50 years since the first mobile phone call, who is the market leader today?
(By Dino Dal Molin, Bizit Global, in co-creation with Marcelo Maurizio) For several years now, Apple and Samsung have led the mobile phone market. As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first mobile phone call made by Martin Cooper, it is worth recognizing the significant impact these two companies have had on the industry. From innovative designs to cutting-edge technology, Apple and Samsung have consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible with mobile devices.
(By Dino Dal Molin, Bizit Global, in co-creation with Marcelo Maurizio) For several years now, Apple and Samsung have led the mobile phone market. As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first mobile phone call made by Martin Cooper, it is worth recognizing the significant impact these two companies have had on the industry. From innovative designs to cutting-edge technology, Apple and Samsung have consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible with mobile devices.