Why Does Agile Fail in Latin America? Insights for 2025 on the Culture of Short-Termism

(by Taylor, Otero, and Maurizio)Towards the end of 2024, LinkedIn and various social media platforms were buzzing with articles from numerous experts discussing the failures of the Agile methodology in Latin America, particularly over the past year. In a landscape where agility has become a mantra for businesses, especially in marketing, a crucial question arises: Does Agile really work in specific cultural contexts, and if not, why is that the case in Latin America? Recently, a heated debate has emerged, fueled by experiences that expose the shortcomings of the Agile approach in our region. With publications garnering over 4 million views and thousands of reactions, it’s clear that many share the concern that this methodology, designed to revolutionize collaboration, has faltered in its local applications. This article delves into the reasons behind this phenomenon, offering a critical and profound analysis that invites reflection.

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Summary and Tips


  1. Agile hasn’t failed due to a lack of merit in its conception, but rather because of its inability to adapt to specific cultural realities. Perhaps Latin America needs to learn to work daily with much more experience and investment.

  2. “Agile doesn’t die alone; it’s killed by a lack of adaptation and leadership that clashes with our reality.” This call to action invites us to rethink how we approach marketing, processes, development, and team management in Latin America.

  3. It’s essential to move away from imported frameworks that neglect the pace, people, and culture of our region. The true key to success in marketing, processes, and development lies not in moving faster, but in connecting more effectively.

  4. Initially designed to foster collaboration and creativity, Agile has proven incompatible with the work culture in Latin America and parts of the Anglo-Latin world.

  5. The reasons for its failure include an obsession with speed, rigid leadership, the undervaluation of personal relationships, high human costs, and a short-term mindset. Large companies globally tackle processes with daily agendas and weekly, monthly goals, but with a long-term vision. In Latin America, a long-term project is considered three years, whereas in other cultures, it spans 15 to 20 years.

  • Adapting strategies to cultural realities is imperative; we cannot impose imported frameworks without considering the context.


Key Tips:


  • Evaluate Your Culture: Before implementing Agile, analyze the cultural structure of your team. Is it hierarchical or collaborative?

  • Prioritize Emotional Connection: Foster personal relationships within the team and with clients to enhance campaign impact.

  • Adapt the Pace: Instead of rushing, set a tempo that allows for creativity and reflection.



Why Doesn’t Agile Work in Latin America?


“It’s not me (Agile), it’s you (the emotionality or a marked trait of Latin perspectives).”
Agile struggles to fit within the region’s hierarchical work culture, where the obsession with speed and the lack of emphasis on personal relationships prevail. Additionally, emotional biases and constant pressure for miraculous results overshadow the need for continuous improvement. The emotionality of leaders, clients, and society often demands significant leaps forward, which is the antithesis of Agile.

In Latin culture, mistakes are rarely seen as advances; they are often either denied or rejected. This goes against Agile principles. Perhaps Agile methodologies in Latin America need to be paired with a significant cultural overhaul, which is why it's paradoxical that the Head of Culture role isn’t the most sought-after or highest-paid position in the region.


What is a Head of Culture? For a complete explanation, check out these two articles:





Why Isn’t the Chief Culture Officer a Principal Role in Latin America? Part I


Why is the Head of Culture Role Still Not Prevalent in Latin America? Part II


The Obsession with Speed

"In Latin America, 'for yesterday' is law." This saying captures a palpable reality: the rush for immediate results has distorted the essence of Agile. What was once a promise of a fast and efficient work approach has devolved into hasty and poorly strategized marketing campaigns. "A lot of noise, little impact" echoes through the hallways of many agencies that, in their eagerness to meet deadlines, have sacrificed the quality and depth of their proposals.

Rigid Leadership

The workplace culture in Latin America, often characterized by strict hierarchies, stands in stark contrast to Agile principles that require leaders to trust and delegate. "Without autonomy, Agile dies." In an environment where control is the norm, teams feel trapped, stifling their creativity and commitment. This phenomenon has been documented in numerous studies, which reveal that authoritarian leadership breeds demotivation and ultimately leads to the failure of Agile initiatives.

Underestimated Personal Connections

"In Latin American marketing, the emotional connection with teams and clients is everything." Empathy and personal relationships are at the core of any successful strategy in this region. However, Agile, in its pursuit of standardization and metrics, often overlooks this fundamental aspect. The lack of genuine connection among team members and with clients results in campaigns that fail to resonate, missing the essence of what truly matters.

The Human Cost

"In a region already grappling with economic and job uncertainty, Agile has added more stress and less creativity." The pressure to be "agile" has left many teams feeling burned out. This emotional and mental burden not only affects morale and motivation but also impacts the quality of work. The need to adapt to methods that don't align with local culture has led to significant wear and tear, creating a vicious cycle of stress and disillusionment.

Popular Agile Methodologies

Since the publication of the Agile Manifesto, various methodologies have emerged that, while similar, share a common goal: to enhance productivity and effectiveness in software project management. Here are some of the most prominent methodologies today:

  • Kanban

Kanban is one of the most widely used methodologies, known for its visual organizational framework based on boards. Tasks are represented by cards grouped in columns indicating their status. In each cycle, the team selects tasks to develop, distributes them among members, and moves the cards to the "done" column as they are completed. This visual approach makes tracking project progress a breeze.

  • Scrum

Scrum is an agile methodology that works wonders for small teams. The team is guided by a Scrum Master, who is responsible for client communication, task management, and removing obstacles that could hinder developers' work. The project is divided into sprints, typically lasting between one and four weeks. Team members gather daily for the "Scrum Daily Meeting," where they share updates and assign tasks. At the end of each sprint, a "Sprint Review" is held to evaluate results and identify improvement opportunities.

  • Design Sprint

Developed by Google, the Design Sprint methodology resembles Scrum but focuses on a well-defined five-day process. On Monday, the project or task is analyzed; Tuesday is for generating multiple sketches; Wednesday is about selecting the most suitable design; Thursday is for creating a prototype; and Friday is all about testing. This approach is perfect for quickly validating new ideas and solving specific problems.

  • Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming is a variant of Scrum that emphasizes continuous planning, frequent delivery of small releases, and test-driven development. In this methodology, programmers work in pairs, although any team member can review and enhance the code. A simple design, constant communication with the client, and a sustainable work pace are prioritized.


Suggested Books on Agile Methodologies


  • "Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time" - Jeff Sutherland


  • "Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business" - David J. Anderson


  • "Agile Estimating and Planning" - Mike Cohn


  • "The Lean Startup" - Eric Ries


  • "Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change" - Kent Beck


  • "Design Sprint: A Practical Guidebook for Building Great Digital Products" - Richard Banfield, C. Todd Lombardo, and Tracey G. G. W.

Infonegocios NETWORK: 4.5 million Anglo-Latinos united by a passion for business.


Contact Infonegocios MIAMI:juan.maqueda@onefullagency.com

 or marcelo.maurizio@onefullagency.com


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