are clearly two ends of a bridge that connects the entire growing anglo-Latin market.

IG: @infonegociosmiami

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